That really got me as well.
Me too.......and the fact that we all cared so much about these characters really is a testament to Kirkman's writing!
During this particular moment my mouth literally dropped open and I just stared at the page for several minutes. If that's not a OMFGBBQ!!! moment then I don't know what is!
I seriously considered not reading anymore WD when I read that issue. Steve talked me out of it (thumbs u
I actually used to own the original art to the page where that happens. At first it seemed like a pivotal moment in the characters lives, but the longer I owned it, it just made me feel sad inside. So I let it go.
I literally dropped the trade down, put my hands over my face and said WHY KIRKMAN WHY?? and i sat there for about 2 minutes before finishing the story...
Wow thats most likely the most important page to own in WD besides the tony moore covers.