Sorry guy, not looking for a customer to answer any of this or for a response like this. They are new to sports cards. I was not seeking advice from you or anyone about what you would do in my shoes. I'm an adult, I handle things the way I want to handle them, and you handle things the way you want to handle. This entire response is patronizing and condescending, and not the least bit helpful, either. Their reputation with SPORTS cards is TBD and so far, it's not stellar based on the reviews I have read at various websites. They are literally the last spot people are picking, beneath GMA. I came to give the a shot over GMA because the price point was more economical and I wanted to test the risk v reward.
And, some of what you say is incorrect. No, SGC never had 4-5 month wait times. I subbed with them for all of 2020 and 2021 up until this month. The longest I ever had to wait was 3.5 months, and I had no problem with that when PSA was a year, BVG was 9 months to a year and appears CSG is actually 4 months or more (80 days) and there is no guarantee.
People pay before the cards are graded and most are in a membership- so yes, getting flooded with cards means they did have more money.
Finally, who the heck are you to be the arbitrator for the reason to get cards graded? The real reason to get a card graded was and still is to many people to PROTECT THE CARD, not to increase its value. Using your logic, I'm the problem because I am grading my complete 1973 Topps set. Yeah, noway, guy
Ultimately, it is people like you who are part of the problem: you don't do your research, you comment first before thinking and you come off sounding like a homer, not a deep thinker.
I did not think my comment was going to be wildly popular among people who are here because they like CSG, but then again I did not really care. I figured 75% of the responses might be from people sounding like you.