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Everything posted by tortoise

  1. not a DC fan but plenty of for pre-robin tecage
  2. maybe anyone who makes a 2nd app on the probie list should automatically go on the HOS? given theyre given the chance to explain themselves(in the case of a misunderstanding).
  3. Very nice! Well done! Great snag
  4. more big fat sloppy KUDOS to MLmeade for his end of a trade thanks yet again (thumbs u Kudos to SPDREYCER for a IM/SM 1 thanks
  5. You have 3 copies of Hulk #1 now? You selling any...hoarder! nope just the one sold the rough one a while back, and another member had 1st dibs on my 1.0( u woulda had 2nd) and took it when I eventually upgrade this one , you can have 1st dibs (thumbs u
  6. That is a beauty Mark! Thanks John (thumbs u
  7. georgeous books guys. heres my new Hulk 1 low grade but very presentable, I love it
  8. This is what bothers me...you wouldn't sell or purchase anything from me because of who my Boyfriend is?...isn't that almost holding me responsible for his actions? His actions should have no effect on my status as a board member....I've never personally screwed anyone over for anything has nothing to do with you. has to do with your address. I very well may be dead wrong, but I would have serious trouble shipping to you or sending $ to you. I dont doubt that you would have no ill intentions, but your boyfriend, and roommate is in fact a theif. again I have no ill will towards you, but I don't trust your boyfriends character being he won't even show his face knowing full well u enjoy this place and are getting for his actions. again I may be dead wrong, but doesnt change my level of comfort. I'm sorry that I've offended you, but all I can say is that its nothing personal. Dude! She's innocent until proven guilty. Knock it off. She's done nothing to deserve any of this from you or anyone else. Danimal has his problems, and they aren't hers, so knock it off. Just stop. Knock what off? I'm NOT blaming her for anything. I'm not attacking her, I'm not trying to incriminate her. I made a statement, and I stand by that statement.I am not being agressive towards her, I'm not questioning her, I'm not harassing her, I'm not e-mailing/pming her, I'm simply explaining my statement. I even said that I may be dead wrong! the only thing I'm guilty of is voicing my opinion. so please tell me what I've done other then mention her name?
  9. This is what bothers me...you wouldn't sell or purchase anything from me because of who my Boyfriend is?...isn't that almost holding me responsible for his actions? His actions should have no effect on my status as a board member....I've never personally screwed anyone over for anything has nothing to do with you. has to do with your address. I very well may be dead wrong, but I would have serious trouble shipping to you or sending $ to you. I dont doubt that you would have no ill intentions, but your boyfriend, and roommate is in fact a theif. again I have no ill will towards you, but I don't trust your boyfriends character being he won't even show his face knowing full well u enjoy this place and are getting for his actions. again I may be dead wrong, but doesnt change my level of comfort. I'm sorry that I've offended you, but all I can say is that its nothing personal.
  10. My suggestion would be to let this entire situation flush like it should, and let it end up on the heap of historic activities we all wish never happened. This totally blew up, and distracted many from the real root problem. Live and learn. Hear hear! (or is it here here)? No, I think it is hear hear! So hear hear! (And don't blame me. It was Bosco made me do it.) yep...pretty sure its "hear, hear"
  11. for the record, I never said I blamed LTS for anything that Danimal has done. I don't think she should be held responsible for her boyfriends actions. I just stated I simply would not be comfortable selling to her, or buying from her because of whom she lives with. does that make me right?..no, but it doesnt make me wrong either. and I'm sure that there are more then a few members here that would agree. The Danimal needs to grow a pair, and at the very least just to ease the stress on his girlfriend, answer for his actions.
  12. That's a bit of an understatement. I don't think it is. sure it was an expenssive book, and apparantly put the seller in a bad situation, but that shouldnt make him any more eligable for the HOS then if it were a $1.00 book that he didnt pay for . in the end its the act not the value . and considering (to my knowledge) TFL had a bad (very bad) dealing with a single member vs the 4 or 5 that Danimal is involved with, makes Danimal(IMO) much more worthy of a HOS spot then TFL is. again, just my . I don't think it was just the five-figure dollar value that resulted in the HOS bump. Stringing the seller along for months and months with promises of payment contributed. As did the utter lack of remorse after backing out of the deal. But I think the biggest factor was the hypocrisy regarding restitution for expenses. If I recall correctly, TFL had someone back out of a deal for a ~$100 book which he subsequently sold for less than the original deal. TFL wanted the original buyer to make up his "loss" on the book. This occurred shortly after TFL had refused responsibility for the seller's losses (interest charges, declining a higher offer, etc) on the book that he had backed out on. I believe it was at THIS point that TFL got nominated for the Probation List. The seller had otherwise been willing to let it go, but got pissed about the double standard. Of course I may have misremembered some of the details... yeah, TFL definitly screwed up, but I still think what Danimal has done is worse. The guy is essentially looking like a theif at this point, and he is dragging other innocent members into this as well. Say what u will about LTS not being involved, she WILL be judged,and scrutinized for this by many members here. Although I do beleive that LTS is innocent, and should not be held responsible for Danimals action.. I wouldnt buy from, or sell to her b/c of Danimal... and whether they admit it or not I'm sure many members would agree with me. the poll pretty much says it all.. just a matter of time. I'm not sure what you would like me to do about this situation....Would you like me to hold his head under water or maybe chinese water torture to make him do the things he says he is going to do? This is his problem, again and again I have said to leave me out of this. Yes, I ship things like I say I'm going to and I'm sick reading the same mess over and over again. Yes, I messed up he realizes that but there is really nothing more that I can do about it. Now about selling or buying from/to me...thats just ridiculous. 1). I don't have anything left that I wish to sell. 2). I really don't have the $$ or the time to be collecting comics. So no worries there. But you can ask anyone that I have bought from that I'm never late on a payment nor did I ever wait over 5 days to ship something. I am not Dan...I am my own person with my own responsibilities..just like dan but I can make him do things..I am not his mommy. So please...leave me out of this. Put him in the HOS for all I care, it is his problem..not mine. I tried to tell him and I am sick of screaming at him about all the damn PMs and Emails I get. I can't handle this kind of stress right now, so as I have said probably a million times by now...leave me out of it. Thanks! Like i said, I think your innocent and its not so much that I was saying that I wouldnt sell to/buy from you, as I was saying I wouldnt sell to/buy from Danimals residence. I'm not bringing u into this, or putting any blame on your shoulders. I'm simply pointing out that he is hurting other people with these actions, innocent people. As has been said numerous times, you are not responsible for Danimals actions, but as a frequent seller/buyer I'd be reluctant of dealing with you.. not saying its right..but its the truth In effect Danimal belongs on the HOS.
  13. That's a bit of an understatement. I don't think it is. sure it was an expenssive book, and apparantly put the seller in a bad situation, but that shouldnt make him any more eligable for the HOS then if it were a $1.00 book that he didnt pay for . in the end its the act not the value . and considering (to my knowledge) TFL had a bad (very bad) dealing with a single member vs the 4 or 5 that Danimal is involved with, makes Danimal(IMO) much more worthy of a HOS spot then TFL is. again, just my . Put the seller in a bad situation? It cost him over $1,000 out of his own pocket to not sell the book TFL said he'd take. You don't think that's as bad as Danimal? from a monetary value yes. but doesnt the seller have to take some responsibilty? when 20k is involved I think benefit of the doubt has to be thrown out the window, and a deposit has to be made befor the book is taken off the market at all. Not defending TFL here, he belongs on the HOS, but I just cant see why theres a question in regards to Danimal When did I question Danimal's nomination? I'm questioning how you equate somebody costing someone $1,000 and showing no remorse less than someone taking other people's money? I'm sorry, that statement was not directed at you, more directed at the forum in general, namely the 7 or 8 no votes on the poll. and I'm not nessasarily saying it worse, but definitly as bad. if the monetary values were similar there would be no question. but as bosco said TFL is blacklisted already.. I appologize for reviving a dead issue
  14. That's a bit of an understatement. I don't think it is. sure it was an expenssive book, and apparantly put the seller in a bad situation, but that shouldnt make him any more eligable for the HOS then if it were a $1.00 book that he didnt pay for . in the end its the act not the value . and considering (to my knowledge) TFL had a bad (very bad) dealing with a single member vs the 4 or 5 that Danimal is involved with, makes Danimal(IMO) much more worthy of a HOS spot then TFL is. again, just my . Put the seller in a bad situation? It cost him over $1,000 out of his own pocket to not sell the book TFL said he'd take. You don't think that's as bad as Danimal? from a monetary value yes. but doesnt the seller have to take some responsibilty? when 20k is involved I think benefit of the doubt has to be thrown out the window, and a deposit has to be made befor the book is taken off the market at all. Not defending TFL here, he belongs on the HOS, but I just cant see why theres a question in regards to Danimal
  15. That's a bit of an understatement. I don't think it is. sure it was an expenssive book, and apparantly put the seller in a bad situation, but that shouldnt make him any more eligable for the HOS then if it were a $1.00 book that he didnt pay for . in the end its the act not the value . and considering (to my knowledge) TFL had a bad (very bad) dealing with a single member vs the 4 or 5 that Danimal is involved with, makes Danimal(IMO) much more worthy of a HOS spot then TFL is. again, just my . I don't think it was just the five-figure dollar value that resulted in the HOS bump. Stringing the seller along for months and months with promises of payment contributed. As did the utter lack of remorse after backing out of the deal. But I think the biggest factor was the hypocrisy regarding restitution for expenses. If I recall correctly, TFL had someone back out of a deal for a ~$100 book which he subsequently sold for less than the original deal. TFL wanted the original buyer to make up his "loss" on the book. This occurred shortly after TFL had refused responsibility for the seller's losses (interest charges, declining a higher offer, etc) on the book that he had backed out on. I believe it was at THIS point that TFL got nominated for the Probation List. The seller had otherwise been willing to let it go, but got pissed about the double standard. Of course I may have misremembered some of the details... yeah, TFL definitly screwed up, but I still think what Danimal has done is worse. The guy is essentially looking like a theif at this point, and he is dragging other innocent members into this as well. Say what u will about LTS not being involved, she WILL be judged,and scrutinized for this by many members here. Although I do beleive that LTS is innocent, and should not be held responsible for Danimals action.. I wouldnt buy from, or sell to her b/c of Danimal... and whether they admit it or not I'm sure many members would agree with me. the poll pretty much says it all.. just a matter of time.
  16. That's a bit of an understatement. I don't think it is. sure it was an expenssive book, and apparantly put the seller in a bad situation, but that shouldnt make him any more eligable for the HOS then if it were a $1.00 book that he didnt pay for . in the end its the act not the value . and considering (to my knowledge) TFL had a bad (very bad) dealing with a single member vs the 4 or 5 that Danimal is involved with, makes Danimal(IMO) much more worthy of a HOS spot then TFL is. again, just my .
  17. well I wasn't here for most of the HOS inductees. but if TFL can get added for not paying for a book, and dr frank can get added for not disclosing info, the Danimal should definitly be added for essentially stealing money. just my should prob wait for members that have been burned in this deal to chime in.
  18. His girlfriend's been around so I'm sure he's aware of this thread. just read through all this danimal nonsense. sounds like HOS time....?
  19. TTA27 is way tto cool a book to fall to the 4th page c'mon people lets see 'em