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Everything posted by Bio-Rupp

  1. I invite you to engage in similar self reflection. It's good for the soul and you can use it. You really need to examine behavior like calling Ogami, Ogaymi. Classy, real classy. But that's what we've come to expect from you. I'd like to say that I can say the same. I can't but I'm willing to admit it's another personal flaw. Again, self reflection. Take a look in that mirror sometime and if you're honest with yourself, you will see stuff. Stuff you should want and need to change. Let me make this perfectly clear. I am not your friend, nor your potential friend. There is no open door. And now, I'm going to do my very best to forget that you exist. One less Christmas card to send out I guess
  2. Mike, I am guessing you didn't see the deleted post with the slur directed at Ogami. It was there, and it did happen. It got deleted by the mods so I don't blame you for not knowing about it, but it's not a spurious claim. To those in doubt, yes I changed Ogami's board name for humorous effect in response to his slam above. Really Chris... what I said to him was no more homophobic than what he said to me above... except I suppose I screw buttons. I must say, trying to make me out to be homophobic is quite the stretch fellas.
  3. I appreciate you associating my name with humping up there. Brilliant use of wordplay. Nice to know that instigation is still alive and well around here. For your information, I didn't hump DR's button if that's what you are implying. That said... I'm glad someone did... and I'm also glad that someone humped yours. Enjoy the rest of your day and have the most pleasant of Christmases (thumbs u x2 ... and that's both hands This is my post replying to your post. This is me acknowledging that my post is bigger
  4. I appreciate you associating my name with humping up there. Brilliant use of wordplay. Nice to know that instigation is still alive and well around here. For your information, I didn't hump DR's button if that's what you are implying. That said... I'm glad someone did... and I'm also glad that someone humped yours. Enjoy the rest of your day and have the most pleasant of Christmases (thumbs u x2 ... and that's both hands
  5. I thought this was funny...Dale...you are not talking about the difference between Neiman Marcus and Target, ...you sell at conventions, they sell DVDs and T-shirts, swords, dolls and I'd bet I could find a shower curtain or two if I really tried;) I have no problem with people selling anything they like. However, the same people who are shopping for DVDs and curtains are not looking for $1000.00 golden age comics. If you notice, when I set up at conventions, I am not set up in the DVD, sword, new stuff section. I am set up with GA and SA dealers. And yes, at conventions I sell some modern stuff occasionally too. So that being said, in you Golden Age boxes that you bring to conventions that have $1000 books in them... or in the Silver and Bronze Age boxes you have pictured in your sig line, you also have current Walking Dead issues in those and maybe a New Mutants # 100 ? Again, not about how many moderns you have placed in G/S/B Only sales thread. miss the point much? And your point being... ? Was it in your pre-edited post?
  6. I thought this was funny...Dale...you are not talking about the difference between Neiman Marcus and Target, ...you sell at conventions, they sell DVDs and T-shirts, swords, dolls and I'd bet I could find a shower curtain or two if I really tried;) I have no problem with people selling anything they like. However, the same people who are shopping for DVDs and curtains are not looking for $1000.00 golden age comics. If you notice, when I set up at conventions, I am not set up in the DVD, sword, new stuff section. I am set up with GA and SA dealers. And yes, at conventions I sell some modern stuff occasionally too. So that being said, in you Golden Age boxes that you bring to conventions that have $1000 books in them... or in the Silver and Bronze Age boxes you have pictured in your sig line, you also have current Walking Dead issues in those and maybe a New Mutants # 100 ? Again, not about how many moderns you have placed in G/S/B Only sales thread.
  7. Mixed really isn't a low traffic area. I've done quite well there. On the plus side... when you are constantly posting merchandise for a large thread, the front page turnover rate is MUCH lower. That gives your thread almost constant front page exposure and doesn't push smaller threads quickly out of the limelight... that's two great things about posting in Mixed.
  8. Dale, Why worry about doing all that work? Why not just PM the mod that moved it and ask her to put the whole thing back in Mixed and continue your thread there. I can pretty much guarantee that you aren't going to lose any sales since you are selling quality merchandise at fair prices. AGAIN... this isn't about how many moderns you can push into a G/S/B Only thread... its this.... Fixed that. Didn't want things to be mischaracterized. Let's be fair to the moderators. The moderators never imposed any punishment (nor should they have). The (appropriate) moving of the thread to Mixed was not punishment, but was simply putting the thread where it "should have been" in the first place. Punishment would have been the imposition of some extra consequences on top of putting the thread where it belonged to begin with. The moderators did not impose any such extra consequences (correctly so).
  9. Your complaint was valid. The execution was suspect, as Chris pointed out so eloquently. Personally, I would have PMed Dale, not posted it in his sales thread. One time, during a VCC, I PMed a seller because of something I saw that seemed to break VCC rules. Do I believe that moderation is influenced by individual boardies? Yes, the notify button allows us a certain level of influence. However, It's still up to the mods to make the final call. Do I believe that one boardie is being allowed to dictate the rules based on one example, Dale's sales thread? Rubbish I've decided that I'm not going to engage you any longer because at this point, about the only thing I can do with regards to you is make personal comments. I've seen too much of your board personality to view you any other way. It's a flaw that I can freely admit to the boards. We all have flaws. However, not everyone on these boards is capable of seeing flaws in themselves. I do apologize for my sarcasm. You go your way and I'll go mine. I'm glad you can finally admit that our board relationship has affected you posts towards me on a personal level. Time heals all wounds and I hold no ill will towards you. You can go your way and I will go mine, but I will gladly leave the PM door open should you wish to try again. xxx ooo Rupp
  10. It isn't difficult to accomplish and it's the standard way someone sells books from 2 different eras at the same time. 'check out my other thread in bla bla bla'and combine shipping'. I would think the main advantages to combining the sales threads is a shock and awe effect - lots of cool books in the same thread with lots of eyeballs and chatter and of course the possibility of CA/MA catching the eye of a SA/GA collector or the other way around. While I think mods should treat us all the same I don't really care if a seller has a bunch of books in the wrong forum, it just doesn't hurt me. And again... the issue isn't about how many moderns one can push into the G/S/B Only thread. Its how that it's right for any boardie who has clearly violated a stated posting rule, be able to get a retraction of his punishment (the moving of the thread) by simply asking for it... and not be required to change the content of the thread that caused it to be moved in the first place? The moderns in the wrong thread is just a catalyst for the problem at hand.
  11. Pretty much this all that's pertinent to what I asked. That's what I get for being fair and even-handed. No don't get me wrong. I appreciate your insight. You and I both can get a little wordy.
  12. Chris outlined why you handled it the wrong way. That's what I was saying. We say it once, in the way Arch has approved or in another polite way, but just once. If the change isn't made then we notify and the mods do it. That's how we prevent threadcrapping. Snide comments regarding special treatment or to continue the complaint in the thread are pretty much textbook threadcrapping. Sorry Jeffro... you and I have a different view of what an actual threadcrapping is. You can put however much sarcasm into my comment as the written word will allow. It was one post (and a half) in his thread. I even brought Chris' quote here to be addressed. I have given that aspect of Dale's thread complete respect. Instead of worrying about "levels of sarcasm"... why don't you address the issue being discussed? How do you feel about moderation allowing a boardie to dictate the rules? Or you can sidestep it... and continue to make comments about me and how I feel this action by moderation is "only unfair to me and my sales threads".
  13. BLB banned http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=7249945#Post7249945
  14. Would you just stop? Politely worded threadcrap is still threadcrap, right? Chris...this isn't threadcrap since it's stated by Arch that other board members can remind another of the rules. Which Arch gave us specific ways to approach. One simple post, quoting the rules, and nothing more. I don't see anything about more than one post intimating that he's getting special treatment. How does a sarcastic "I am glad the mods made an exception for you Dale" equate to: ?? Ok Chris, let's try it this way. Put any amount of sarcasm you think my ONE (and a half) post in DR's thread had and just look past it for a minute please. Do you feel moderation made the right call in this situation? I'm not asking you if you feel "they can do whatever they want". I'm not asking you to say "regardless, ultimately it's the Mod's discretion and decision" either. I'm asking you if you FEEL that it's right for any boardie who has clearly violated a stated posting rule, be able to get a retraction of his punishment (the moving of the thread) by simply asking for it... and not be required to change the content of the thread that caused it to be moved in the first place? DR states his thread would have only 5% modern in a G/S/B ONLY thread. Hey that's not a big deal. 5% would be one copper/modern for every twenty G/S/B. His thread is already approximately 25% copper/modern (estimate). Given that's a little off from the proposed 5% asked for concerning his leniency request to leave the thread where it originally was posted. But I digress. I personally could care less about this number or percentage... but hey, it is what it is. When moderation shows BLATANT preferential treatment to one boardie, then all should see there is a problem. Jeffro actually said something that made sense. Yes Jeffro... you are correct in that I personally feel I am entitled the same, moderation rules as everyone else. No more and no less. Don't you? The only difference is when I send PMs to moderation they don't answer or do anything. Anyone else have success in doing this? Anyone? Still don't know the "right way or wrong way" to "handles" these things. I always thought that was why it was brought to discussion threads. You are correct Transplant. This has nothing to do with Dale's mixed books in the wrong thread. It has EVERYTHING to do with Moderation allowing a single boardie to dictate what rules apply to him and which ones don't. I am glad that you note you don't agree with their decision. It just shows that I'm not alone in feeling it was the wrong decision to do by Moderation. I pose the question to anyone... since the seller in question can dictate the rules concerning his thread... then shouldn't you be able to as well? Doesn't this mean that ANYONE who wants to post Modern and Copper in the G/S/B ONLY can also do this. If and when your thread gets moved by moderation, you should be able to PM Dena or any other mod and say "he did it... I'm not doing anything different" and your thread should be moved right back to the high traffic area where you first posted it. The majority of us have had moderation contact us on one issue or another. My first was a warning to not call my merchandise a certain humorous, masked word... even though it was ok for 2 years previously...it is now a violation of the rules. Could I ask for just being able to say it 5% of the time and it be ok now? You can include any scenario you want to the above. If you don't go over 5% of breaking the rule that applies to your scenario, then you haven't broken the rule? Really? Plus now you can just say that "he was doing it... so why isn't it ok for me" and everything will be fine. It just looks bad. It just looks really bad.
  15. Just had this pointed out to me and thought I would address is here rather than in Dale's thread. http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=7238462&fpart=48 Would you just stop? Politely worded threadcrap is still threadcrap, right? Chris...this isn't threadcrap since it's stated by Arch that other board members can remind another of the rules. The following guidelines are now in effect. Over some period of time these may be modified or expanded. As of now, dealers are allowed to post here as long as all guidelines are respected. Note that BUYERS AND SELLERS HAVE FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR TRANSACTIONS. We will not resolve disputes, and purchases and sales are done at your own risk. For Sale – Threads may be removed for failure to comply, and repeated issues could result in strikes. 1.Books must be CGC or raw only, or items directly related to comics. 2.No spamming. Group your for sale items into as few threads as is reasonable. Attempts to take up front page real estate by creating multiple threads for no reason are not allowed. 3.List your books only once, and in the appropriate sub-forum. Incorrectly placed threads or books posted in multiple places will be moved. Repeat offenders will have their threads pulled completely. 4.It must be an exclusive board-only offer. If the book is offered for sale through another venue (ebay, dealer site, personal web site, etc.) then it should NOT be offered here. It should be offered in the Sales Advertising board. 5.Links to outside sites for any purpose involving purchasing the offered books are not allowed. 6.It must list specific books with purchase prices. It is acceptable to bulk price, and/or to note that package discounts may be available, but you must list a starting price that you WILL sell for. 7.List scans or information about the grade of the offered books. 8.List estimated shipping costs, times, and methods. 9.List acceptable forms of payment (NOTE: Personal PayPal payment is NOT allowed as a listed option in your post as it is not appropriate for item purchases.) 10.If posting a trading thread you must list a dollar value price for the book that you WILL accept in TRADE VALUE, and you MUST put "TRADE ONLY" in the title of your thread if you will not accept money. 11.Prompt responses must be made to buy requests made through the boards (posts or PMs). 12.Threads may be bumped three times total AND only ONE FULL DAY AFTER falling off of the front page. This does not include "sold" notices, or truly useful informational updates. Note: we CAN tell the difference between a real update and a fake bump-update. Tread that line at your own risk. If you're spam bumping, "lawyering" the rules will not save you. 13. Threads selling digital codes or digital versions are not allowed. BUYERS When you reply to a sale thread indicating that you'll buy something you must indicate what book you're buying. Otherwise, if someone else is more specific than you are first, your offer won't be considered valid. Now I didn't quote the exact rule above (#3), but everyone knows which one it is. Had I wanted to post it, Arch states I could do so politely... This is a suggested "ok to post" rules reminder template so that everyone can feel comfortable helping to keep things in line with the guidelines instead of feeling like a self appointed forum cop. If someone is not complying with the rules, this should be considered an OK way for everyone around here to nudge people a bit. Once in a thread is plenty, guys. After that you can re-post it in new threads (once) but then just hit the notify moderator button if things don't get cleaned up. These rules have been pointed out to me by moderation before... and here is the link to them if you need to read them again. http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=1460472#Post1460472 I'm more surprised that as a lawyer, you don't see the bigger picture here. You have always been a proponent of what is right concerning these boards. Plus I find it hard to believe that a lawyer of your caliber would actually allow anyone to use the defense of "such and such did it... so it must be ok for me to do it". Moderation can do whatever they see fit... and if its showing preferential treatment to one board member over another, no one can stop them. But I ask you is it right? The lack of response to Ed's query is staggering really. Which makes me need to use a quote from another board member who I really don't get along with... but when an appropriate quote comes along, you use it and give credit where credit is due... "There are cool books to be had". One more time I will add this as well... it's not about Dale, its about unfair moderation, favoritism, and over-all perception brought about by something a normal boardie couldn't do.
  16. Fellas... mods usually frown on posting boardie contact address and phone numbers... but due to a recent turn of events I think you will be ok if you only list 5% of this guys personal information xxx ooo Rupp
  17. Dale, You are missing the point really. Its not that you had a mixed thread in the G/S/B area that is the issue. Yes everyone probably does it to one extent or the other. Its just that moderation... Dena in particular I suppose... has just made you an exception to a posted rule and retracted a mods decision for you. That is in no way fair to anyone who did the same thing you did and wasn't able to get Dena to respond to them. Honestly I don't think the majority of us give two cents weather u sell one modern in a Gold only thread or 20. The problem is why is when I have my thread moved , altered or chopped to bits by moderation...why can't I call or PM them and have it corrected the way I originally had it? That is out and out favoritism toward one individual and looks incredibly bad to the rest of us....especially those that have been threatened with wrist slaps and strikes by mods if we don't adhere to the stated rules. Again its not you Dale...its favoritism shown by Moderation.
  18. I agree totally. Another seller (who wishes to remain nameless) had a small sales thread a couple of months back that had about 20 silver age books and 1 modern in G/S/B and it was moved to mixed. Isn't that the same as the "only 5%" modern that is supposed to happen in this thread in question. Perhaps if that seller had known who to PM about the problem, then he could have had his thread placed back where he originally put it as well. Or maybe that seller isn't worthy since he doesn't know the right people Honestly, that's the message this situation is putting across. Again... the thread placement isn't the issue here.
  19. Thanks. I apologize...I should have been more explicit in my initial rant. I’m talking about Dale Roberts’ thread, RIGHT HERE. See the first few pages for the initial action. He started this blatantly mixed thread (and stated this intent in his initial post) in G/S/B that he intends to run for a couple months, and the moderators appropriately moved it to Mixed. Dale then started whining and alleging that he would get his thread moved back to G/S/B, and he was correct - the moderator(s) made an inexplicable exception and moved the thread back to G/S/B, clearly communicating that the “rules” do not apply equally to everyone. Besides…Dale’s thread was doing fine over in mixed, and one could make the argument that he will get more Copper/Modern viewers in Mixed than in G/S/B, but that calculus is apparently lost on him. That's it in a nutshell. It's about a thread placed in G/S/B ONLY that should have been in Mixed. Moderation moved it because someone complained... no big deal, that happens all the time. I honestly could care less what thread it was in. The bigger problem here is the fact that it got moved from MIXED back to G/S/B ONLY... at the seller's request. That to me is a TOTAL lack of respect to every other member out there who has been threatened with a "wrist slap" or a "strike" for not following the rules. Horrible use of authority all the way around... right here.
  20. For those who don't know a history on Robert Beerbohn... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Beerbohm The wiki piece doesn't showcase any of his ongoing questionable actions, but will let those who don't know who he is, have a little insight. Beerbohn acting in this manner is such a slap in the face of fandom that it truly sickens me.
  21. A little surprised by your answer. I thought we were discussing HOS and there needs to be more issues than what has been discussed so far. MightyJohnny kept referring to "the list" of issues. I agree on the PL and I do not see how I am diminishing anything. When someone says he's got issues with delivering items to several people, it doesn't help clarify the scope of people impacted by calling something like the Medina sketch opp a "single" instance. There's something like 10 sketches that have been done, completed, and waiting to be sent to CGC to make it back into the hands of the people who bought and paid for them long long ago. They are ALL impacted, they all have an issue, gripe, and are in need to Menace to get off the pot and do what was promised. Every single person has an individual agreement with Menace. Each one paid, individually, for the service that was promised. Each one of them is owed, individually, the full and complete service they bought and paid for without unreasonable delay. All I meant was, calling the sketch opp. with anywhere from 6-10 people waiting, unreasonably, for the books to get sent to CGC just "one" issue, gives the reader the impression that it's just one small problem. It's more effective, to determine the scope of what needs to be done to help these people to not lump things into a pile if the lumping leads to calling something like the Medina sketch opp. just one issue. It's not your intention to do so, but that's what's coming across by fighting the semantic definition of "issues". That's all I meant. Interesting. In the context of a HOS discussion I think it is very relevant to differentiate. 10 different transactions all with the same undesireable result could be worthy of HOS while this one issue affecting 10 is not. He should be on the PL until he makes it right. There is nothing I have seen posted here to suggest his intention is to rip people off. A little surprised by your answer. I thought we were discussing HOS and there needs to be more issues than what has been discussed so far. MightyJohnny kept referring to "the list" of issues. I agree on the PL and I do not see how I am diminishing anything. When someone says he's got issues with delivering items to several people, it doesn't help clarify the scope of people impacted by calling something like the Medina sketch opp a "single" instance. There's something like 10 sketches that have been done, completed, and waiting to be sent to CGC to make it back into the hands of the people who bought and paid for them long long ago. They are ALL impacted, they all have an issue, gripe, and are in need to Menace to get off the pot and do what was promised. Every single person has an individual agreement with Menace. Each one paid, individually, for the service that was promised. Each one of them is owed, individually, the full and complete service they bought and paid for without unreasonable delay. All I meant was, calling the sketch opp. with anywhere from 6-10 people waiting, unreasonably, for the books to get sent to CGC just "one" issue, gives the reader the impression that it's just one small problem. It's more effective, to determine the scope of what needs to be done to help these people to not lump things into a pile if the lumping leads to calling something like the Medina sketch opp. just one issue. It's not your intention to do so, but that's what's coming across by fighting the semantic definition of "issues". That's all I meant. It seems like that until any of those other 9 people complain about the sketch opp, its still only one instance of probation list worthy behavior. I do agree that if the opp is late in being processed by Menace that it will indeed affect ALL 10 people... its just that until let's say person #8 comes forward and states "yes I've been screwed", then he technically hasn't been. Perhaps the other nine are willing to be more patient... or maybe each one knows Menace personally and realizes he will come through. Possibly he contacted each one of them via email and forgot about JDUB... no one knows. Based on Menace's willingness to refund J DUB's money after it was brought here should at least let those other nine people know that the probability of getting their opp ...or at least their money back... is high. a few things. 1) If anyone were to check the Medina sketch opp thread they would see several different people asking, demanding, wanting their books back and wondering where they are, what the status is, asking why Medina posted scans of completed books months ago and they don't have anything to show for it. There are plenty of people concerned, worried, asking questions and (until the PL list was brought up ) not getting any answers. 2) I disagree, that when a facilitator accepts money for services and then fails to perform that service in a reasonable, professional and timely manner, that the customer has not been "screwed" until they complain about it. They are screwed from the moment their fully paid for service is not performed in the manner promised and in the manner expected. They don't have to be aware or vocal about being screwed to, in fact, be screwed. One would hope a facilitator willing to take on this responsibility would not let the issue go to this extent before having a refund dragged from them to avoid repercussions. One would hope that when there is still work to be done, work the facilitator took on willingly and intentionally that they would not "check out" from the boards and take a break when the paid for services have not been completed. I think the probability of the others getting their sketches, paid for services, or refunds is much much higher if the entire opportunity is put under the microscope and the ramifications of non-performance are held directly over that person's head. All valid and good discussion points. On a related note, I think we can agree that if all 10 get refunded any monies out of pocket that Menace isn't a "thief"... just an unorganized businessman who should take the time to re-evaluate his position as a facilitator of SS CGC books. ... at least until he actually becomes a thief.