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Everything posted by bobpfef

  1. Oh man...that is tough. Row three I guess. Great Batman Detective run, All-American 16 and Superman #1. Can't believe I'd pass on the Action run though.
  2. Amazing photos. I can't wait to hear you tell about collecting them on Comic Zone
  3. Nice Peps, but doesn't Archie's hair look a little... wierd... on the 61?
  4. Not sweet condition wise, but my earliest Duck book
  5. Nice Tubby there! That comic is a strange one, in that Stanley usually did short stories of about 10 pages or so - so a 34 page story is not normal for him. BTW, this comic was voted the most unliked comic by John Stanley on a John Stanley group I am part of, but I kinda dig it. It is very different from what you usually get. It is almost like Stanley was trying to down a long Barks type Uncle Scrooge adventure comic.
  6. Sorry about that, I was off by about a year, but still a sweet book. It looked very sharp in person.
  7. Wow, wonderful. To actually get to hold a Detective #1 and #27 in your hands.
  8. I've been collecting various stuff for probably 25 years now (gasp) and I find that I go in cycles. I enjoy many different things and don't just collect comics. I tend to just buy stuff that I think is "cool" without any real defined goal in mind. I usually focus on one medium at a time, but also buy other stuff I am interested in. Right now it is pretty much old comics, particularly "kid" comics from the 40's and 50's, but in the past I've focused on cartoon character glasses, or Pixieware, or punk records, or old wooden frame puzzles or viewmaster reels, or whatever. I am kinda like the Jack character from the James Robinson run of Starman, a collector of cool stuff that many people would just think of as junk. I wasn't buying any old comics about 5 years, when I was more interested in glasses and music. Now I am heavily into the comics, and haven't bought a record in several years. But I have been buying the occasional glass again -- everything comes around again. My comic goal is to get all the John Stanley stuff I can find. Once I finish that, I'll probably move on to Walt Kelly. Then maybe Lev Gleason comics, or Tomahawk appearances. I've never been on to be too organized about my collecting. The first time I every made a want list is in the past year, because I found I was buying doubles of too many issues of Little Lulu because I didn't remember the cover and that was getting too expensive I guess I don't think I have to worry about running out of stuff I want to get. If I lose interest in comics I'll find something else for a few years, and I'll come back probably a few years after that.
  9. Yeah, but I already have a reader for this one, so I don't NEED to free it. But is does look like it wants to get out...
  10. Sorry to be spamming the thread with Lulu's, but I just got this one, and it is one of my favorite covers so I had to show it off. Thanks to archiefan for giving me the heads up on this one
  11. And one that is still on my list as well. I love that cover.
  12. A recent purchase. CGG 7.5 FC #131, and upgrade for a reader grade that I have. Now I just have to decide if I should free it from the case or not
  13. The Superman story in that Action is quite fun. 50s gender stereotypes aplenty !! I'll see if I can drag some of my Tomahawks to the scanner. Love the revolutionary war stuff. The Lulu's turned out great. I'll get them to a scanner as well. Solid FN on most of them, and at $10 a pop quite a steal. The seller learned his lesson and put is BINs way up, plus he is out of Lulus so. Picked a batch of 16 recently, and another half dozen from a different ebay seller, so my Lulu list is working its way down. Nice to be able to cross off those issue numbers. I have noticed the ebay Lulu prices are getting up there, even for low grade stuff. Wonder if the new OS with the Lulu cover caused that.
  14. I LOVE Tomahawk. I don't have any of the Star Spangled issues, but quit a few of the solo series. Before they got silly I think they were some very solid comics. Aaaand, on a completely different path
  15. Stanley shared a storytelling trait with Bushmiller of striping everything but the bare essentials needed to tell the story and get the humor across, but I don't think he "learned" this from Bushmiller, rather then have a similar style/sense of humor. I would say that perhaps Bushmiller was in influence, but I haven't ever run across anything that says they even ever met each other. However,Stanley was known to be pals with Walt Kelly, but then again they both have pretty different styles, so... I looked at this page before I looked at your post and thought, that's just the like the pacing and storytelling of John Stanley. Then I read your write-up and understood why. Actually, this page is a reprint of a Sunday strip (probably late '40s vintage by the look of the art) and is by Bushmiller. Stanley didn't work on Nancy until significantly later. The Bushmiller work on Fritzi and Nancy was excellent during the '30s and '40s, but deteriorated rapidly thereafter to the point where the '60s and later strips are all but unreadable. I would encourage anyone who has an interest in comic strip art to pick up a few of the early issues of Comics on Parade that are devoted to Nancy and Fritzi (eg #32, 35, 38) they are very enjoyable Thanks for the info! So Stanley may have learned from Bushmiller? Or am I just imagining a similarity? Good question and I don't know the answer Bushmiller certainly predates Stanley, but whether or not he was an influence...
  16. I love those Plasticman comics. Here is a cool , goofy/scary cover.
  17. When you started this thread I wasn't sure I would think much of it, but is has become one of my favorites. I thought the idea of buying everything that was on the newstand at a particular date would lead to a lot of "boring" books, but everything you have posted has been really cool. The variety of comics that were put on back in the 50s is amazing and I think is one of the things that would keep something like fun to do. And I love how you are putting up interior pages too. It really helps to get a feel for the comics. Excellent stuff, I look forward to seeing what you add next
  18. The Lulu annual I pulled out last night was from 1957. Interesting to know! Do you know what year these came out? Joe
  19. Stanley stopped doing Lulu sometime around 1958/59, so these annual are from them or earlier. I'll dig them up tonight and see what the dates are. I believe the Nancy annuals are done after his run on Lulu, but again, I'd have to look that up to be sure. Interesting to know! Do you know what year these came out? Joe
  20. The Nancy and Lulu Summer Camp Annuals the John Stanley wrote are all connected short chapters of one long book length story. I think those Annuals come in just under 100 pages though I am not really sure. They are well worth searching out, particulary the Nancy one with a skunk on the cover, one of Stanley's best, imo.
  21. Great thread. I've been reading some of these Dennis books and have found them pretty good. Nice seeing high grade copies!