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Flex Mentallo

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Everything posted by Flex Mentallo

  1. Gayatri Mantra Om Bhoor Bhuvassuvah Tat Saviturvarenyam Bargo Devasya Dheemahi Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayaat "May there be peace on mortal and divine planes. I meditate upon the most brilliant splendor. May the Sun God inspire our minds to take the right action at the right time."
  2. My thanks to all my fellow boardies who contributed support, advice, comic books and purchases to the recent sales thread for Roshni, which raised over $3800 in vital funding for the coming year. When I started Tales from the Island of Serendip on Christmas Day in 2012, I wanted to tell a few true stories to show how powerfully, life, love, death and hope intertwine to define our humanity, the need to find meaning and purpose, to light a candle in the darkness. If you will, a living comic book. I had no way of knowing how matters would then unfold, the past flowing into the present, the present cascading into the future. How much of the tale remains to be lived before it can be told! And I have no idea about the ending. Four years worth of posts, over 400 pages. It occurred to me that many readers might have come on board quite recently. For their benefit, what follows is a reprise of just one strand among many, but it is the one with a heartbeat. Those of you who've shared the journey these past four years can thankfully skip the rest of this sequence, and move on to my further posts about recent events, beginning on Christmas Day....
  3. Messages of thanks from Luke's parents Rita and Phil. Despite the tragic loss of their son they say that Roshni has given them fresh hope.
  4. We beg to differ. Agreed, Sharon is the heart of the boards and spearheads every charitable effort. She is good with a spear, agreed.
  5. Just to call your attention to the fact that I amended my previous post. I had erroneously counted the independent donations of $600 twice by mistake, and only realized this when I began to compare my total to payments received. However we have still made our target, and should anything additional be required I will cover it. Apologies for the error. With one payment still outstanding (to be paid in January as agreed with the buyer), the money will sit quietly in a savings account until they request it. I'm expecting that to be around mid-January. Updates as promised in Serendip!
  6. We castigate Stu for spamming, then end up having the debate he seems to have felt was - as he put it in a deleted post - 'Only fair.' It does feel a bit like the puppet master stirring up the ant hill. Yet actually - and I'm not defending his actions by any means - just trying my level best to understand them - some good may have come from it inadvertently - insofar as we can all see that there are people among us like SupergirlDC1959 who can rise compassionately to the occasion, and leave aside relatively petty matters. I find that quite affecting. Unfortunately I cant say if that is what Stu intended, and I suspect it may have been something other, but I don't know him so am a bit mystified.
  7. Wikipedia: Primum non nocere is a Latin phrase that means "first, do no harm." The phrase is sometimes recorded as primum nil nocere. Non-maleficence, which is derived from the maxim, is one of the principal precepts of bioethics that all American healthcare students are taught in school and is a fundamental principle throughout the world. Another way to state it is that, "given an existing problem, it may be better not to do something, or even to do nothing, than to risk causing more harm than good." ... It is invoked when debating the use of an intervention that carries an obvious risk of harm but a less certain chance of benefit. Non-maleficence is often contrasted with its corollary, beneficence.
  8. His disapproval implies his approval matters. We, the community, are approved or condemned by him as a matter of debt without grace.
  9. Your wish is my command, Sha. Nice reading lot of 19 comics - asking for $120 shipped anywhere. (I will cover the cost of shipping.) AITU #73 FVF Classic cover! AITU #73 GD (has the look of a high grade book but lower staple is detached, there is browning to all edges, and I think it is 'on the turn') My favorite ACG cover - feel free to laugh, and mock! FORBIDDEN WORLDS #84 FN - Wait - this is my favorite ACG cover! AITU #120 FN - Read this when I was a kid. Features a femme fatale from the earth's core who is slain by an ice cream - but then, she is only 6 inches tall! FORBIDDEN WORLDS #145 VG-ish. Some creasing to front cover. The Timeless Tribe is such an evocative and epic love-for-an-alien tragedy that for many years I assumed it must be a reprint from ACG's early days. In he end I realized that even with it's last breath, ACG was still creating stories with the same passion as before. Sub-mariner #57 in VFNM Then we have the Typhoid Mary saga from Daredevil's classic period - #254, #255, #256, #259, #260, #261, #297 NM or thereabouts. Evil, evil, evil! Nice, nice, nice! (Hic - darn that egg nog) Timewarp #1 - #5 in mid-grade - more great Kaluta covers and some entertaining sc fi stories! The semi-classic and poetic Children of Doom in mid-grade. 'Tell me again how the world ended, daddy.' 'Well see honey, there was this election in the United States and...' And finally, DC's facsimile edition of the rare Love Stories giant in NM.
  10. Hi all The thread closes having raised a total of $3811 from sales and donations, including 3 anonymous donations amounting to $600 independently of this thread (and with one lot selling for a bit less than the asking price listed). $3811 = Rs 260,414, which I will round up if more is required. Many thanks to everyone who sold, bought or otherwise contributed. My sincere thanks to you and previous donors, who have stayed in touch via pm to provide moral support. Roshni now has ample funds to cover the next twelve months. Without the contributions from all of you, this would not have been possible. I will keep you updated on further developments via Serendip. Meanwhile, over Christmas I will post a series of photographic essays from my recent trip. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all my fellow boardies for your efforts, and the CGC boards for enabling this to happen. A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all. God bless you, each and every one! Michael
  11. Staying open for last minute buys until Monday, when I will provide a final statement to close the thread. If any other boardies were thinking of contributing books, please instead wait for skypinkblu's forthcoming fundraiser for another boardie, and contribute there instead. http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=9689926&nt=5&fpart=1
  12. We have made our target. crassus ComCav Incredible Pulp 143ksk Inaflash lizards2 MisterX Straw-Man jimjum12 Ricksneatstuff Larryw7 thirdgreenham walclark Norrin's lawyer skypinkblu MusterMark buttock Baz Comixcroz Scrooge VintageComics sacentaur GACollectibles Shrevvy Ryan. kelholt Anonymous donors