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Flex Mentallo

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Everything posted by Flex Mentallo

  1. In March 2014, Margarita Torres and José Ortega del Río presented in Leon a co-written book, "Los Reyes del Grial" (The Kings of the Grail) where they describe how a Spanish Arabist and Historian, Doctor Gustavo Turienzo, found two medieval Egyptian documents in al Azhar (Cairo).
  2. Another recent theory holds that the earliest stories that cast the Grail in a Christian light were meant to promote the Roman Catholic sacrament of the Holy Communion. Although the practice of Holy Communion was first alluded to in the Christian Bible and defined by theologians in the first centuries AD, it was around the time of the appearance of the first Christianised Grail literature that the Roman church was beginning to add more ceremony and mysticism around this particular sacrament.
  3. Religious beliefs about the burial cloths of Jesus have existed for centuries. The Gospels state that Joseph of Arimathea wrapped the body of Jesus in a piece of linen cloth and placed it in a new tomb, and that Peter found strips of this cloth in the tomb after Christ’s body had disappeared.
  4. Daniel Scavone, professor Emeritus of history at the University of Southern Indiana, puts forward a hypothesis which identifies the Shroud of Turin as the real object that inspires the romances of the Holy Grail.
  5. Turn of the century accounts state that Irish partisans of the Clan Dhuir transported the Grail to the United States during the 19th Century and the Grail was kept by their descendants in secrecy in a small abbey in the upper-Northwest (now believed to be Southern Minnesota).
  6. It was the adventurer Smith who helped found Jamestown and was allegedly saved from death by Pocahontas not long after.
  7. While local folklore in Accokeek, Maryland says that it was brought to the town by a closeted priest aboard Captain John Smith's ship. _1907_issue_zps3f208b09.jpg' alt='2.gif.9fc66b13abe5d736a39bc1a668f42ae9.gif' alt='2c'>_1907_issue_zps3f208b09.jpg'>
  8. Or that it was hidden by the Templars in Oak Island, Nova Scotia's famous "Money Pit".
  9. Other stories claim that the Grail lies deep in the spring at Glastonbury Tor.
  10. It is said that Jacques de Molay 23rd and last Grand Master of the Knights Templar, cursed King Philip IV of France and the pope from his execution pyre. Both were dead within the year.
  11. The Ethiopian Church, fearful of losing the Ark to the Knights Templar, sent emissaries in 1306 to Pope Clement V; the Catholic Church's fear of the Knights Templar acquiring the power of the Ark of the Covenant, the book claims, is one of the reasons why Pope Clement V began prosecution and arrest of the Knights Templar in 1307.
  12. Until they apparently figured out that the Ark was in Ethiopia, so they then sent a contingent there supposedly with the goal of acquiring it.
  13. The book also claims that the Knights Templar searched for the lost Ark of the Covenant at the site of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem in the 13th century.
  14. after it was stolen from Solomon's Temple during the reign of King Solomon himself, some 200 years earlier than the events proposed by the book.
  15. The Ethiopian Church believes that the Ark is indeed held today in the Church of Our Lady Mary of Zion, but as opposed to the book, they believe that it was brought to Ethiopia by Menelik I,
  16. It finally came into the hands of the young Ethiopian Orthodox Church in the 5th century, who took it to their capital of Axum, and it supposedly remains there until today in the tiny Church of Our Lady Mary of Zion.
  17. According to Hancock it then spent about 200 years in a purpose-built temple in Elephantine, Egypt before it was removed around 470 BC to Ethiopia via tributaries to the Nile River, where it was kept on the sacred island of Tana Qirqos in Lake Tana for about eight hundred more years as the center of a strong Jewish community there.
  18. This was during the reign of the evil King Manasseh of Judah, who worshiped false idols.
  19. The book narrates the endeavors of the writer in searching for the Ark of the Covenant and proposes the theory that the ark was removed from Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem by temple priests around 650 BC.
  20. In The Sign and the Seal, Graham Hancock goes further still, and asserts that the Grail story is a coded description of the Ark of the Covenant itself.
  21. The novel was much criticized for its historical inaccuracies and distortions, and Brown had to contend with lawsuits from various parties who claimed he’d used their ideas.
  22. The name Mona Lisa is actually an anagram for "Amon L'Isa", referring to the father and mother gods of Ancient Egyptian religion.
  23. The androgyny of the Mona Lisa reflects the sacred union of male and female implied in the holy union of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. Such parity between the cosmic forces of masculine and feminine has long been a deep threat to the established power of the Church.
  24. Leonardo was allegedly a member of the Priory of Sion and knew the secret of the Grail. In The Last Supper the figure seated on Christ's right is not a man, but a woman, his wife Mary Magdalene. Most reproductions of the work are supposedly from a later alteration that obscured her obvious female characteristics.
  25. The body is naked and posed like Leonardo da Vinci’ s famous drawing, the Vitruvian Man, with a cryptic message written beside his body and a pentagram drawn on his chest in his own blood.