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Flex Mentallo

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Everything posted by Flex Mentallo

  1. [Fred and Larali start to passionately kiss] Guy Fleegman: [Turns away, embarrassed] Hey... Get a room guys. [Larali's alien tentacles start to slide up Fred's back and over his shoulder] Guy Fleegman: Woah! [Fred looks down at the tentacles, his eyes roll back, and he starts kissing again] Guy Fleegman: Heh, C'mon Fred. [Fred and Larali drop to the floor and out of sight. A high pitched squishing sound is heard] Guy Fleegman: Oh *that's* not right! No...
  2. 9.) The hero seizes the sword. (SEIZING THE SWORD, REWARD) Quellek: [Quellek has been shot, and is dying. Alexander rushes to him] Sir Alexander Dane: Quellek? Sir Alexander Dane: [sees Quellek's wound] Sir Alexander Dane: That's not too bad. We'll get you to the medical quarters, and you'll be fine. Quellek: It has been my greatest pleasure to serve with you. I have been blessed. I... I... I... Sir Alexander Dane: Don't speak, Quellek. Quellek: You'll forgive my impertinence, but even though we have never before met, I have always considered you as a father to me. Sir Alexander Dane: Quellek... by Grabthar's hammer... by the Suns of Warvan... you shall be... avenged.
  3. Jason Nesmith: Mathesar, there's no such person as Captain Taggart. My name is Jason Nesmith. I'm an actor. We're all actors. Sarris: He doesn't understand. Explain as you would a child. Jason Nesmith: We, uh, we pretended. [On Malthesar's blank look] Jason Nesmith: We lied.
  4. 8.) The hero endures the supreme ORDEAL. Guy Fleegman: I'm just a glorified extra, Fred. I'm a dead man anyway. If I'm gonna die, I'd rather go out a hero than a coward. Fred Kwan: Guy, Guy... maybe you're the plucky comic relief. You ever think about that? Guy Fleegman: Plucky?
  5. 7.) The hero reaches the innermost cave. (APPROACH TO THE INMOST CAVE.)
  6. Guy Fleegman: I changed my mind. I wanna go back. Sir Alexander Dane: After the fuss you made about getting left behind? Guy Fleegman: Yeah, but that's when I thought I was the crewman that stays on the ship, and something is up there, and it kills me. But now I'm thinking I'm the guy who gets killed by some monster five minutes after we land on the planet. Jason Nesmith: You're not gonna die on the planet, Guy. Guy Fleegman: I'm not? Then what's my last name? Jason Nesmith: It's, uh, uh - -I don't know. Guy Fleegman: Nobody knows. Do you know why? Because my character isn't important enough for a last name, because I'm gonna die five minutes in. Gwen DeMarco: Guy, you have a last name. Guy Fleegman: DO I? DO I? For all you know, I'm "Crewman Number Six"! Mommy... mommy... Sir Alexander Dane: Are we there yet? Gwen DeMarco: Let's get out of here before one of those things kills Guy.
  7. 6.) The hero encounters tests and helpers. (TESTS, ALLIES, ENEMIES.) Voice of Computer: Enemy is matching velocity. Gwen DeMarco: The enemy is matching velocity. Sir Alexander Dane: We heard it the first time. Gwen DeMarco: Gosh, I'm doing it. I'm repeating the darn computer.
  8. 5.) The hero passes the first threshold. (CROSSING THE THRESHOLD.) "As long as there is injustice, whenever a Targathian baby cries out, wherever a distress signal sounds among the stars, we'll be there. This fine ship, this fine crew. Never give up... and never surrender."
  9. 4.) The hero is encouraged by the Wise Old Man or Woman. (MEETING WITH THE MENTOR.) "Never give up. Never surrender!"
  10. 3.) The hero is reluctant at first. (REFUSAL OF THE CALL.) Jason Nesmith: There is no "quantum flux". There's no "auxiliary". THERE'S NO GODDAMNED SHIP. You got it?
  11. 1.) The hero is introduced in his/her ORDINARY WORLD.
  12. “Look at every path closely and deliberately, then ask ourselves this crucial question: Does this path have a heart? If it does, then the path is good. If it doesn’t, it is of no use.” Carlos Castaneda Chris Vogler once sent a memo to Walt Disney Studios and as a consequence ended up working on The Lion King and many other films. What he had to say about the application of the Heroe's/Heroine's Journey to movie making has been a seminal influence ever since. It's connection to comics and pulps is obvious, but none the less fairly compelling. "The hero is introduced in his ORDINARY WORLD where he receives the CALL TO ADVENTURE. He is RELUCTANT at first to CROSS THE FIRST THRESHOLD where he eventually encounters TESTS, ALLIES and ENEMIES. He reaches the INNERMOST CAVE where he endures the SUPREME ORDEAL. He SEIZES THE SWORD or the treasure and is pursued on the ROAD BACK to his world. He is RESURRECTED and transformed by his experience. He RETURNS to his ordinary world with a treasure, boon, or ELIXIR to benefit his world." I'll use "Galaxy Quest" to illustrate his thesis. Try not to giggle. And spit out that gum.
  13. Daddy likes Don't bring Mitch into this. As if anyone would be so insensitive.
  14. Killer book, Andy (thumbs u Hmmm.I seem to be doggin' your footsteps again Richard, but once again can I say , "Agreed!"
  15. Apologies that I've not been able to post regularly in the past few days. Many vulnerable people I work with find Christmas especially difficult, and I've had my hands full. I'll have more time in the coming weeks. I can say though that I've been doing a lot of thinking. It seems to me to be no good at all to tell people what I know or think I know. It's actually quite predictable, and therefore dull. So while I probably will post something about tricksters because they fascinate, I doubt that I'll even try to be thoroughgoing regarding the other archetypes. As on a proper journey I will simply digress as the mood takes me. And any posts by others will be more than welcome, regardless of the subject. I suppose what I am trying to say is this: We are all on a journey, myself included. And this thread is such that as on proper journeys, I do not know where it will take me, or us, and I am learning as I go. I want this to be experiential, as if it were a real journey. You feel the rain on your face, the wind in your hair. And for that to be so I do not need to pretend that I know where we are going. I need to be open to what I find along the way, so that we share in the adventure. And maybe some of you will help me when I need it. More in my next
  16. Nice copy of a tough one in grade! Way to go Jon!
  17. And bring us back to the light. Next: The Joker, and other tricksters.
  18. And this is what Vogler argued - the forms taken by archetypes in words and images throughout history provide the palimpsest upon which contemporary writers, artists and film makers base their creations. That to understand the role of the archetypes is to more brightly illuminate the creator's path, leading to better stories, which will resonate more with the audience. Which will take us down into darkness.
  19. There are many more archetypes than listed by Campbell and Vogler in "The Hero's Journey". Jung would ask his patients to become practiced at writing down their dreams, sometimes delineating these in pictures. Words. Pictures.
  20. And the bridge between the conscious and unconscious states are our dreams.
  21. His response was to say "We have nothing with which to understand the mind but the mind itself." That by definition the unconscious cannot be directly accessed by the conscious, because the instant this happens, it is no longer unconscious, but becomes part of the conscious realm.