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Everything posted by MatterEaterLad

  1. Was I that guy? Because I do feel that Shooter is a better writer of mainstream superhero comic books. One ridiculous argument per thread, please. Wow...that's like comparing apples to absinthe. But I still love Shooter Avengers run...something like 167-177? Great stuff.
  2. What's hilarious about this cover, is that if there were any question as to whether Wolverine's head coming out of his left shoulder was an illusion of perspective, Liefeld actually draws the neck hole of his shirt off center from his chest, making it look deliberate. While the extra buckles and arm bandolier are typical Liefeld, I'm impressed that Wolverine's bicep isn't twice the size of his head, and that his barely larger than his forearm. This must be one of those "better" pieces I keep reading about. Yeesh. I hated that cover then for all the reasons I hate it now. work transcends time and space.
  3. Yep. I don't live in Hawaii anymore, so Bleuhawaii was kinda . Always loved the Legion... Name Change! Yep. I don't live in Hawaii anymore, so Bleuhawaii was kinda . Always loved the Legion...
  4. Somewhere Rob Liefeld is sitting on a hideously deformed throne made of money saying...
  5. I've seen it, but you might want to put that part in spoilers for those who haven't.... Wow, you're probably right. Didn't think there'd be anyone one here that didn't know that.
  6. Saw it with my 16-year-old daughter. We both has very low expectations. I liked it a lot and she loved it. Decent popcorn movie.
  7. I don't believe there is such thing as the "best work" of Rob Liefeld. That's a little like trying to discuss Paris Hilton's "best song". +1
  8. Let the cheesy licensing agreement product tie-ins begin:
  9. Supposedly a kid is sexually abused over a two year period from what the reports are showing so far. That's not even funny to joke like that. Hopefully the facts come out in this case, and whoever is guilty pays the price. Ouch. Just read this. Hopefully the truth comes to the surface. Double ouch. Marc Collins-Rector is a real life villain. Even if Singer is innocent he'll never escape the stigma of being an associate of that guy. Sad all around.
  10. Putting my username and obvious bias aside, it's a travesty that Cyclops isn't in these films. Having him cut out of the X-Men movieverse is a huge loss imo. Although First Class did, and DOFP probably will, "work" without him, it just sucks. Aside from the disappointing sentinels, the Cyclops thing still drives me nuts (even when I manage to forget that Famke Janssen is 10 years older than James Marsden, which was always weird). The whole continuity of the films seems like a train wreck now. And then take a classic storyline and put it all in a blender and voila...just doesn't seem satisfying (but none of the films were for me). The fanboy in me is excited to catch a glimpse of any of the heroes on-screen, but the story and character development has been so weak it's almost non-existent. Take Colossus for instance. He appeared in X2, has a bit more screen time in X3, but does he say much? Do we know his story? Do we have a reason to care? Compare that to Sam Wilson/The Falcon in Winter Soldier. Night and day.
  11. I wasn't all that impressed by the sentinels either (they look cooler in the comics). We'll see though! Disappointed in the sentinels as well. Seemed like that would be an easy way to keep some of the comic mojo/continuity (make comic fans happy). These new robots look like the art director said, "I don't read comics, but hey, I've got a cool idea!"
  12. I'm showing my age (and my geekiness) but this reminds me of the old online service, Prodigy. Whenever anyone posted how bad Prodigy was and how much better AOL was...Prodigy began deleting those posts. Instead of improving their service they just deleted the criticism.
  13. They deleted my post. It was a once sentence reply to someone as to why Phantom's post was deleted.
  14. Self-deleted post or removed? It was lengthy, but I took from it that some vote with their voice, and others with their wallets. Be the change you wish to see Cool. No need to repost it. (thumbs u Wow. My one sentence response was deleted. Didn't say anything bad. Just mentioned why I thought Phantom's post was poofed. And poof...my post goes bye-bye as well.
  15. Just read Wonder by RJ Palacio. Now reading an advance copy of A Sudden Light by Garth Stein.
  16. My point is, the "players" who play that way...not the occasional reslaber for some specific reason person...base their model on the fact that they DON'T think CGC is consistent.. So what kind of confidence did they have to begin with? They were confident that they would not be consistent? If you are not perfectly consistent with grading, how can you be expected to be perfectly consistent detecting restoration? A good friend of mine says he will buy CGC books when he finds them...(he bids on eBay) because he's sure that the page count is correct. He's confident. Anyway, I think we got a pretty good answer. They messed up. There is no other answer. Maybe this time it was a bigger than slightly mess up, it's bound to happen...just a lost gamble. I'm going to look forward to next Friday's thread;) Yep. People who play the resub game are gambling and depending on CGCs variance. As a collector, that degree of variance (as far as resto check) seems too high for my tastes.
  17. That's what it sounds like to me, which is sad. The book was expertly graded blue TWICE...purple ONCE...and then decreed to be purple after this all blew up.
  18. What if micro-trimming is as prevalent and undetected as pressing was in the early days?
  19. SS books inject a bit of randomness because of the extra handling of the book. As far as data, it's better than nothing, but a pure resub would be a better indicator of consistency in grading. Okay Kav, now all we need you to do is resub 100 books for us...
  20. I don't think there's anyone in this thread who doesn't see this as a significant screw-up from CGC's side (aka "a big deal") ... But, yes, I personally don't think a mistake like this somehow invalidates all the benefits that CGC have brought to this hobby :shrug: As for the 15%+ range, I'd say you're way off there - look at the SS forum, for instance. That forum is basically comprised of people who crack & re-slab books over & over again and there's a new "how often do your SS books change grades"-thread every 6 months or so. None of those threads have ever displayed a level of variance anywhere near those 15% - nor have I experienced this myself with the 300-400 books I've personally cracked for SS. Roy's 1-2% variance seems spot on as far as I can tell. Most of the SS books in those threads are moderns, so the variance is pretty low. Here's Matt Holly (RMI High Tech) submitting 6 older SS books and 4 of them took a hit. The plural of anecdote isn't evidence, but I do think it's a whole different ball game with older books.