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Gotham Kid

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Everything posted by Gotham Kid

  1. Welcome to the AF15 club then ! Looks like a nice 2.0
  2. Killer copy. http://comiclink.com/auctions/item.asp?back=%2FAUCTIONS%2FPREVIEW.ASP%3Fcode%3D2018feb%26x%3D0%26y%3D0%26pg%3D11%23Item_1231393&id=1231393&itemType=0
  3. They had their fingers on something for sure and 3 guesses what was out.
  4. Cause their cell phones had no internet ? Do porn mags even still exist ?
  5. Easy way to settle this. Which spelling is correct: sense or sens ?
  6. Yes , CC AC1 is no doubt their work. IGB: Tec 38 CGC 2.5 Brittle ( very nice copy by the way, shame about the Brittle designation ) https://www.ebay.com/itm/Detective-Comics-38-CGC-2-5-Looks-Much-Better-Origin-1st-Robin-Batman-Key/132475043827?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649 was very recently this: http://comiclink.com/itemdetail.asp?back=%2Fsearch.asp%3Fwhere%3Dsell%26title%3DDetective%2BComics%26GO2%3DGO%26ItemType%3DCB&id=1208596 CGC really hammered the page quality on the resub.
  7. Recent (this month) WWComics sale. Looks like a good price. http://www.wwcomics.com/comicdetail.asp?Product_ID=AmazingFantasy_15_14082
  8. Hulk 181 is a great book to own. Always has been. It is however a Bronze age book as you certainly know, bringing on a more appropriate discussion in the Bronze Forum.
  9. Could very well go to Conserved grade with minimal work.
  10. Some auction results on eBay just now for a couple of restored non-Batman covers: Tec 34 6.0 MP $2275 https://www.ebay.com/itm/DETECTIVE-COMICS-34-CGC-6-0-M-P-/322990145185?_trksid=p2047675.l2557&autorefresh=true&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&nma=true&si=MOBh%2BfQcydZOwpkwGZUrfkQ4jy4%3D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc Tec 30 2.0 SP $3180 https://www.ebay.com/itm/322990143629?_trksid=p2471758.m4704
  11. Probably the same fool that had the Batman 1 signed. There can't be two.
  12. 1 9.0 on the census. Signature Series !! https://www.cgccomics.com/census/grades_standard.asp?title=Superman&publisher=D.C.+Comics&issue=1&year=1939&issuedate=Summer+1939
  13. Stan Lee !!?? WTF !? On a Batman 1 ! Both the guy who had it signed and Stan Lee should be slapped across the head for that one. Seriously. So he was friends with Kane, so F what. What a F joke.
  14. Here's another one for you: Tec 33 9.4 A-5 (just listed on ComicLink) - 30K book - 143520 points Tec 33 2.5 Universal - 30K book - 7360 points WTF !?
  15. Doesn't look like an IGB production ( unless CGC has started grading their stuff ) but just as nice ... Tec 33 9.4
  16. A 9.2 is already at $2,626 with 9 days still to go on ComicLink's auction. Can see it hit 4-5K so your 9.4 is adequately priced imo.