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Phill the Governor

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Everything posted by Phill the Governor

  1. I've bought and sold over a dozen adlard pieces including the full Michonne torture sequence from #33 and the splash of Lori and Judith's end from 48, so I am not totally talking out of my here. Was the two page splash from #84 sold at a set price for $2500 from Mark or another seller? Or was it at auction? Like most modern artwork, there's a high likelihood that the price the artist sells it for might be the highest price it will go for for some time. Was the Dale page $800 on Mark's site or through personal sale or at auction? CAF Market Data doesn't list either sale, which leads me to believe that they were direct sales. Which don't compare, at all, with what pieces sell for at auction. And I would never compare Adlard's covers, especially with one the most popular characters on them, rendered in full 11x17 size with these 2 pagers on one page. Look at them objectively, it's one money panel out of both pieces. A single panel, the rest of pretty much nothing, and this isn't Dale. Aside from what Mark's sold pieces for in the past or continues to sell them for, you've got to grab a bidder and these pieces are so to me. Just my opinion based on all the artwork I have seen move since Adlard took over the book. The Issue 84 page was sold by a French art gallery in Paris. I guess after hearing all the talk I may have gotten a bit ahead of myself. It's just difficult to value pages based on content sometimes. Saying one this is worth more than another is, I feel, is a big part of the subjective nature of purchasing art. While one thing is worth nothing to some, it can be worth more to others. This aside, I appreciate all the comments. And sweet dbl pg splash of Carl!
  2. I completely understand where your opinion is coming from, but as a big collector of Adlard WD art, I know the market fairly well. If this is normal for prices, why did the two page splash (issue 84 pg 16 & 17) sell for over $2,500 last year? The art to issue 92's cover recently sold for $2,500. An even greater comparison was page 16 from issue 39 (the splash where Dale is bitten for the first time). That single splash, on a 8 1/2 by 14in page sold for around $800. I know that smaller art should be cheaper in reality, but with the WD I've noticed that because there aren't many normal 11 x 17 pages on the market, the smaller 8 1/2 by 14 in pages have been commanding similar prices. Pages from the series are minimum $100 on Mark Hays website. I don't see how a total of 4 pages, one being a splash page, would sell for this.
  3. Yeah WTF? Did you also see this auction? http://www.ebay.com/itm/Walking-Dead-41-key-shocking-4-page-sequence-SPLASH-PAGE-ADLARD-ZOMBIES-NR-/320852404071?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4ab44b2767#ht_500wt_1182 This makes NO sense at all. Have people simply ran out of money, or what's happening? It should have sold for 2x the winning bid.
  4. what? 80% of the episode wasn't piling up corpses? I'm not too good at math but that seems silly.
  5. I haven't seen a #1 for sale other than ebay. But I think I'm gonna wait until the hype levels off and I can get one for a reasonable deal. In the meantime.... I will continue to buy more pages of OA
  6. I was able to get his framed today. Pretty happy how it turned out. Thanks for looking!
  7. sure got me excited. A zombie comic and the first reference to a chainsaw is 100 issues in. Took long enough.
  8. I feel that we've begun to think that certain characters can't be killed off. Kirkman killed off SO many of the main cast in the first 48 issues. Now that we're approaching 100, the only real major death was Dale, and that was over 30 issues ago. I think Kirkman needs to kill off someone, to 1. catch all of us off guard, and 2. to solidify the fact that anyone can die at any moment. I don't think I'm the only one who thinks Michonne is invincible, that's . I don't care how good you are at killing Zombies, a slip up is bound to happen eventually.
  9. Thanks! BTW did you guys see issue 92s cover on ebay? Its up to 2750! I wish I had enough funds to get it when it was offered to me, but oh well..
  10. Yeah, I'm still missing a Michonne page, but I'm sure I'll come across one at some point. Those are pretty sweet pages though! I'm just happy with all the Governor pages I was able to snag right before mess got real popular.
  11. Just picked up this lovely dbl page spread. for a larger picture: http://www.comicartfans.com/GalleryPiece.asp?Piece=854292&GSub=105591
  12. Just finished the transaction for this lovely double page spread. for a bigger picture: http://www.comicartfans.com/GalleryPiece.asp?Piece=854292&GSub=105591
  13. Just finished the transaction for this pretty cool double page spread.
  14. Yeah, I feel like many issues in the past arcs have ended with Rick saying almost the same thing every time. I don't know though, this series has always seemed to go in a new direction, and Charlies art definitely got better this issue.
  15. I agree. From what I've seen of cards, they can always be had for MUCH cheaper once the hype goes down.
  16. After the ratings from season two I think the people at the top might have actually gotten it. I know they love their beloved madmen and breaking bad, but their ratings are mess compared to the WD - and we all know how much ratings mean to them.
  17. Thank you Greedo! And thank you Wiseguy! If you don't mind me asking, what pages from the series do you own? And Terry, I couldn't agree more - the framing on that piece is excellent, it really compliments the art!
  18. Wow! I've never seen that Thunda book before, what a cool cover! And that goes with out saying for the Tales of the Crypt book... Thanks for posting!
  19. Had these framed a little while ago and plan to get a few more done soon. Thanks for looking!
  20. Those are all legit TM pieces. The smaller one was done on cardboard and sold on Tony's wife's ebay account about a year ago. Seems strange to me though that the seller would list all of them at once. Maybe he doesn't realize that it will hurt his overall profit. Maybe this is a great time to pick up an early sketch by him.. I think I'll be bidding on at least one of them.
  21. Doug, The framed page and sketch look AWESOME! Very jealous! You have great art (and a great wife!) Congratulations!
  22. Well yeah, but sounds funny that it's basically been fillter material since 48. Nothing really major except for TAINTED MEAT and DAVIDSON!! I mean, since the prison story arc theres been: - Introduction of Abe, Rosita, Eugene - Rick, Abe & Carl going back to get Morgan - The Herd - Cannibals - Brought into new Community - Domestic disputes inside community - Bandits - Zombie Break in - Deaths of a few characters - Introduction into new arc. I thought that the series kind of sucked after the fear the hunters arc, but I recently re read the series from the beginning to the current issue, and the pacing is so much different. I really like the series more than I did before.