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Phill the Governor

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Everything posted by Phill the Governor

  1. The prices on them change every day and will continue jumping around (up and down) for a while. There are a few BINs at half the $30 price you mention. I'm glad I have a couple myself that I will probably get slabbed (if the wait times are ever brought back to normal.) As for future value, there are too many things to predict. There is not a comparable title in my opinion. Fables had a much smaller print run for it's #1, as with YTLM, WD, Invincible, 100 Bullets, etc. Everyone is hoping this becomes a WD and for that reason, there are tons of people sitting on slabbed copies or high grade raws. When WD came out, there was not a super popular, high dollar independent title that would have led to speculation. I want this to be a title, like WD, that I tell friends they have to read and let them borrow my tpbs and wait for them to bring them back so we can talk about it! This series and Batman are the only two books I look forward to picking up monthly right now. I hope Saga keeps it up! I was really happy to see that your Chew #1 ended up being better than advertised. That is always a nice surprise. Question for discussion: do you think that since the OA for this is not available, that the series as a whole will be missing an important group of collectors to help with the overall appreciation of the complete product? I feel like all the aspects of a series should work together to maintain interest and foster a positive environment between creators, fans, collectors, etc. I just wonder if lacking OA will hurt this series in any way. There has to be a few people on these boards who are turned off by this series due to their inability to own OA from it. I think yes, the fact that there is no OA will technically hurt the series fan base, however, the the degree that it will do this it won't really matter. I don't think it will affect the readership of the comic. If the comic is good, more people will read it - if it starts to suck, well then more people will be turned off. As for now, I think the series is awesome. I like collecting OA, but simply dismiss the fact that there is none for this comic.
  2. His art really started to fall off around issue 70 in my opinion I thought there was a marked shift when he moved to the smaller page size ... Well yeah, I completely agree. That first issue he drew on smaller paper had a noticable difference in quality. But it didn't affect my perception of the book until around issue 70 because it was bearable up to that point
  3. And oh my. I don't consider the hype behind this issue as interferring with te story at all. Besides some crudely drawn panels, I think this was one of the best issues I've read in a long time. I'm impressed.
  4. His art really started to fall off around issue 70 in my opinion
  5. All I was going off of was the upload date on your CAF for most of your Walking Dead pages, which mainly started around 3-4 months or so ago including a cover, pages from petit papiers, and splashpageart, most of which I know were purchased in the last 1-4 months or so. But, again, this isn't what I was getting at. You said that that prices are going to be much much cheaper in 3 years or so. I was just wondering why, if you thought this, you were purchasing all these pages now. But I think you answered it by stating that you have unloaded many pieces in the last 3 months- getting to why you're in the game to begin with. got it.
  6. You don't know how much I pay I'll probably be tipping too much of my hand - but we are all amongst friends here -- so, I don't pay too much for pages - I usually work out favorable trades or find deals -- there are still some to be had out there though lately the birds are circling earlier and earlier, especially Ebay - Also - it was only about 2 months ago that I felt the WD OA really blasted out of the chart range in price -- before that it was relatively easy to get pages - even by emailing people on CAF As a general rule, since I see lots of people are doing what I do, lets lay it out to give everyone a fair shake -- If you see a person put up a page that is relatively unadulterated (meaning you know the page, and its been through 10 different owners) you can bet your that that person probably has more pages - SEND HIM A PM and ASK! I cant tell you how many pages I have gotten by simply PMing an Ebay and getting them to open their collection to me -- even if I dont buy I have a pretty good idea where some key pages are and what it will take to move them!! Another great trick is to do a search for "Walking Dead OA" or ".. Original Art" and restrict your time for the last 24 hours or week -- I can't tell you how many pages I have gotten by finding a post on a forum similar to this one where someone tells of their collection that has been collecting dust -- I play the game on pretty much any page up to about 500 bucks -- I overspent on a couple when I was caught up in the white hot flame of the WD movement - but only because I loved the page/s J I was referring more to this statement you made: "The price was in my opinion above fair market - splashpage prices have gotten to the point of insanity - my plan for now is to wait --- 3-5 years from now you will have people begging you to take their WD pages at prices much much less than now. I was just curious that if you had this opinion, why have you bought 30+ pages over the past few months? I know how to buy pages, haha, I've done more than my fair share of research and tracking stuff down over the past few years.
  7. I'm curious as to why you think this this Jerry.. with all the pages you've been buying and all.
  8. I hope it not true. Personally I hate seeing spoilers that would have otherwise gone unseen if I didn't check this thread.
  9. I tried searching for the completed listing under worldwide and it still didn't come up. Sometimes things just pass you by I guess. Who ever won them got a crazy good deal!
  10. That converst to aprox.703.00 and 720.00. USD. Doug is on the money, but these pages are 17X11 so I'd call them bargains. Ah man! those are awesome! I have page 5 from the issue and have been hoping to see the page after it come up for sale! Too bad it was in the U.K. with no International Shipping. Doug is on the money, but I bet if these pages were available in the U.S. and more people knew, they would reach 1K each easy.
  11. A character getting bitten, a zombie getting killed, multiple zombies, and so on. A lone zombie in one panel obviously doesn't fit into this category. I think it is subjective in a way, but I think the content should speak for it's self at that price.
  12. Finally a rational person. (thumbs u I have 5 1:200 variants coming my way right at SDCC 2012.....only to get easy 9.8's and make free money on garbage books that will be worth $10.00 in a couple years. Rinse and repeat in the easy sheep like modern market. Hot today......junk on eBay a year later. Gotta to love those easy 1:200 hot then cold variants. I hear the sheep bhahing now! Good to know that's how you feel about your customers! Presumably you're not intending to sell those on the boards then. I'm not one for variants, but I'd feel the same way if I was interested in them..
  13. FYI I had more than 5 people offer me well over $1500.00 for it. Even at $1500.00 that is not enough profit to want to sell the art piece and would make it an easy decision to keep the page in my collection. Your market view on this page is not up to date with the current WD art market as it stands right now. Your mind is still back in 2011. Governor vs Michonne pages has sold for well over that amount in recent months. Just ask your fellow art boardies who have bought them. Congrats on the sale! As mentioned above I stated that I thought it was time I reevaluated what I owned my self if prices were this high, so my mind is no longer back in 2011 market prices. I suppose it can be difficult to value a piece of art sometime - exactly what happened here. I have to admit, the more and more I look at the page the cooler I think it is! So whoever bought it I'm sure they're thrilled with the page! At the same time... there isn't necessarily a correlation between "market value" and "perceived value" through a private sale. Although someone paid you over 2K for the page it doesn't mean that's the market value for it. - simply that this is clearly a sellers market. I applaud you on the page and thank you for the information. Now I can reassess my collection and jump up and down with joy
  14. The tv show is actually right at the point somewhere between the end of issue 12 and issue 19... Which quite frankly has quite a lot of material in between... It's a whole nother beast in it's self.
  15. Proof that Lori and Judith are dead, other than the splash page of her getting shot and lying on the ground. http://www.comicartfans.com/GalleryPiece.asp?Piece=854292&GSub=105591 Even if she managed to somehow get up after getting shot, she would have had to make it out of that mess alive - and lets be realistic, Lori couldn't hold a gun correctly let alone kill a few zombies.
  16. Not a stupid question. It's kinda weird what they did actually. Issues 7 - 35 11x17 in. paper. Issue 36 - Two Pages drawn horizontally on one 11x17 in page. Issues 37 - 40 - 8 1/2 by 14 in paper. Issue 41 - first half drawn on 8 1/2 by 14 in. paper, second half has two pages drawn horizontally on one 11x17 in paper. From issue 42 on, he's only used 8 1/2 by 14 in. paper.
  17. I heard from the seller this evening - the sale is pending at more than double your "VERY high end" price. Well in this case I need to completely reevaluate what I have my self. Thanks for the knowledge, I kinda like to know what pages sell for on the secondary market for piece of mind.
  18. It's definitely a memorable moment, and a very cool page! I just think that even with speculative prices, this page would sell for.. 800 on a low end and 1200 on a VERY high end. That governor page from issue 27 that sold a little while ago for a little over 2K, that was the second published page with him in it, it's a different story. This is just him and Michonne - no action, or anything else. All I know is that if I owned this page, and someone offered me 1,500 for it, it would be packaged up and in the mail the next day.
  19. Personally, I think the price bothers me more. I sent in an offer of $700, and didn't even get a counter offer back.
  20. This one? http://www.ebay.com/itm/THE-WALKING-DEAD-31-MICHONNE-vs-GOVERNOR-Classic-Art-Page-7-Kirkman-19-27-1-/110904680214?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item19d26f1f16#ht_4064wt_1156 Or are you talking about the art that I collect specifically?
  21. I think you are dead right on this. After the speculator spike has ended, I can see WD art falling into three distinct pricing catagories: Tony Moore art (highest) Adlard large art (mid range) Adlard small art (cheapest) I also think the price difference between these three types will widen over time, with only the very KEY pages breaking out. And by KEY, I don't mean zombie or Governor appearances but MAJOR first apps, deaths and significant event pages. Probably only around a dozen or so pages would fit this criteria. I agree. By all means, it would seem that pricing SHOULD fall into those three categories. However, I think that many earlier Adlard pages on smaller paper will blend with the large paper category. For example, there are just over 60 large pieces of governor art. There are also just over 60 small pieces of governor art. While the larger ones will most likely be more valuable because of size, the smaller ones should be relatively high too because there are so few of the pages in total. I think Governor pages have been overlooked because as far as I could tell there's less than 130 total pieces from the series with him in. Now that number is SMALL. I guarantee there are more than 130 people that want a page with him on it, regardless of the content of the page. Just speculation though, maybe the governor will be a nobody to many in a decade or two. But maybe, just maybe, he'll retain some sort of character value as he was the main antagonist for the series. I also think that there is plenty of speculation on the series. But at the same time, it's been done mostly with average pages - most of the decent pages were purchased before the speculation really took off. So while there are many people speculating on sub-par pages - they will always be just that, below average.