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Everything posted by fantastic_four

  1. It's fun listening to you guys diagnose the patient before they roll him into your hospital room. How about the 2020 NFL champ, got any hot summer takes on who that's going to be before they've played any games in the season yet?
  2. It's also possible to have been fine with the last season and still sign that petition. If you're a fan of the show more of it for whatever reason is something you're likely to be interested in.
  3. Oh, I agree. But hardcore Trekkies had big issues with the timeline change. For me, I liked it. I dislike all time travel stories in principle, but if it isn't obtrusively complex I'll just ignore it. I was easily able to ignore it in the Abrams Star Trek. You CAN'T ignore it in Endgame. You have to figure it out to some extent, and to figure it out in its entirety takes longer than I prefer due to my bias against the plot complexity that's always associated with intricate time travel.
  4. So what was the purpose if Tyrion arranging the chairs? I just said I don't know. So why ask me?
  5. Maybe the writers knew how bad this season would be received, so it was their tongue-in-cheek hap tip - Tyrion rearranging the deck chairs on their Titanic. Never let that be your first guess about why you don't understand something in a literary work. I saw a LOT of pundits, fans, and critics who aren't as smart as Damon Lindelof is assuming that "Prometheus" had plot holes that in most cases it didn't actually have, the plot was just so complex that the person hadn't followed it closely enough to piece Lindelof's puzzle together.
  6. I didn't understand the explicit reason or symbolism of Tyrion rearranging the chairs either. I could tell in the moment it was supposed to mean something, but I wasn't sure what.
  7. Abrams or his screenwriter were VERY careful with how they approached time travel in that film to keep it as simple as possible. Nero went back in time to destroy Vulcan, and once he did it Kirk and Spock's timeline was from that moment onwards completely divergent from the original timeline and we never even saw the original timeline again in any of the films, and the only reminder that it even existed was old Spock and young Spock being together in that divergent universe. Endgame was far more ambitious and complex with what it tried to do with the characters going back and forth in time and crossing what may or may not have been divergent timelines.
  8. Just a head's up Twopiece--I've had you on ignore for months. You're rude and argumentative and a waste of time to read because 80% of what you write is motivated by ego as opposed to discussion driven by curiosity. Sometimes I'll expand your posts to see if that's changed, and in this case I expanded your reply to me, saw the word "wut," realized you're the same arse you've always been, and collapsed it. When this was the only forum I read I didn't use the ignore function for most of the last 15 years and used to encourage others to put ME on ignore instead, but now I read two or three forums daily so I use ignore with people not worth the time to read.
  9. I'm not familiar with Sage, but I approve. Not that it matters much since this is the END OF THE FOX WORLD
  10. I've hated time travel stories since I first experienced them as a teenager. They screw EVERYTHING up with continuity and become excessively complex in working out the multiple universes that diverge once past events are altered. I really wish they hadn't done this. I'm also disappointed that they got rid of major characters. The stereotype with comics is that you KNOW major character deaths are never permanent, so why use them if everyone knows that? My first thought when I saw it was that Feige has jumped the shark, and as far as I can tell that's exactly what happened. I hope I'm wrong and he pulls out some major card to tie it all together in a satisfying way, but I can't imagine that he will. Particularly since he just pulled out the lame time travel card to un-do the snap. It's easy to fix all of this--if Thor had gone for the head, none of these lame plot devices had to happen. Or preferrably you keep Thanos alive since ideally you'd use him again at some point over the next century of Marvel movies. Why is Feige liberally killing off major characters like this?
  11. I'm not even clear why the Dothraki were there in the first place. Was it entirely because Daenerys told them to go? That's why they were dying, because Khaleesi told them to fight? If we think of them as barbarians then you'd think they'd want to do some pillaging and raping for all that effort. Or even if we just think of them as honorable warriors who thirst for battle like Klingons you'd still think they'd demand some reward in terms of money, lands, or goods for their effort.
  12. I was looking for that but didn't see it, but I'm assuming they went back home. Moreover, I envisioned them saying "why the hell did we come here in the first place again?"
  13. That's all I can tell too. This idea that he's evil is strange...did I forget something he did that was shady?
  14. I feel the same way about anyone who's been to Taco Bell a few hours before I'm around them. What, you don't think I know it's you, dude? At least TRY to act like a civilized human being and clinch your sphincter when you're in a closed space with another human being.
  15. Landham probably wasn't a good enough physical actor. I hope they find someone who really comes off as feral. They've got all the moneys, so I trust Feige will find someone good.
  16. I like Hugh Jackman a lot, but they need to get someone rougher, fiercer, and meaner. Every time I saw Wolverine doing his song and dance shows on Broadway I wanted to take his claws from him. If I could take anyone regardless of age or their state of actually being alive or not I'd still take Sonny Landham from Predator. He had the right voice, look, and intensity for Logan, albeit not the right diminutive size since he was 6' 3".
  17. The two known issues with vaping are as follows. With the nicotine containing products, the oils are very concentrated. This level of concentration is toxic especially to children if the oil is drunk directly and not vaped. Since many of these oils come in kid friendly flavors, children are ingesting the oils and it is causing toxicities. Second, people are making vaping products that contain other addictive drugs (like marijuana) and vaping those. When you vape a known drug it will have the same potential risks as the traditional administration methods. Also if the vape oils contains any potential toxic or addictive product you are taking that into your body. I'll summarize that by saying it's FAR less dangerous than climbing into a car, but around as or less dangerous than drinking a Pepsi. I hadn't thought about kids drinking the vaping oil. I'm now inspired to drop my two year crusade to end the scourge of Tide pods in America and will now focus on vaping oil manufacturers.
  18. There are two brands of pseudoscience--ideas that jump the gun and are presented as scientific consensus or just outright facts, and ideas that lag behind consensus and ignore it in part or full. In the case of the vast majority of GMOs and most vaping devices, people are jumping the gun. Glad to see you not doing that. Do you have a sense for how the potential risks scale in severity with every other risk you face in daily life?
  19. Thanks to Joseph Fiore (comicwiz) for sending me his kids' 2008 Hasbro X-Men: Origins Wolverine Cruiser toy! My son loves it. That's the recent Marvel Legends Sabretooth clinging onto him in the second two pics.