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Everything posted by MR SigS

  1. I guess I have the first raw copy of the club. Purchased from Bill C
  2. You're right- Edited. But Marvel is just as guilty (though FF has to be by far the worst- On SO many levels). Of course, the film rating is there to warn us. It's a "money talks" thing; Like if Gasoline Brand A dropped their prices 25% across the board and everyone went to them, the rest of the alphabet would soon do the same, or if politicians had to draw Social Security like the rest of us, it's guaranteed Social Security would be fixed. If everyone stopped taking kids to these films due to profanity, the profanity would vanish. And I'm not saying, "It's everybody else's fault!" The world is what it is, and raising children certainly hasn't gotten easier in the last 25 years.
  3. Your 13 year old or older grandchildren haven't been exposed to those words? Going on eleven. Sure he's been exposed to them. We, as caregivers, want to minimize that exposure while he is at this impressionable age. I've noticed some people treat other peoples children like toys in certain social gatherings. Once, during such a gathering, some of the younger folks present (mid twenties) saw our then 3 year old grandson poke one of the young ladies' boobs (not with any intent, just something a toddler does). If we were right there at the moment we would have gently stopped him. But then everyone present burst out in laughter, encouraging him to continue for at least 10-15 minutes before we noticed and put a stop to it, which had to have caused him confusion that a 3 year old would feel. They all thought it was cute and funny, which it was in an "at the moment" sort of way, but they never take into account that THEY'RE not the ones who have to raise the child responsibly. Allowing such a thing to go unchecked could cause some seriously embarrassing and uncomfortable moments when having to explain to teachers or principals or other parents. How many of us know [of] people who rely solely on schools to mold their child's minds during these years, only to moan and groan to the world when said kids exhibit poor social skills during inappropriate settings? "I don't know why he/she does this! They never learned it from me!" Chances are they never learned NOT to either. It begins at home. Always has, and should always will. So, if I get it right you have an issue with the language but don't seem to have an issue exposing your 11 year old to the violence of the movie? Can you help me understand how you separate the two and rank one being worse than the other? I'm guessing in this movies case the profanity outweighed the violence or maybe you don't have an issue with violence in movies. I am NOT judging - just asking for your opinion. I ask as we have a 3 year old and he isn't allowed to see any program that has violence within it. I don't think he'll see the X-Men or any superhero movie until he is 13 or 14. He doesn't need to be exposed to that outside of the Taekwondo class he'll start in a year. That's the way that we view the two and place more weight on the violence side. Not that profanity is acceptable nor would it be in the future. I'm sure all of the above just comes down to different views on parenting. Nobody is right and nobody is wrong. I'll be able to read your response but won't be able to reply. I look forward to reading your reply. We just recently (last week) took custody of him. You make a very good point, and in light of this recent development, and considering the theater experience, will most likely be thinking in that mind set. Before coming to us he had seen most of the Super Hero films as well as most of those mind numbing animated kid's shows with brain dead, booger-eating main characters. When he would visit we never let him watch Wolverine (first one) or Iron Man (also first one), and of course none of the R films (Sin City, Watchmen, Crow). He's a huge Hulk fan, so we did let him watch the Norton version. There isn't a violent bone in his body, quite the opposite, but he has been caught at home and school using bad language so that sort of got moved to the forefront. I don't pay attention to spoiler threads prior to viewing, and had no idea Wolverine would have a cameo in the film. In fact, for some reason I was under the impression he would not be in it, and hoped it would actually translate into a less deadly type of action film. Well, ol' Logan sure crammed a films worth of that in his scene . And then today we let him watch the latest incarnation of The FF without seeing it first (I never intended on seeing it). They must have said s**t 9 times and said d*ck at least twice. For frickin' crying out loud, people! These are supposed to be HEROES in the films you're making. I don't read moderns- Is this language in whatever passes or passed for the FF, or any comic that Marvel knows has an adult as well as a minor fanbase? He never saw Deadpool, and won't any time soon, but he somehow loves the character anyway . We're not sure exactly what exposure he had to the character, but at least one were those Youtube Mindcraft videos things. Not too sure what they are yet, but I have a vague idea and will be checking them out. Without a doubt this first attempt at an in-theater super hero film was an eye opener. And the FF was a reminder to check the film first. We never had to raise children in this age of hero films, so we're relearning as we go. But the film was great Right up there with First Class as my favorite of the ever-evolving, ever-mutating franchise. In fact I think the last three films did a much better job staying consistent with each other than the first three did. Not consistent with the X-Men, just each other. Pretty bummed Munn didn't have a bigger role in this one.
  4. Your 13 year old or older grandchildren haven't been exposed to those words? Going on eleven. Sure he's been exposed to them. We, as caregivers, want to minimize that exposure while he is at this impressionable age. I've noticed some people treat other peoples children like toys in certain social gatherings. Once, during such a gathering, some of the younger folks present (mid twenties) saw our then 3 year old grandson poke one of the young ladies' boobs (not with any intent, just something a toddler does). If we were right there at the moment we would have gently stopped him. But then everyone present burst out in laughter, encouraging him to continue for at least 10-15 minutes before we noticed and put a stop to it, which had to have caused him confusion that a 3 year old would feel. They all thought it was cute and funny, which it was in an "at the moment" sort of way, but they never take into account that THEY'RE not the ones who have to raise the child responsibly. Allowing such a thing to go unchecked could cause some seriously embarrassing and uncomfortable moments when having to explain to teachers or principals or other parents. How many of us know [of] people who rely solely on schools to mold their child's minds during these years, only to moan and groan to the world when said kids exhibit poor social skills during inappropriate settings? "I don't know why he/she does this! They never learned it from me!" Chances are they never learned NOT to either. It begins at home. Always has, and should always will.
  5. Oh, we do . But when a theater filled with people start laughing because Magneto said, "Who the are you?", it's a step backwards. Usually we wait until we've seen the film before we let him see it. Until he's older, we won't be taking him to see these films in the theater. We'll stick with Pixar films and the like... where he'll learn that farting in a group setting is socially acceptable
  6. I took my grandson to see it today. We thought it was great, but I'm a little irritated that they felt the need for another needless f-bomb (3rd one in 3 films- though I admit Logan's was pretty funny in FC). It really is hard to teach children the 'do's, don'ts, when's and when not's' of the proper use of language anymore. Sure I "cussed" when I was a kid, but that was due to exposure to other kids and some adults. Now it's everywhere in films that Marvel knows children will be seeing. Captain America- First Avenger had no major profanity that I recall because f-bombs would not have sounded right in this period piece. Well you know what Marvel? If none of your films had any profanity in them, I doubt anyone would complain saying, "There just weren't enough F*cks and Sh*ts in this PG-13 film". OVER
  7. I didn't see this post. If I had, I probably would have just posted one at the Frazetta comparison, and left it at that. Best of luck to you in whatever path you choose, Mercurious. I hope you're able to stick with it and achieve exactly what you want. Or at the very least, I hope you enjoy the ride.
  8. OP, since your first piece can't compare to Frazetta, you'll learn nothing from school. Go fudge your dreams.
  9. You are totally right - I just want to paint and I want to learn some technical aspekts like MISCHTECHNIK... READ THE OP's OWN WORDS KAV (assuming they matter to you). YET YOU STILL INSIST HE WILL LEARN NOTHING HELPFUL FROM SCHOOL TO ACHIEVE WHAT HE WANTS. Sorry for the caps, everyone[else]. It just seems Kav put the OP on ignore. 99.9999% of people who go to art school do not succeed as a painter. The figure may be higher. I guess this is progress. The 'follow your dream' advice is overused and may be detrimental. So may your "ABSOLUTE' advice. A large percentage of teenagers dream is to be a rapper. Should they all follow that? Should NONE of them? Who decides? I've heard countless teens say they don't have to do their schoolwork because they're gonna be a rapper/sports star. Following their dream screwed them big time. Perhaps. Either that or a lack of proper parental guidance. I, for one, am going to encourage and support my grandchildren's dreams. With luck no one will call CPS on me.
  10. Quoted in red in case it was missed the first time. You're right, it's unlikely they can draw that conclusion from your samples. So it must have been something else. His "well known personality" developed over his time in the business, I seriously doubt it was well known when he applied, so his talent must have had something to do with being hired. Wow. Just had to quote this. And anyone saying (paraphrasing) "maybe your work isn't good enough" doesn't mean "[you] suck." Why does everything have to be so ABSOLUTELY black and white? Introduce some gray. I can understand frustration, but this really sounds like bitterness. And your whole approach to the conversation has a "misery loves company" vibe to it. Please stop making this thread about me. Thanks.. You first. I'm not the one complaining about making the thread about me. The ones that are should go first. Here's a break down: Boardie A posts something Kav replies to the post with his input Boardie B post no Kav you are wrong Boardie C posts Kav you don't know what you are talking about Kav post actually I do know what I am talking about- Boardies B, C and D then post no you dolt you are wrong etc And we're off. I have bolded the posts that started making it about 'me'. ABSOLUTELY.
  11. Quoted in red in case it was missed the first time. You're right, it's unlikely they can draw that conclusion from your samples. So it must have been something else. His "well known personality" developed over his time in the business, I seriously doubt it was well known when he applied, so his talent must have had something to do with being hired. Wow. Just had to quote this. And anyone saying (paraphrasing) "maybe your work isn't good enough" doesn't mean "[you] suck." Why does everything have to be so ABSOLUTELY black and white? Introduce some gray. I can understand frustration, but this really sounds like bitterness. And your whole approach to the conversation has a "misery loves company" vibe to it. Please stop making this thread about me. Thanks.. You first.
  12. Quoted in red in case it was missed the first time. You're right, it's unlikely they can draw that conclusion from your samples. So it must have been something else. His "well known personality" developed over his time in the business, I seriously doubt it was well known when he applied, so his talent must have had something to do with being hired. Wow. Just had to quote this. And anyone saying (paraphrasing) "maybe your work isn't good enough" doesn't mean "[you] suck." Why does everything have to be so ABSOLUTELY black and white? Introduce some gray. I can understand frustration, but this really sounds like bitterness. And your whole approach to the conversation has a "misery loves company" vibe to it.
  13. Maybe that was what you needed. No way to know. ABSOLUTELY. Aside from thinking she may seem different to some guy, did she start claiming to represent everyone? And I've spent a few weeks in Italy and France. It drips with artistic culture that I can easily see inspiring anyone OPEN to it. Some people like to, and benefit from getting out and experiencing life in a way that is off the beaten path. It's good to see OP showing an open mind, even thou his last 3 posts in the thread seem to have gone unnoticed.
  14. Kav, maybe he just wants to paint. Nowhere in his original post does he say he wants to become a famous painter so he can make lots of money at it. Is money the only acceptable reason to want to learn more about painting? Is money what drives your passion to draw? I enjoy drawing and I enjoy painting (landscapes), although not prolifically, and have never once attempted to make a dime from anything- I give them away because I feel satisfaction when seeing the joy and appreciation from friends and family, and when I see my art on their walls. I've given art away here (in raffles) and feel satisfaction when someone claims them when I think their are better choices still available. Aren't people allowed to want to paint just for the love of it- Tuition be damned? He might go to art school and find his actual calling in another medium
  15. While I get what you're saying, KAV, and agree for the most part, much of it are blanket statements. And TBH, the "tone" makes them seem like great big wet-blanket statements.
  16. Was he wearing khakis? -slym At least he didn't say his name is "Peggy". That sucks, jcjames. There is no logic at all putting the reviews in your listing but not the other listing with the same book- that's not an even playing field.
  17. Did some shopping on the coast. Found another Mark Jewelers Power Man #48 reader. The 2 Logan's Runs fit a cover theme I collect.
  18. :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: He now has 11 (his collection goes to 11) of them, you just got done telling him what it is, and he says he STILL doesn't know what they are. I wonder how many more he'll buy.
  19. If you have stuff I want, I'll buy it I feel like if you back out of deals due to an admitted lack of funds, ebay should suspend your account for 3 months at least. It'll never happen. The person backing out may be doing so because they want to spend their money elsewhere on eBay.