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Ditch Fahrenheit

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Everything posted by Ditch Fahrenheit

  1. I think your intentions are likely honourable but your execution has repeatedly drawn complaints. When you fail to ship and fail to communicate you not only deprive someone of what they've paid for, you also cause them stress and concern. It's not just about the money. If you're gonna continue to do this you have to do it right from start to finish. You can't procrastinate and you need to communicate every step of the way. Again, I couldn't agree with you more. I guess from this point on actions will speak louder than words or a post. You suck louder than words. LMAO! You're killing me.
  2. Good to see you posting again buddy. A Slym post is now akin to witnessing a rainbow...no a double rainbow I tolja he was back, and the real McCoy too - not fake Slym.
  3. By the way, there's nothing preventing someone who is completely sincere about restoring all parties from paying a nominal interest fee on the value of the books or money sent over the duration of the delay. This would take out the opportunity cost and help to restore real balance to the world.
  4. Her? Boardies can get a strike for posting more than one warning in a sales thread (threadcrapping). If you put a link to your PL/HOS at the beginning of a sales thread, there would be no reason for anyone to add anything more. I'm not sure this is workable or the right thing to do, but that's the gist of it I think.
  5. No. Boardies have no authority or control over whether you sell or buy here. The PL and HOS are warning systems. I think Park is recommending that you continue to sell if you like, while also incorporating the warning into your threads. Then as you earn trust, presumable from boardies who don't read or care about the warning systems, you can someday petition to have yourself removed from those lists.
  6. OP posted on the 9th, right? So, the 12th is three days. Or my math is bad. EDIT: O, it was 11:11 pm on the 9th. So y'know, late Sunday... I meant there is more than one aggrieved party other OP/nominator to be made whole. CAHokie Barth AlexH MoJoePin I'm not backpeddling! I've been trying to stick to the topic.
  7. I just signed you up for the dodgeball team. Get ready.
  8. Wait...which team am I on again? I'm holding out for #teamtarantula. Those guys seem cool...and they got COI and Chrisco.
  9. Good Morning CGC! to all. Seriously, you guys make me giggle.
  10. You don't really believe this, do you? Even after all the good that has been done on here to help others selflessly when they needed such assistance, but were afraid to ask? Is this a continuation of your indignation over my comment about the other messsage boards? Seriously, take me out of your sights. Reread what I wrote. There are a few here that have hearts of gold and in the right places. But most . . . not so much. Public donations to charity do not a family make, otherwise me and the bell ringers at Target would be best friends. The few don't care about getting recognition for their generosity. They don't attach social climbing or getting a comic book in return for it. They do it because it's the right thing to do, and they do it quietly and selflessly. And they do it more often than we will ever know. Posting the same tired memes in birthday threads means nothing to me. Buying or selling to boardies means nothing to me. On the other hand, sending backstabbing politically-motived PMs about others, or mailing out a deceased boardie's comic book without protection in the cheapest way possible does. Maybe Christmas, he thought... doesn't come from a store. Maybe Christmas, perhaps... means a little bit more! You are the person that made the pretty negative statement about this community - not me. And you don't see a bunch of us walking around with badges making it sound like every donation or other contribution makes us better than anyone. We just jump right in as a COMMUNITY and do it. That is what you are missing. So this isn't about some imagined vendetta you have in your mind. This was about such a wild statement like you posted about the overall community. Nothing more than that. Though it is sad to see you had to add so much more to this to prove the vendetta checklist you are maintaining in your mind. Step back from the keyboard and think about it for a moment. The primary focus was on a board member that isn't following through on sales. You added so much noise to that discussion that had nothing to do with the situation at hand. Sweetheart, he's the one who brought up family, not me. He seemed to think that since everything eventually works itself out after several months of butthurt it's ok; and that that's how families operate. That's not my definition of a family . . . but maybe it's yours. Regarding the other stuff, you've had nothing to say to me about comic book related comments even when I've reached out to you before. Yet after years of silence you come out of the woodwork twice in one week over comments I've made that you seem to think are specifically about you. They weren't. Your sensitivity tells volumes Babe. I'm with Swick. Let's not derail this thread. If you or Rupp or anyone else in your tent wants to talk about real or perceived butthurt, then just send me a PM. That is, of course, unless your real intent is something more public.
  11. Hey Buddy. You have strange ideas about family and community. They seem to be transaction based. And for the record, I don't make my purchases here known. I don't care whether others know the size and girth of my collection.
  12. You don't really believe this, do you? Even after all the good that has been done on here to help others selflessly when they needed such assistance, but were afraid to ask? Is this a continuation of your indignation over my comment about the other messsage boards? Seriously, take me out of your sights. Reread what I wrote. There are a few here that have hearts of gold and in the right places. But most . . . not so much. Public donations to charity do not a family make, otherwise me and the bell ringers at Target would be best friends. The few don't care about getting recognition for their generosity. They don't attach social climbing or getting a comic book in return for it. They do it because it's the right thing to do, and they do it quietly and selflessly. And they do it more often than we will ever know. Posting the same tired memes in birthday threads means nothing to me. Buying or selling to boardies means nothing to me. On the other hand, sending backstabbing politically-motived PMs about others, or mailing out a deceased boardie's comic book without protection in the cheapest way possible does. Maybe Christmas, he thought... doesn't come from a store. Maybe Christmas, perhaps... means a little bit more!
  13. I can't tell if you're making fun of me, or making fun of the boards. I'm only making fun of you if you think we're all family here. This isn't a community. This isn't a family. There are a few here that have made friends and genuinely care about each other. But the vast majority are just a bunch of internet nuts with time on their hands, axes to grind, imaginary reputations to defend, and collections to bolster. Incredibly entertaining at times, but not people I would trust farther than my fist can reach - or in your case the extent of my PayPal protection.
  14. Don't buy from people you don't know here...it's not eBay. Don't buy from known weasels. Problem solved.
  15. Modification Round #2 Made this last night, and it was a total screw-up. I exceeded the maximum capacity of the pan and there was too much liquid. Made a bloody mess, and I had to use a second pan to reduce the sauce. Next time I'm using less ingredients and fully draining the stewed tomatoes. Round #3 Made some modifications and incorporated some of Ogami's suggestions. It was very, very good. But still not as good as my first attempt. But now I know why. I won't go into the details, but Round #4 should be much better. Good cooking is all about experimentation, trial and error. Round #4 Best attempt yet. #4 > #1 > #3 > #2 One more slight modification and it's done. I think. I dispensed with the intermediate photos. Soon. Ok...here we go. Round 5 Went to Smart & Final instead of Safeway for the chicken because it was half the price. Unfortunately, it was also a little tough. Other than that, it was almost perfect. And so to Round 6. Made this tonight. Decided I needed to do something about the toughness, so I left the chicken whole rather than slicing it up. I was also hungry and lazy and didn't feel like messing with it. This was a fortuitous event. Round 6 is the best yet! Not only is it much faster (shaves off at least 10 minutes work), but the chicken was more tender and juicy than ever before. I think we are close to the final recipe. Check it yo.
  16. No. That was a joke story (like a "The Onion" piece) that somehow got picked up as fact. Larry Flint did that. This works in a settlement agreement where the type and form of payment is not clearly defined. This doesn't work in a court ordered or judgement situation where the action can be seen as contempt of court. Violation of a court order takes many forms, including creating unreasonable or unnecessary impediments to the party the court has ordered payment, production, or discovery. There was a Tobacco Company case, taught to us in law school, where plaintiffs were to be given free and open access to documents, the documents disclosed were printed in red ink, on black paper, put into a dimly lit room with no ventilation or windows where the noxious odor from their paper/ink of choice would cause nausea to anyone in the room for more than 10 minutes. I was in contract negotiations with Samsung in Korea once. They were pissed off because we couldn't give them what they were demanding. We showed up in suits and ties and entered an unheated conference room that had to be 20 degrees below zero. Our counterparts showed up in full hooded parkas. You can't make this stuff up.
  17. You're not. I noticed that right away. Ditto. I thought I was the only one We should start a club. And possibly a new forum.
  18. You're not. I noticed that right away.
  19. No. That was a joke story (like a "The Onion" piece) that somehow got picked up as fact. Larry Flint did that.
  20. Clearly...I find a $1 dancing toy much more humorous than anyone else.