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Everything posted by ft88

  1. I agree with you, but a lot of the allegations are without basis - 1. That he cherry picked 2. That all the books are water logged 3. That he claimed via paypal that the Heroes were worth $15 each (I actually believe this but I can't verify he did in fact say this, context is everything). A lot of this is either conjecture (I am not a lawyer but I watch LA law) or doesn't matter a heck of a lot. But yes, any misrepresenting should be paid back in full. And I hope I am not acting like the morality police just posting a different viewpoint. As a morality policeman I would suggest that he either refund in full or to an agreed upon amount to protect his reputation. I would also suggest he not sell items like this again. I would also suggest buyers not buy mystery boxes or items that appear too good to be true. I would only suggest these things if I were a morality policeman..... which I am not.
  2. No argument that you will lose money here but you took a chance and lost. CS takes a hit to his reputation as he deserves. But his refund should be based on what he promoted that turned out to not be true. Ie how many comics at no more than 5 copies of any one issue did you get? The percent less than 300 you should get refunded. You can only do that on a per box basis and not in aggreagate if you bought more than one box. Same with condition to a point. But some of the allegations seem as over the top as CS saying he did nothing wrong. In the end I don't have much sympathy for those buying mystery boxes and then being outraged when they are disappointed. The misrepresentation - yes, value for what you paid - no.
  3. I'll back up CS a bit here. First of all, from his sales thread it looks like he sold 18 long boxes and not 15. I can believe that if there were water damaged books, especially if heavily damaged, that he pulled those out. But even if not, so what. I'll grant that his discussion leans towards selling the boxes "the same as he got them from Filter81" Still, in the sales thread Qualtiycomics early on mentions that they went from Koch to Neat Stuff to Filter and had been culled all along the way. Plus if you believe that the water damaged boxes were pulled and you factor in postage, he really is selling them for about what he paid. He was selling them for $150 shipped and postage via media mail is about $18 per. They are then being sold as a mystery box. Everyone gets their panties in a twist if they are out $75 but if they happen to make $150 nobody comes running back sharing the profits. It's similar to buying a NM book and sending it to CGC, getting an 8.5 and demanding a refund but you get a 9.8 and HAHAHAHA. As a seller CS has hurt his reputation. Whether grossly or only slightly misrepresenting what is sold - it hurts his reputation. The self policing on this board has done a nice job as usual. But the outrage for being scammed is getting a bit much. It sounds like most folks were out 10% of the number of books with another 10% were over duplicated than advertised. Plus some in less than advertised condition. I partly feel like you get what you pay for. Sort of like paying money to a Carney and not winning the big prize. From a disinterested party's point of view I'd go with a $50 refund per box as fair compensation. Tempest in a teapot here folks. Link to the Original CS Sales Thread
  4. Whovianone seems to have dropped off. He is currenly a non payer to me on a $20 lot so no biggie. And he was a good buyer in the past. Hope it's just a temporary thing. Ed
  5. I sent a near set for cheap to Steve Borock, he may have dups he'd sell. Ed
  6. Love the affect of an image seen in someones glasses or goggles. I wonder when that was first used, not just in comics but all graphic art - ads, pulps etc.
  7. Living in Baltimore and seeing quite a few collections here, 30 centers are very common, though not as common as the regular issues. If I run across a collection in Baltimore and it has no 30 cent variants, then it almost always came from somewhere else or the comics were bought in VA or PA or some such. The only 35 center I randomly found was an Iron Fist 14 and in that collection there were no 30 centers so the collection probably came from somewhere else.
  8. Cool pic. I spy a Showcase #1 both on the shelf and in the boy's hands. The girl looks to be reading the Betty and Veronica. Little Archie 1, Mad 27 and Scrooge 13 round out some of the early issues besides the usual cool books. I don't see the Detective comics possibly 225? Ed Edit, I see it's issue 230.
  9. Here are the preliminary drawings to the Candyland painting. I always enjoy the making fo aspect of stuff like this.
  10. Here's my Candyland commision. Gave Matt a Spidey 3 and some cash which he is slowly giving back to me for comics. Better than greggy's?
  11. Once and for all. Will sellers stop threatening to pull their for sale wares. "After tomorrow, this goes ______ ." Mad Lib 1. to ebay 2. to comiclink 3. in the vault 4. back in my collection, forever. Yawn. Lower your price by 30% or tell me another story, because this brudda ain't buyin'.
  12. Even as a hard core Randian, it still makes no sense. Hey, come out of the shell and doodle some Spiderman heads and sell 'em for $1000 a piece. No, he doesn't have to and you can't force him to. And yes he could just flip burgers to survive. But even from an objectivist POV, why doesn't Steve Ditko sell his drawings (old or new) for whatever he can get for them or for whatever he thinks they are worth. He can even demand payment in gold bullion or cigarettes with gold dollar signs stamped on them. Nothing prevents him from doing just that. Maybe, that he'd have to pay taxes? But the guy pays taxes in other ways so it's not like he can protest every aspect of life. So it goes.
  13. This was being bandied about between me and DizzyFoxx. Which one would you choose? versus
  14. Just received this in which I'm pretty happy to own even thought I couldn't afford to buy it.
  15. I need a centerfold or complete coverless or Poor copy of Exciting 9 Captain America 2 Have cover need coverless or poor copy for Archie 1 USA 8 Detective 65 Flash 42 Modern 69 Jungle 89 Jumbo 111
  16. Shouldn't have taken it out the wrapper.....
  17. I am curious why the business model for cartoons before movies doesn't work. I can get the downside - extending movie times and creating fewer showings per day. And the cost of making really good cartoons can't be small. Consider the Scrat cartoons prior to (and after) the Ice Age movies. This were outrageously hilarious. And easily were worth the time and expense required to make it part of the movie. Related to Bugs, Tom & Jerry, Popeye among others. These characters are worth serious money and have all sorts of external value. All due to being cartoons shown before movies in the 1930's to 1950's. There are probably quite a few legal issues etc that prevent doing this again but there is a serious drought of quasi adult cartoons out there and a clear hidden demand. Ren and Stimpy come to mind. But even quality kid/family friendly cartoons are lacking. Not to go on a rant against computer animation but SpongeBob just doesn't cut it and that is an immensely popular cartoon. Just imagine if Warner copied what they did before and put out another different version of Tom & Jerry or some sort of superhero cartoon, where the shorts were 3-8 minutes before each Warner movie. If the quality was any good at all they'd have an instant $1 billion franchise.
  18. There's another one in a More Fun (Basketball cover, issue 50 I think) that looks very similar. It is dated prior to Flash 1 (as I'm sure this one is) which makes it kind of cool. Ed
  19. Great book. Love the funny animal politically incorrect smoking cover. In today's day and age, I think it's worse than a black face or Sambo cover. Ed
  20. Does a dragon-fly count? How about a house-fly. A horse-fly? I been done seen, if I ain't never seen.....
  21. Certainly that is Tweety and Sylvester #1 but Sylvester has appeared prior and as early as FC 271 on the cover. Wikipedia only discusses the comics with Sylvester on the title showing 406 as his first comic. Technically true but not his first appearance which in comcland is all important. Still the #1 is such a good cover of both characters and a 9.4 is pretty awesome. Anyway, His first cartoon was in 1945 Life with Feathers where the cat is unnamed and the bird isn't Tweety. Tweety Pie is probably the first real appearance of both in 1947 but Tweety fist showed in a 1942 cartoon. I can't remember if he was named but he did utter his infamous line, so it clearly is Tweety. The other interesting thing about many of these funny animal comics is that the first appearances are so unknown and uncared about. The general population might put Tweety and Sylvester or Yosemite Sam as in the top 50 most recognized cartoon figures but in comic land, they get no respect. Disney has all the minor characters broken out: Beagle boys, Gladstone, Gyro etc. Overstreet can breakout Archie Pureheart, Sabrina the Witch, or Little Max and many others. Yet it forgets about the Warner Brother cartoon characters??? Seems weird that's all. Add Tazmanian Devil, Speedy Gonzales, Granny, and the Orange Monster to the mix of first appearances I'd be interested in.