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Posts posted by Arsenalherd

  1. I decided that for the new year I would make some changes in the basement (my comic room). The first thing to do was to paint. Since we moved into the house in 2001 I never bothered, it was painted just before we moved in by the previous owner and I had a hard time deciding what color to go with, so I left it white. Well 11 years later the paint looked old and I had an idea on a way to change the over all look of the basement.


    Here is what the basement looked like before I started. These pics are a few years old, for I have five file cabinets now, not just two.










    About two years ago I found a spinner rack for sale and put it at the bottom of the steps to the basement.






    Here are some pics of the basement just before I started to paint.



    Notice the wall where the paint has chipped, this is due to my use of double sided tape for the picture frames.







    Yeah it's a mess over here.



    Yeah the wall was dirty, hidden by posters. Also notice the bookshelf on the right, for it's no longer in the house.





    Here is the where the spinner rack was/is. I also tested a few colors. And yes there was usually a cat nearby helping me.


    That is the end of the before pictures, here are the after.



    We'll start at the top of the steps. Demon cat welcomes you.



    This is still the perfect spot for the spinner rack.







    A closeup.



    Better angle. The books are real, but will soon be replaced by color copies.



    Cool poster signed by: Margot Kidder, Jackie Cooper, & Sarah Douglas.



    Best angle I could get of the top shelf. Yes that is a talking Tick action figure.



    Didn't notice that crooked picture until after I looked at the picture. Since corrected.



    A view to the back of the room. Notice the cat that thinks she owns the place.





    This is where the old bookshelf was located. I like this setup a lot more. Close up pics to follow.











    This was a birthday gift that I got from my wife a few years ago. What can I say she not only supports my hobby, but enables it.



    Mike Schmidt the best third basemen to ever play the game.



    Here is the back wall. As you can see I like baseball and the Phillies in particular.



    Turning the corner. Only so much you can do to hide a circuit breaker and a Fios box. Need to find a bigger banner.



    I used the fireplace once and hated it. It's now a place for me to display stuff.



    Here is a shot of the front of the room. On the TV, Adam 12.



    Minersville is the name of the town where I was raised. You can find anything on e-bay.



    Here is the wall with the file cabinets. Please ignore the ugly couch. It will be going to the stepson once he graduates college and moves out of the house.



    The shelves just fit.



    Found these at an auction last summer. They were mislabeled as being from the 60s, really are from the 40s.









    This is an original piece done by Darth Corgi. Thanks Christian.

    (See more of his work here: http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=5373620&fpart=all )


    Well that's the basement. Hope you liked the tour.



    showed the woman, and all she cared about was the "Fanatic" bin, we fell in love with Phillies when we came over to the town last year and she is buying anything with "Fanatic" on it lol

  2. haha, better delete him from my Ipod before the meal, anyway how hard is it for a Englishman to get rid of drek in the selling forum doh! cant believe i finally started selling on Ebay and they have restrictions for new sellers, it has cheesed me right off.

    Are you going to list anything else in your selling thread?


    nope, no one really will bite at cheap comics, i am putting a database together though so if any of you lot where its cheaper to post are interested then i can quickly forward it over

  3. Message sent Neil, well coming to end of sorting boxes of mine and came across Secret wars 8, x men 100 and tales to astonish 64 in great condition


    Did you buy those Daredevil comics?


    nope never heard back from him, im after a lot on ebay now 5500+ comics and tpb's, started £500, BIN is £700, asked for a list, collection only from Liverpool so has to be worth it

  4. WTTB's Kenner, some great bits you got, dont worry about not making it for food, always good sharing a beer or 2 instead before you have to rush off, believe we will be there from 7, myself a few hours earlier if parched lol


    Great stuff! I'll keep in touch, as I formulate my schedule for that one, long day :)


    (thumbs u in permanent section we have a UK thread so if you decide give us a shout in there