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Chip Cataldo

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Everything posted by Chip Cataldo

  1. I'm never asking for a handout or a donation. I offer books for sale. Just because I state the reason why I'm selling doesn't mean I'm asking for a damn handout.
  2. I gave multiple times long before I "got" anything. I also never asked for ANY monetary help at all. None of it. Anyone who offered I told them they didn't have to do it. I can't force people to stop doing what they want to do, as evidenced by this damn thread.
  3. My attitude right now is that I'm pretty angry. I don't feel like I've done something horrid at all. I select stuff for the thread, post it up and get a bunch of flack for it. My first offer was taken quickly. My second offer wasn't and I switched it. People said it was a great offer, and now I'm getting flack for it again. Now they're pulling in everything everyone has done for me in the forum (even though I told the people via PM they did NOT have to do anything for me...that was none of anyone's business but I now I need to point it out) and saying that I haven't given back to the forum at all??? I was giving to the forum long before anything was given to me, so that's insulting and it makes my blood pressure skyrocket. The collection I just posted about has nothing to do with this thread, what I can give to this thread, or anything in here at all. Everyone assumes I got it all for a song and should just give it all away here.
  4. Now you're piling on, too? This is getting ridiculous.
  5. I'm not sure why you're pointing this out. What does that have to do with anything here?
  6. Really? I've gotta trot out every donation thread I've contributed to over the past few years? ...and argue WHAT? What exactly are you talking about?
  7. What the hell are you guys talking about?
  8. I have inventory that my business owns, books I sell on consignment, and books I own personally. Peace, Chip ok, so all the books you offered I assume are part of your personal collection correct. And the ones in the picture are your business or consignment. Yes, that's correct. Peace, Chip
  9. I just PM'd 1Cool for his address. I'm sending him the ASM #298 and #299 from this thread. I'm leaving both my offers up for people to take them as gifts (whether I eventually get a strike or not), and then bowing out of the regular part of this thread. I'll still pop in and put up freebies for anyone to just take because I'm a selfish greedy fruck who offers such little in return for what's been given to me around here. Peace, Chip
  10. I have inventory that my business owns, books I sell on consignment, and books I own personally. Peace, Chip
  11. You tell me?! Deflection. Answer the question. Peace, Chip
  12. Those pictures shouldn't be in this thread. They have nothing to do with anything here. Peace, Chip
  13. That collection has nothing to do with my personal books for sale, nor this thread. Harvey, you really think my offers have been ? You think I haven't given anything back to the thread? Peace, Chip
  14. They go all the way up to 202 as far as a straight run, I think. I'll go over them more after I sleep. Peace, Chip
  15. All I meant was that I only have certain things I can allot to this thread. I'm not posting 40 different offers until someone takes something. It wasn't meant in a hateful way, just a matter-of-fact way. I don't have the time to continually switch up my offers in this thread. Peace, Chip
  16. Drove about 6 hours round trip today to acquire a 2,300+ book collection from Craigslist. It's the farthest I've driven for anything since I moved to Myrtle Beach 8 years ago. . Needless to say, I'm exhausted and my back hurts. It was worth it, though. Peace, Chip
  17. Ah well...it's a solid offer. I'm not switching it up. Peace, Chip
  18. I've been gone pretty much all day. Did anyone take my new offer? I don't see anything. Peace, Chip
  19. April had fried bologna. I had cream cheese on toast. We're weird. As far as other favorites, I like all of the above...turkey, hoagies, tacos, burgers, etc. Two years ago I was 185, now I'm 235. I just need to stop eating. I love all food, and that's dangerous. Anyway, here's the offer change...a large chunk of Jack Kirby's Kamandi. 25 issues, and most of it is well above "reader" quality (for those that didn't care for my last offering). Issue #'s 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, 33, 34, 37, 39, 43, 46 and 56. < joel > "Whaddaya think, sirs?" < / joel > Peace, Chip
  20. Fine, I'll switch it up. I thought they were cool books and I thought I offered enough of them where the value was there. My mistake. Let me eat lunch and then post something else that's "socially acceptable." Peace, Chip
  21. ...but again, why is there a sense of urgency in the first place above and beyond what the rules state? You want faster turnover? Change the rules to reflect that. Thread moving too slow for you? Change the rules to reflect that. As I've stated before, cut all "chatter" posts other than the posting/claiming of offers and nearly all of the problems in this thread go away. No one will know what others want, and if nothing is claimed than the offeror has to switch it up as much as he can before enough time passes where he'll get a strike. Peace, Chip
  22. ...but Ducky DID switch up his offer. You can't say there wasn't an effort there. Does anyone here really think that ASM #298 & 299 are books? Seriously? Peace, Chip
  23. I'm sorry, but 1Cool and I saying that we're itching to take it once the 48 hours has passed does not stop someone new from coming into the thread and saying, 'Wow, awesome books." and scooping up the McSpideys before the 48 hours is up. Urgency, smurgency. If someone wants the books they'll take them. If they go unclaimed it does NOT mean it's a bad offer to begin with. The participant sample size in here is very small. Peace, Chip
  24. Okay, here we go... Starting at the top : Little Lulu #148 and #150 (1960) Hot Stuff #14 (1959) Classics Illustrated #83 (1965) Racket Squad #24 (1957) Flash Gordon #5 (1967) Wyatt Earp #25 (1959) Gorgo #4 (1961) Mysterious Suspense #1 (1968) Four Color #885 (1958) Quick-Trigger Western #16 (1957) Young Romance #49 (1952) Heroic Comics #70 (1952) Wild Bill Hickok #7 (1949) The Jaguar #15 (1963) ...but wait, there's more! Pinocchio #2 (1963) Thirteen #29 (1971) Brain Boy #6 (1963) The Outer Limits #17 (1968) Tarzan #178 (1968) MARS Patrol #3 (1966) MARS Patrol #6 (1968) Space Adventures #3 (1967) Fightin' Army #26 (1958) Fightin' Army #66 (1965) Battlefield Action #20 (1958) Battlefield Action #21 (1958) Thanks for looking. Peace, Chip