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Sauce Dog

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Everything posted by Sauce Dog

  1. Finally a thread about my FAVOURITE early Superman cover The interior does not match the cover, however a story that does was published. The cover matches the story 'The Bandit Robots of Metropolis', a Sunday newspaper strip that ran from October 27, 1940 to December 15, 1940. It would have been amazing to get these reprinted with that cover in this issue. I believe this story also pre-dated the animated 'The Mechanical Monsters' adventure, making this comic story the very first time Superman fought an army of robots. I've only posted my single favourite page of the story here since it matches the action on the cover best (I believe there was a total of around 7-9 pages that made up the entire story), and I own an original clipping of it from the paper hanging on my wall.
  2. I would also highly recommend to CGC they create some labels of PUBLIC DOMAIN characters/events so they will not have to worry about paying ongoing license fees to maintain. Investing in a graphic designer to do up some would also give CGC control of exactly how it fits/looks on the label rather than being at the mercy of whatever art is provided to them by a publisher. One idea of this would be offer a custom SOTI label for any book that appeared in the Seduction of the Innocent trials. Could be as simple as a graphic logo, or a collage of 'gruesome' art used in the trial, or even perhaps a drawing of the court room during the actual event!
  3. I would like to see a DOCTOR STRANGE custom label. Like this post if you agree. At this point it makes sense for one of the major MCU characters, and many of his early comic book appearances lacked a cover appearance by him so this would be a nice way to have him show up when a book is on display (Such as his first appearance Strange Tales #110). edit: not necessarily this exact above image though; an image of him casting a spell or levitating would be neat too.
  4. While the idea of CGC custom labels might be a controversial topic among slabbers, those who love em all have one thing in common; We all have ideas on what new characters should be featured! Share your custom label suggestions in this thread, but in order to make it easy to see which are most popular please follow these rules: Post ONE idea per comment. If you have multiple ideas please space them out in their own comment. Click LIKE on the comments you also want to see - do not post a new comment repeating the same idea that has already been posted. Try to limit your ideas to Marvel characters initially. Since CGC currently has some sort license/relationship worked out with Marvel we will get more traction with suggesting those characters. You can suggest DC and other stuff still, but be aware it might not ever be possible. After this thread gets some decent traction I'll loop @CGC Mike in on it all and consolidate the most popular ideas. For a complete list of current and retired labels click here: https://www.cgccomics.com/news/article/7873/
  5. @CGC Mike does CGC ever run polls or look for feedback on which custom labels the community might want (obviously just for Marvel labels at this time, since there already is some sort of licensing deal in place unlike other comic companies)? I'm still holding out for a Doctor Strange label, which seems like an obvious character to offer consider his MCU appearances
  6. I would still say check it out (which is what I say for everything that exists regarding Hellboy), as the main issues are the pacing/editing/-script. "Best" way to watch it is as series of short vignettes, do not watch it from start to finish all at once or it's gonna be a slog. Just put it on and watch the first part in Mexico - then shut it off the moment they change locations. If you feel satisfied with that, you can tap out and not watch the rest and quit while you are ahead; otherwise watch the next 'segment' some other day or just watch something much better if you need a Hellboy fix, such as 'Mike Mignola: Drawing Monsters.
  7. That is one reason I think this all has good chance at working; at very least this line up gets huge respect for not being at all predictable. I honestly would have written off an announcement that sounded too much like it was basically the same typical 'big' picks that seem obvious to everyone with an opinion online, this list though makes me more interested overall and curious about the method behind its madness.
  8. I mostly agree here, but with Authority I think the general public (and many non-DC/Marvel fans too) not knowing anything about them is going to be a huge plus (remember, nobody cared about most Marvel characters at the start) and my guess is they want to tap into these characters to act as the 'new kids' saving the world Ala Kingdom Come, which will lead directly to Superman getting involved. Supergirl is the only property here I feel might be misplaced, not that I don't want it (as it sounds like a sci-fi adventure like the Prophet series) but rather feels 'too soon'. But anyways, let us focus on the most important part of this. SWAAAMMPPPTHINGG!!!
  9. Yup, still over priced but this is one of those books that is always a sellers game; it comes up rarely, and is a fairly in demand iconic cover, so often they can just sit on an overpriced listing and see what happens. I want one, but alas need to find a copy for around $1k in order to get in on it.
  10. I'll also put this happily at a 6.0
  11. It looks like they went right back to the bay-verse formula, disregarding lessons learned during BB of what made for a good movie...also I would heavily lower your expectations when it comes to Rhinox (unless of course you only care he is a Rhino...and compared to the other leaks we knew he wasn't the most butchered characterization, so at least he still has that going for him I guess).
  12. It is very much real and felt by me and many I speak with. The vast majority of comic book films simply feel like they are vehicles for showcasing the superheroes & expanding the universe/brand; not to tell unique stories that the genre can express better than others. There isn't really a 'range' to the CBM films yet, as all are basically the same action/comedy vibe across the board with little to no other genre branches and variety (no explicit horror movies, no stylistic art house experiments in story telling, no pure romantic films, no period dramas, no coming-of-age films etc). Gone is the initial excitement of just seeing these characters come to life on screen, and now I honestly couldn't care less who the next 'big-bad' in the films are (same with the slew of what feels like endless forced Easter eggs in these films, that are less of a thoughtful homage or callback and more akin to brand product placement now expected by fans). As was already said above, the single best superhero/comic films in the last few years was 'Everything, Everywhere All at Once'.
  13. Nope, their category filters are useless trash. I basically only ever bid on items I am specifically looking for and are on my want list...otherwise I'll miss it and means I'm also not casually impulse buying (their loss)
  14. Of these two I do prefer #4, however when it comes to Woman-vs-Shark covers I much prefer Exciting Comics #60. Wish I could have a copy as nice as this recent sale...alas, I have to live with being content with my 3.5 until I can upgrade it.
  15. As mentioned above, it depends on the rest of the book. Here is one example book I used to own, and overall was an otherwise solid 5.0
  16. Lol I totally forgot about your forum name being different and keep loosing track of it! Totally makes sense that it depends on the cut, but at worst case scenario won't that just result in an obvious MARRIED label note while still being much better overall for the structure of the book.
  17. Conserve it. The entire point is to make this book more structurally sound, allowing it stand the test of time so just do it right with minor investment (I always recommend https://www.instagram.com/phantomrestoration/ for valuable stuff like this). A blue/grey label isn't a death knell, and I personally think is what would be best for the book and the grade.
  18. The exact same TOS39 cover I posted above back in October was recently relisted at auction and ended up selling for $2325 today (down $613 from its previous sale of $2938, but gives a decent solid data point on the value it is holding)
  19. Sigh, went back to check on a few books I was interested in (after having put in low 'following' bigs when the auctions started) and only now I'm reading ALL the descriptions and once again my hatred for CGC omitting certain label notes has risen to a new high. Was going to fight for this, as it's a decent poor mans copy of a JSA member key...but alas, very incomplete - something that really should be on that label
  20. Just poking my head in here to see if everyone has started complaining about the latest costume reveal yet Don't open unless you want a character spoiler (and an eye-full of questionable design choices)
  21. The new cover must be attached to the book (ideally using its original staples, though some I've seen used tape) for CGC to grade it, and only then will it get a NG. If it is not attached they will send it back to you and not slab it with the book.
  22. What I found interesting was that there was a 9.8 SIGNATURE SERIES of the same book that ended at the same time, and it sold for around 10k LESS than the universal copy here.
  23. Dubbing was good enough, happy they used actual VO actors and didn't opt for whatever celebrity they could afford. Think I ended up enjoying it more dubbed than had I seen the subtitled version (which is not something I ever expected to say) as it adde to the camp nature and did help with the loads of exposition dumps the group would quickly ramble through. Overall very good, not anywhere near Shin Godzilla level of good, but still a fun bunch of episodes (which is what it felt like, 4-5 episodes strung together). I do kind of feel it would have been better if they combined the Mefilas & Zarab stories into one though in order to tighten up the middle of the film.