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Everything posted by rjpb

  1. I finally upgraded my pos copy of this comic, and it was my first non-ebay purchase of an atom age book in a couple of years. One of my fave covers and grossly undervalued in Overstreet. The overhang next to the spine is from the teachers supplement that is attached to the back.
  2. great cover on the action 50. Alot of early 40s Actions have very dynamic covers - but I can't afford to collect everything.
  3. Outside of the miscut- that looks pretty nice for a 4.5. What keeps the grade down? Great cover as well!
  4. That Schomburg guy is terrible - If you have any of his stuff you should sell it now, at fire sale prices, before the bottom drops out - especially his WW2 covers - hurry! I might know some poor fool wiling to buy them from you.
  5. I don't know what Terrors of the Jungle usually sell for, but it looks like you got a great deal for a VF.
  6. Nice! Good looking copy, was it an Ebay purchase?
  7. Ooops, I guess I can afford to put it on my list. Is that good? Something tells me that if I found a lower grade copy at guide I'd be one lucky MF - or has the guide caught up with this book's actual value?
  8. Stop posting that Wonderworld 3 - I can't afford to add it to my want list!
  9. Here is another recent Ebay win. Sold as a 2.5 due to a loose cover, this is the kind of high eye-appeal/low grade copy I love to find. Considering a 1.0 copy is currently at $161 w ith BP in today's Heritage Auction, I think $200 was a bargain for this one. 1943-45 Marvel Mysteries can be a steal compared to other Timelys, if you have a little patience.
  10. While not nearly as nice as Timely's copy, I am completely stoked about picking up this copy of Young Allies #9 on Ebay last month. It ran me about 1.5X guide, but I expect to pay a premium for any Schomburg Hitler cover.
  11. Thanks lou_ fine for doing the research, Actually you do confirm what I recall, as I posted that I that I remembered reading that "newspaper reprint comics from the 30s & early 40s were more valued than GA Superhero books for the most part" - I would have been surprised if they had exceeded the value of the big three GA keys. I wish I'd kept my old price guides, I think the first one I bought was the 3rd edition when I was in 8th grade. I remember I was too cheap to spring for the 2nd, and just memorized the prices from my friend's copy when looking for books at comic-cons. I still remember the the 2nd con I ever went to in 1971, it was also the first time I set up as a dealer. I was 12 years old, and was dumping my DC books to raise money for early Marvels. I rented a table for $5, automatically saving $2 on admission for me and a friend, and had all my comics sitting in wooden crates - unbagged. I remember being thrilled at selling a small stack of early 50s Blackhawks for a buck apiece, since I had purchased them for only a quarter apiece a few months earlier. My big purchasess for the day were JIM 83 for $17, and Hulk 1-6 for a total of $35. Condition was probably around VG for all of them, but back then, when the Good/Mint gap was only 2:1 condition wasn't as important as having the books.
  12. - I seem to remember reading that in the first OSPG, newspaper reprint comics from the 30s & early 40s were more valued than GA Superhero books for the most part - can anyone verify this?
  13. Nice looking copy - love the colors! It does look like that polar bear has some bladder control issues though.
  14. ecfanman, Thanks for the info, I guess I wasn't being clear, I was already counting the cover in the page count. I know there is at least a full wrap missing, as I am short 4pgs. of story. By my estimation there should be two half wraps in a sixty page Timely. 14 wraps (including cover) times 4 pgs. equals 56 pgs., plus two half wraps times 2 pages equals 60 pgs. total. (Why Timely wouldn't just use 15 wraps total I don't know). This copy has only one half wrap, just before where the centerfold would be. It has just occured to me that instead of a centerfold, it could have had two half wraps in the middle of the book - thereby adding up to four half wraps, to be honest though I own a few Timely's I was not aware that was any consistency in the number of half wraps from book to book. I need to double check, but I didn't notice any pages missing from the other stories, but I hadn't thought about the fact that a half wrap with maybe a couple of gag or puzzle pages could have been pulled clean out, leaving no trace of its existence.
  15. I'm almost ashamed to include this on the same thread with all of Timley's beautiful books, but here is my latest Ebay win. It was priced right as it is missing a centefold or two - pages 8-11 of Murder brain. It currently has 54 pages inc. the cover, and that centefold would make 58. The cover advertises 60, so I suspect a missing "half-wrap" of the type Timelys are known for due to paper quota restrictions, but I can't figure out what it would be as no other story is missing pages, and the two page text quota is accounted for - maybe the editor miscounted the pages before going to press. If anyone out there has a coverless Cap 41 with at least cream pages, I am looking to buy. Even if I don't find one, the Schomburg cover was the main reason for this purchase.
  16. That All-Select 1 is a stunner. Looks way better than my Alan Light reprint. What does the pencilling under CAPTAIN AMERICA at the top spell out?
  17. Additionally strange, as the cover features everyone from the regular edition. I can't believe they thought anyone would pay a dime for half a comic with a black & white cover back then.
  18. Latest addition to my puny Nedor collection. It was a "found in attic" Ebay deal, with a small scan, a general description and no grade. I took a chance that it was in the neighborhood of VG, and was pleased with the outcome. It has better page quality than average for the grade.
  19. Thanks for not bidding it up too high, Bonds. The wheel will turn and one will come your way. Here is another recent aquisition for all you Baker fans out there. No inside art by him, but one of my fave "tramp"covers by the master of GGA.
  20. Enough happy dwarves, unless they're about to jab a bound maiden with a red-hot poker of course. Here's a recent aquisition (arrived today!) that has been on my list for long time. I was determined not to be outbid this time, and ended up getting it for a reasonable price.
  21. Love the Young Allies 9 - another one for my want list. Shomburg + Hitler = Awesome covers.