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Posts posted by Azkaban

  1. 2 minutes ago, Architecht said:

    In the office working on a big project. I also tend to contribute more when I'm tracking a thread where the community is actively giving good feedback / reflecting on the state of the boards, etc.. So once I'm engaged, I kind of track it through until it dies down a bit and people move on to other things.

    such as teat milking lol

  2. 25 minutes ago, Drummy said:

    I saw it yesterday and thought it was very good (4/5 stars from me).

    Best parts:

    Acting felt very sharp across the board, at least as strong as every other MCU film -- and better than in many.  I felt several characters' doubts, passions, and anger is visceral ways.  At least three times I was moved by the humanity of a character's action or decision.  A few minor characters weren't as sharp from an acting perspective, but the leads all shone.

    Plot and characterization all worked for me -- the main characters all get an arc, the country of Wakanda gets a seminal moment to see what it will become, and the villain's motivations are compelling.

    Two or three very funny moments, but not of the 'break the mood' variety.  I generally like Marvel's use of humor, but Whedon's constant zingers in 'Age of Ultron' weakened that movie for me in particular. 

    Wakanda was visually beautiful, and the costuming was amazing.  Might get an Oscar nod for costumes and production design.

    Worst parts:

    The action was often too dark and/or frenetic to keep track of easily.  Not all the fights came across this way, but enough of them to bug me.

    The CGI is spotty and at times a bit cartoony compared to the kind we got in the airport scene of 'Civil War' (which I thought was excellent).

    Some of the transitions between scenes were awkward in their timing (a minor complaint).

    So many strong secondary characters that T'Challa occasionally took a back seat in his own movie.  I would have liked to see more of the visceral, hand-to-hand combat and energy from him that we saw in 'Civil War'.

    Overall, a strong movie with a message about how to treat humanity that will resonate with plenty of people.  It is not, in my eyes, a brilliant film, nor did any particular moment make my jaw drop.  It is, however, a strong character film with plenty of heart, humanity, and purpose.  I will definitely see it 1-2 more times in the theater.


    The movie did move me, I felt the tears when Killmonger was being taken outside by T'Challa. Logan was the last movie to do that.

  3. 4 hours ago, jsilverjanet said:

    Is this a movie with repeat viewings? I find it interesting that many of the marvel fans from the boards who usually see their movies (big distinction) haven’t posted their comments or reviews 


    Okay wasn't going to post didn't won't to get labeled one thing or the other but here it goes. Took the wife and kids and they loved it. I thought it was really good but not better than IM, Avengers or Civil War in my opinion. Thought it was a little too preachy if I want that all I have to do is turn on the TV that's not what I go to movies for, I'm bad, America's bad, cops bad I get it. But it's a comic book movie so I'm in, any comic book movie is worth seeing to me. (shrug) except the last FF

  4. 2 hours ago, ChiSoxFan said:

    Well, I'm still here, for whatever that's worth. (shrug)

    I didn't read through all 39 pages, but I skimmed through a little and saw some familiar faces, and other not so-familiar ones.  Logan510's comment kind of hits it on the head for me.  I've been here since 2009, and I lurked for a couple of years before that, so I've seen a lot here -- a lot good, a little bad, a lot of funny, and I've gathered an incredible amount of knowledge about comics and collecting that I couldn't have found anywhere else, and for me, that's made a huge difference.

    There was a time where I was on these boards literally every day for hours at a time.  But I changed jobs (starting working a casino job that made the hours I was awake wacky compared to most people), I got sick (I had a mild stroke, was diagonosed with Fibromyalgia, and then sleep apnea -- which is getting worse, and has two of the best sleep specialists in the region baffled as to what's going on) -- so my health, even though I'm in my late 40's, is slowly deteriorating with my physcians unable to come up with any answers to help.  My mother passed away last April, and I haven't recovered from that, and my father had a stroke in September, and his health is shaky at best.  The last two years have been at times a nightmare, and there doesn't seem to be any reprieve coming.

    All of that means that the time I spend here has diminished, for no other reason than, as much as I love this place, other life matters have taken priority, and I'm not here as often as I once was.  It's a stark, extreme example as to why there's plenty of reasons why people move on.  A website can change its format.  People move out of the hobby.  People get ill.  People have other priorities take precedent.  There are still new people joining, and barring something out of the ordinary, they still will.  As another example, I used to be a heavy poster on a popular fantasy baseball message board and stopped posting when they changed their format around (and I discovered THIS message board around the same time).  I thought the board was on its death knell then -- much to my surprise, I recently discovered it's still ongoing today, nearly a decade after I stopped frequenting it -- not what I remebered it as, but still something worth going to.  It's a reminder that things inevitably change, and that there's some level of irony in remembering how things "were" here, on a board centered around a hobby based largely on nostalgia.

    None of this means that things are perfect here, or that they can't be improved or tweaked for the community's benefit.  It also doesn't mean that, as Logan510 said, I don't miss certain people or wish I saw other people who aren't here as much.  There may be a day, likely sooner than later, when someone here may ask "Whatever happened to that ChiSoxFan guy?" as well, but my disappearance won't mean the end of the world for this site.  The boards have evolved over the years, in both positive and sometimes not-as-postive ways, but that's part of the natural order of things.  For now, I still like hanging around here, and I hope to so as long as I'm able.  For familiar faces I like seeing post, whether it's in the sales forums or the regular forums, I hope I continue to see them.  For new faces, hopefully they can integrate into the community (we were all new here once) and keep it going strong, so that these boards can be as much an attribute to someone new down the road as they once were for me a decade or so ago.

    :applause: hope things turn around for you :wishluck:

  5. 3 hours ago, kilowatt said:

    Biggest Score...a guy on Craigslist posted some comic books for sale and I contacted him. We met at a coffee shop on a cold December day and he brought with him a tote filled with books. He was looking for $50 and told me his father said no less. The guy was around 20 or so.  I looked through the books (just about all 70's stuff) and on the bottom were some Creepy and Eerie magazines. We were told that we could not use the shop for business and we were asked to leave. I figured around 200 books and magazines, why not. Gave him the $50 and we left. The score was minimal, I could maybe double my money, a lot of common comics, but they were in great shape and they filled some holes. So I kept them. The next day I get a phone call from the same guy and he tells me his father wants to speak with me. I'm now thinking these were his Dad's books and wants them back. To my surprise he has more books and wants to meet. I meet him at a gas station near his house, and find out the guy's legit. He's around my age and after talking awhile we head over to his house. He begins to tell me his parents owned a small Mom & Pop store in the 60's and 70's and when the comic books and magazines were changed out weekly or monthly his father stacked them in egg boxes till they were filled and stored them away in his basement. He proceeded to take me downstairs and as I hit the last step I nearly fell to the ground. There were literally 50-60 boxes stacked neatly in a small room. I opened one of the boxes and there were multiple copies of 70`'s Amazing Spider-Man, X-men, Action Comics...you get the point. These copies were as fresh as the day they were printed. The guy wanted $50 a box. Sight unseen. I wouldn't be able to open any more boxes, and as long as I bought 4 boxes or more a month they were mine exclusively. I decided to buy 2 boxes to start. I picked two of the bottom boxes towards the back of the stack, handed him the money and walked out the door. I didn't want to seem too eager but once I left the house I parked in a shopping center parking lot and opened the first box. There were multiple copies of Tales of Suspense, Amazing Spider-Man, Batman, X-men, different titles all from the late 60's. I went back there every couple weeks and bought up every box he had. I later confirmed the books dated from the mid 60's till the mid 70's. Star Wars #3 was the latest book in the collection. In total I paid $2650 for 53 boxes with roughly 340-350 books in each box. That's around 18,250 books. The Magazines were amazing! Creepy 1-66, Eerie 2-56, Zombie, Mad, House of Dracula, the list goes on. Highlights were;  Hulk 102, Iron Man 1, Conan #1, 4 copies of ASM 129, Hulk 181, 6 copies of Submariner #1, 5 copies of Star Wars #1, multiple Batman, Detective, Flash...  there's no way I can tell you everything in this collection. In short it was a once in a lifetime score for a comic book collector. There was a risk in paying $50 for the unknown, but in the long run it was the best decision I ever made. Now many of you won't believe this story, and I don't blame you. It is far-fetched, but my nephew is on this site and he knows the truth. It really did happen.  

    why can't this ever happen to me :cry:

  6. 13 minutes ago, Architecht said:

    Fair point. I do view these things from the long perspective, so the sentiments of the moment are always in that context for me, and that can make it feel like I'm not listening.  That said, part of the reason I have a list of these threads at all is because I do listen. I know they exist because I care about how people are feeling.

    These boards are great, and the knowledgeable people rummaging around here are a treasure. The community is supportive, and has camaraderie and friendships, and drama, and all the things you see in a vibrant, caring group.

    You guys should all be proud of the community you have created, and proud of being members of it. 


  7. 14 minutes ago, Montezuma said:

    Back in the 1980's when i worked in North Dakota a co-worker was after me to look at some Captain America Comics he had, He was younger than me and I figured probably a bunch of Bronze Age, maybe Silver, nothing too exciting. One day I brought in some pictures of the Timely Caps just to check him out, he pointed to the Cap #1, and said, that one's there for sure.

    Needless to say we were immediately in my car heading for Orrin ND, about 75 miles away, when we got there the old guy living in the house said he'd gotten tired of all the Junk in the back room, and last week he'd taken it all out and burned it.

    I scored a number of Golden Age collections out of ND over the years, but that one always bothered me, missed by a week.

    that's gotta sting

  8. 4 hours ago, Badlands said:

    I have posted on this thread before, but recently moved in to a bigger house, and lo and behold, my wife said I can have the ENTIRE basement! So I'm only taking 3/4 of it, lol.

    Some action figures purely for decorative purposes, some comics of course, but the things I most enjoy is spinner rack and the art/posters on the wall!









    Nice rack :applause:

  9. Best score buying an Iron Man #1 in VF for $10.00 at a flee market in the 70's. Regrets plenty. Someone had NM copies of Hulk 180,181,182 back in the 80's he wanted $60.00 bucks for 180 and 182 and $60.00 for 181. $60.00 is all I had at the time so I bought 180 and 182 thinking I would save my mowing money and go back the next week and get 181 needless to say I still don't have a 181 :facepalm: In 1992 or 93 could have bought Avengers #4 in NM for $850 an Iron Man #55 NM for $90.00 Action #252 in 8.5 for $500.00 do I need to continue :cry: