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Everything posted by Rich_Henn

  1. Wolverine #2 CGC 9.8 s/s signed & sketched Herb Trimpe, signed Stan Lee, Louise Simonson, Joe Rubenstein, Len Wein, Frank Miller & Chris Claremont
  2. Back to the Future #1 CGC 10.0 s/s Michael J. Fox & Bob Gale 1/10 Artist Edition
  3. Back to the Future #1 CGC 10.0 s/s Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd, Lea Thompson & Bob Gale JJ's Comics & Art variant
  4. From the recent on site grading at WW Philly--- Back to the Future #1 CGC 10.0 s/s Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd, Lea Thompson & Bob Gale J. Scott Campbell Exclusive
  5. This particular post might be unique in and of the sense that this also needs to (and will) go into my own thread in SS Announcements. But because of the short notice, I thought it would be best to put it out there ASAP in this thread as well. I've got a great witness working with me who is handling books in Phoenix, while I do DCAwseome Con and WW Philly here on the East Coast. Anyone with books for Phoenix, LMK via PM. Comic creators ONLY, absolutely NO celeb signatures for Phoenix. Wolfman & Perez are your bigger ones at this show. Great time to double down on Titans or Crisis. Dougie, I return creative control of this thread over to you, my friend!!! :thumbsup:
  6. I've got a few Miller s/s books for sale, a few ending tonight, more later this week including Batman #404 CGC 9.8 s/s Miller Comics Journal #58 CGC s/s Miller, the 1st true appearance of Elektra. This mag pre-dates DD 168 http://www.ebay.com/sch/m.html?item=381629503552&hash=item58dae41840%3Ag%3ADLUAAOSw~oFXMU0v&LH_Auction=1&_ssn=rasmus2&_sop=1
  7. Didn't want to risk that heavy dark cover in the mail! I DID think about it though......
  8. Just back in---Lone copy signed by Miller, Moench & Sienkiewicz Moon Knight #12 CGC 9.8 s/s
  9. I'm going to be having another mega-sales thread (thanks to Uncle Sam!) and I'm starting with a roll out of 12% discount on any remaining books from the two prior threads, and offering any boardie the opportunity to swap out the old holder for the NEW holder for only $10 more. New holders are $15 before you even add in shipping costs and invoice fees. But these things look great! Almost all new books posted will be 1977-present, mostly books not scanned or listed. And a few Frank Miller :thumbsup: http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=9282512#Post9282512
  10. :thumbsup: At this point it's up to the mods or whomever runs the PL list, but I'm going to officially request in this post that since he thus far seemed to have made the requirements that I put in front of him, we're all good on this end.
  11. $300 posted per Christopher McGee about an hour ago. :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
  12. oceanave kid clearly has a history of this sort of behavior, and still wants to play the victim. I'm more than a little surprised that there are posts from both oceanavekid (and others) asking how he may eventually come off the PL list. As someone said it's not supposed to be a prison---and that's true But it comes down to this---on or off the PL list, makes no difference to me. I won't ever deal with him again, and if anyone else chooses to, well I guess it's at your own risk. You have all the information in front of you, but that's neither here nor there. All that being said----last night something occurred to me and this, OCEANAVEKID, is what I'm calling your "last chance for gas." Regardless of how you choose to proceed, IF you choose to proceed, I'm still never engaging with you again. Let others take that risk. I personally think you're that guy who will do a chargeback within 90 days. But if you can do the following, and do it within 48 hours, then I would propose the mods remove you from the PL list. So this is where, as they say, you put your money where your mouth is. I want these two things: 1) A board member who has actually successfully SOLD something to you and had said transaction go down without incident. I personally don't think such a person exists, but if they DO exist, I want to see a link to said board transaction. Really want to impress me? Show me THREE board members and have them post here to confirm. With links. 2) And this is the big one. I want you to donate $300 to this charity. Within 48 hours. No exceptions. You're getting two things for your $300 payment. A selfless donation to worthy cause, your name (this is up to the guy who generates the PL) off the PL list AND yes, you get a Dreaming Eagles #1. Here's the URL https://www.gofundme.com/rdkgzp5k Because you're predictable, and I know you're going to say "But the initial cost of the op was $275, why do I have to pay $300?" Call the additional $25 your IDIOT TAX. Be glad I'm ONLY asking you to donate $300. I should be adding on an additional $300 from our first gone south transaction. And I'll go one step further and play the pretend card here and pretend that you don't know how these s/s ops work. These books will NOT be shipping from CGC anytime soon because there are still signatures to obtain and then grading and shipping time. Don't look for these before June, possibly July. So don't start bothering me about this book anytime soon. If you do a chargeback, we'll know about it. And if you do eventually do a chargeback or the funds don't clear or ANYTHING goes south on this one, you're in the Hall of Shame. Do something selfless, show all of us that you really truly are attempting to turn over a new leaf, and put $300 at said link. Really want to impress us, do more than $300, but that's your minimum.
  13. Now before you post (yet again), oceanavekid "But I paid!" Yes. You paid only after the email sent to Megan Lundquist that said pretty much, I was tired of chasing you down for payment. And it was only after Megan Lundquist replied to said email (or actually, oceanavekid), when I finally realized that Megan Lundquist and oceanavekid were one and the same person, I denied your payment. :doh: That's what I did when I realized your shill email was YOU. About thirteen times. :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: And it all made sense why you hadn't paid or responded to the prompts for payment. Because that's what you DO. Just not here, any longer.
  14. So like several times prior (and I use the word prior because what happens next is what's happened many times past with other board members and myself when it comes to providing books and prices) -----too expensive. And I get it, sure, asking prices for Miller books are steep. No question. But this is his MO---many times in the past, other board members, including myself, have provided him with book titles, images and prices. Tires are kicked, but no purchases made. But then he asks if I have any more of the 1/100 (regarding the Airmen book) I tell him to hit a in the thread. In separate PM's sent out to everyone who partook, I get the email address to send an invoice. About once a week, I go into paypal to send reminders to anyone who hasn't paid an invoice, regardless of the signing or anything else that's going on. Standard stuff. When I sent out reminders this week, I see that Meganlundquist94@gmail.com hasn't paid her invoice. I don't know who Megan Lundquist is, just that she's been sent a few reminders. What I should have done was write a note to myself on that invoice that said OCEANAVEKID and that would have been all I needed (to prompt my own memory). And I probably wouldn't have even sent that third reminder. Just deleted the entire invoice. At any rate---I've wasted more than enough time on this nonsense.
  15. Even though he doesn't initially ask me about Miller books, I'm assuming that's what he's looking for because I had a few on eBay at the time. So this is where he asks about Daredevil and MTU 95 (all Miller books) And is specifically interested in DD and if the MTU is a 9.8
  16. Timeline begins with the failed eBay transaction from Dec. 2104 Picks up again in Jan. 2016 when he wants to make things right. Initially, I thought I was pretty clear in telling him to leave me alone. Against my better judgement, I finally engage.
  17. oceanave kid----how about I just post our entire PM thread so we can see how full of it you are? I think I will.
  18. What oceanavekid is conveniently omitting from his story is what Seanfingh already laid out. But I'll put it out there again. oceanave kid had a PM thread with me trying to figure out how to rectify his past mistake from a year ago. After a lot of back and forth, he decided that he'd take a book from an s/s op, in this case, Tuskagee Airmen. oceanavekid hit a on a book in the thread. An email was provided and an invoice sent. Payment reminders were sent over the course of a few weeks. I think it's been three week now, but like most people here, and maybe I'm going out on a limb here---but I don't remember everyone's email address to their board names. I'm one of the few people who actually uses their real name rather than a code name because it makes it easier for other board members to identify me. I don't know oceanavekid from junglemama007 and after a period of time, whose email address is connected to which board name. I don't remember or even know 75% or more of the REAL names of people behind their board name let alone their email addresses. What I saw on my paypal invoice sheet was a number of people who had received invoices from me for certain transactions, and Meganlundquist94@gmail.com in no way shape or form makes a connection to me to oceanavekid. All I know is some one named Megan Lundquist (That would be my assumption) has an unpaid invoice from me and was sent more than one reminder and never paid. So an email is sent out to Meganlundquist94@gmail.com to let them know that payment is past due, reminders have been sent, and in my experience, when ample time and multiple reminders are sent and ignored, that typically means that said person has no intention of paying. It's only then that I received this response "1st I'm still on the probation list I was never taken off the list, only you can do that. I can stay on the list forever if that's what you'd like. I just wanted to make up for the mistake i made in the past 2nd I've never done one of these signings before . I didn't know pay in full up front, now I know how these things work. I'm not trying to make things difficult or claim and not pay. The reason I messaged you in the first place. I wanted to buy something off you to make up for the shady claim and not pay I did in the past. After this transaction you never have to speak to me again. I'll know I made things right and that's what matters" So it's at this point that now I know who I am actually dealing with here. Even though oceanavekid still doesn't identify himself in the response, the verbiage is enough that I know who this is. And it's then and ONLY then that oceanavekid makes payment. I'm fed up at this point, and I'm rolling with my gut on this one. My response was I am returning your money and don't want anything to do with you. I also let him know that if he bothered me again, he could talk to my legal counsel. My final word to oceanavekid is the following: You're clearly too wrapped up in your own ego (or just plain stupid) to see that you're history and reputation proceeds you and you've given this entire community pause to work with you. If you were a serious buyer, you'd have handled transactions correctly and promptly from the word go, and I'm not just talking about this additional failed transaction this week. I've seen your WTB list, and quite frankly, we're all doing you a favor by not selling to you. Save your money, such as it is, and apply that toward your new family instead. That's where your priorities should be, not trolling a message board looking to buy comics that you can't afford. And before you reply with something as snide as "how do you know what I can't afford" I'll beat you to the punch. If you can't promptly pay for a $275 purchase from me, there's no way you can pay for half the swag on that wish list of yours. Now, I'll happily hand you back your shovel so you can continue to dig that hole just a little deeper. I'm out. Bother me again, and you'll be talking to someone else.
  19. Keep oceanavekid indefinitely. Seriously. This guy has just continued to be one headache for me after another. I don't trust him, I have ZERO reason to trust him, even after having to pester him yet again for payment on an item.... He's that guy that I could very realistically see doing a chargeback down the road on a paypal purchase. oceanavekid if you're reading this, I"m telling you for the last time----STOP BOTHERING ME. Your PM's will go unread and deleted, as will your emails.
  20. Marvel Spotlight #6 (vol 2) CGC 9.6 s/s Doug Moench 1st comic appearance of Star-Lord The lone under copy in s/s is a 9.0
  21. Flash #49 CGC 9.8 s/s Frank Miller & Neal Adams (Adams Homage cover)
  22. Dark Horse Presents #62 CGC 9.6 s/s Frank Miller
  23. Marvel Spotlight #6 (vol.2) CGC 9.6 s/s Doug Moench
  24. Ending around 10PM ish EST tonight, no reserve actions DKIII #1 (1/100 Miller) CGC 9.8 s/s Miller, Azzarello, Janson & Kubert Archer & Armstrong #1 CGC 9.4 s/s Shooter & Miller X-O Manowar #7 CGC 9.4 s/s Miller Amaz. SM 308 CGC 9.6 s/s McFarlane Marvel Super-Heroes #8 (winter 1991) CGC 9.6 s/s Erik Larsen (1st Squirrel Girl) Link to listings
  25. Hulk 234 CGC 9.6 s/s Al Milgrom (1st Quasar) This would be a good one to crack out and add Roger Stern at Terrificon in August