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Everything posted by ygogolak

  1. (thumbs u This is the method I use. I haven't had a mishap since. +1 I've been doing this for years. If you do it the way the video says it's impossible to get a tape pull. it's simple and it requires no special material. Yea, this is also my method when I ship things. Nothing worse than fighting with tape to try and get your comics out of a cardboard sandwich.
  2. The best bet if people like to play cautious is stick to Marvel and Batman related keys, as they have a proven track record. Tough comic book speculating bets are buying the Image comic books that get optioned by a Hollywood studio,then waiting years to see if they ever get made. I suppose if you're buying some of those Image books at 50 cents to a dollar a piece its not too hard to sit on them. Hell, you can find the Legends mini series for a $5 easy. Speculating is best served on minor books that don't have a lot of room to tank. Spend the big $$ on books you love. Speaking of Legends, don't sleep on #1, first app of Amanda Waller. She's already appeared on TV quite a number of times. They even tried to give her more what could be termed more sex appeal to the masses.
  3. Whatever you need to tell yourself. Whatever yourself. The movie came out April 4. eBay doesn't let you go back that far to my knowledge. Captain America 6, 1st Winter Solider sold for $200 when the movie dropped. Now you can buy it for $15. You're going to claim a $20 book now wasn't selling for $30 when the movie came out? I definitely don't remember any $200 raw sales, but I remember 9.8s getting up to $300 or so. I'm not going to dig too far, but it was a boardie and he did respond that he got paid. Here is around when it started, selling for $150 raw. http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=7608229&fpart=5
  4. Whatever you need to tell yourself. Whatever yourself. The movie came out April 4. eBay doesn't let you go back that far to my knowledge. Captain America 6, 1st Winter Solider sold for $200 when the movie dropped. Now you can buy it for $15. You're going to claim a $20 book now wasn't selling for $30 when the movie came out?
  5. Seems like that one is on the decline. Yeah...that was a $30-40 book 6 months ago. Although I need to give credit to the fact that it's pretty close to the assigned grade. The board effect at work. Jim Bah humbug! No board effect at all. I don't post or list to please you. This was never a $30-40 book, 360 was/is. For a book that shows who we later find out to be Crossbones only in shadows, this is a respectable sale. Six months earlier, it wasn't worth cover price. Whatever you need to tell yourself.
  6. What do the 2nd printings and 3rd printings look like? Variant covers with new artwork? This is Marvel we're talking about here.
  7. +1,000,000 :facepalm:biggest cry baby in the game. If it was up to him he's never committed a foul. Not one.
  8. I liked this series up until issue 1. Seriously, I enjoyed issue 0, but it was just all downhill from there. I'm pretty much just picking them up now since they are always sold out and a lot of them do have awesome covers (The Hughes and second print variants of issue 1 are killer as well as the bombshell of 7, among others). But I agree, the series is BAD. Cover art after 6 is trash. Looks amateur.
  9. A good actor or a well known good actor? Because audience appeal and contract come into play.
  10. Unfortunately, based on sales figures you are not the norm. I see a lot of people complain about the big 2, more Marvel, on here but they still get their pull list full of the them. Pick up even a semi-popular Image title and I bet you will be happy.
  11. Yeah but that gets old. I mean as a seller it does for me anyway. Yea, as a seller it must get old pushing a top ten book every month.
  12. They also had 70 years of Cap material and they chose a storyline from 2005. I think you can't get too caught up in a movie being like a comic or book. There are tons of movies based off books that are inconsistent. There is a difference translating from reading to viewing.
  13. Old ones? no New ones? they were all cancelled The only work of his I own is X-Women because it is hard to find.
  14. Doesn't it seem odd, maybe even dishonest to sell something you can't deliver on? DCBS and other online retailers are in a difficult position however. If they get enough orders for the regular issue to cover the variants (not store exclusive variants which are different, but the variants that are tied to percentages of regular issue orders), they are good. But if enough people order just variants, but don't order the regular covers, they are going to have a problem filling those variant orders. I know in the past year, they have raised the price of the variant covers (by a lot) probably to help cover the cost and get more variants into hands, but just doing the math, you can see it is a difficult proposition to fill every variant order month in and month out. I'm okay with this personally. Even when I use to visit a LCS, they could not guarantee every variant I wanted I would get. At least DCBS is attempting to fulfill the orders and I get a chance at and get most variants I order. It's just a handful I haven't received over the years. The big problem here is the way the variants are allocated in the first place. I know people on here are sick of me saying this, but if the publishers would print the variants in equal allocations, or not limit these variants and print what is ordered, then I feel the publisher would make more money. Which makes more money for the publisher, print two covers for title X and one copy is only 10% of the other copy or printing two covers for title X and both copies are allocated at 50%? I would think having two covers that are equally allocated will get more dollars because collectors will be able to pick up both covers. The problem here is the publishers are not printing these variants for the collectors, they are printing them for the sellers. They are completely an incentive for the seller to bump their orders. Hence the reason the regular issues are common as dirt and don't have any collector value and the variants get all the glory. I believe this is bad for the hobby, but I know many don't. My local shops never guarantee a variant for that very reason. And no, I don't think publishers would sell more variants if they were all 1:1. Not when shops have to order 3k for one of their own variants. How many places do you think order 3k of one comic? That's why there are groups like Phantom now. So, is everyone going to rail on Avengers 2? The backstory for Ultron is going to be changed since Pym is not the creator. Nebula and Yondu in GOTG look nothing like their comic book counterparts. Groot's speech pattern was nothing like the comic counterpart. Heimdall looks nothing like his comic counterpart. Bucky and Steve Rogers were not roughly the same age as shown in the movie. Modok appearance is much, much different in the comic. Sam Wilson in the 616 universe is pretty far removed from a military man in the comic. Jarvis is a butler, not a computer. I could go on and on here. Even how the Avengers came together in the comics has nothing to do with how they were assembled by SHIELD on the big screen. The number of liberties the movies and TV are taking with these comic characters is quite huge. Having a decent actor play the part seems to be the least offensive change IMHO. Yea, it's like they are more worried about making money than following old comic story lines.
  15. Doesn't it seem odd, maybe even dishonest to sell something you can't deliver on?
  16. I suspect this is a NM98 after effect. OR, is it the Liefeld and X-Force tv show effect? I haven't seen anything about an X-Force TV show.
  17. oh hey all my orders for this book got cancelled. What was the reason ? Same as it always as if for pre-orders. We're out of stock. Out of stock? You should have pre-ordered so they knew you wanted one....wait...
  18. Which variant are you talking about? The Halloween or Connor? My guess is the Connor ( HQ and Powergirl ) because the monster cover is horrible. Yes, the Halloween doesn't have any Harley appeal in my book. I don't really like how amateur the artwork has gotten on Harley. It started out decent, but has really gotten comic strip cartoony.
  19. Thank you for the input Jim. However I am struggling to find any "key first appearances" in any of those walking dead books, or the Web of spiderman book. I will admit to having read none of them, though CGC does not denote any "key" first appearances on any of the labels. So it does not appear these are an apples to apples comparison. Whetteon, the GPA numbers are misleading and do not tell the whole story. As of now there are 15-20 copies of asm 361 second printing available, most of them are raw. As additional copies hit the census, the perception of "rarity" will evaporate. Very little in the copper age is "rare". Since this is apparently the only basis for it's value, prices will moderate, if not decline, while the first printing will inevitable march onward and upward. That is history's pattern. I'm an odds man and I like to play them safe. Asm 361 is the "key". It's second printing is an interesting curiosity, at best. If you're an avid collector you'll want both. If you just want the first appearance you'll only want/need the first printing. Most people fall in the latter category. -J. I can think of 3 Walking Dead 1st appearance's that have hit $100 off the top of my head. Two others over $50. The term "rare" is all based on one's own opinion. There is no definition in regards to comics. To some rare could mean 500 copies, others it could be in relation to another book of the same time period.
  20. Yeah those things are everywhere...for now. Yeah we had this discussion a few months back. The print run is healthy as well, but when I started buying them a few months ago I had np finding them. Now its getting harder. Start looking for second appearance? A little early to get that desperate. Still plenty out there under $10, just harder to find them below cover.
  21. Link http://www.ebay.com/itm/Civil-War-1-First-Print-July-2006-NM-UNREAD-Marvel-Comics-/271636524079?pt=US_Comic_Books&hash=item3f3ecc6c2f consistent on ebay for at or around that price Any idea why? Marvel released an image that said civil war 2015 with an image of spiderman in the middle of iron man and captain America.., Captain America #25 should be heating up then. It will eventually along with 34 I think. As the movie gets closer and more plot is revealed. I'm worried with all of this Civil War talk that Crossbones won't be involved. He was a big part of the Brubaker run, as well as Sin.
  22. It's probably because of the movie. Nice, yea, I saw a lot of Legends 1 & 3 and this book go for $100. Picked up two copies this weekend for $5.