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Everything posted by Doktor

  1. My mistake. Apologies. You were referring to CBCS...thought you were referring to all_things_comics. Having said that, we don't know either CGC's or CBCS's exact standards for evaluating trimming in an overall Restored Grade. As some have stated, perhaps their should be a logical threshold/grade cap once the book is determined to be trimmed. I could debate this either way. Even CGC's past use of the term "Apparent" Grade clouded what exactly the grade was...although I think they now no longer are using that term. No problem. Too many pronouns without establishing the actual subject left my comment murky to begin with. Misunderstandings happen. I'm in favor of grade capping trimmed books, but that might lead to more headaches & a lot of confusion for old books that have already gotten a 9.4 or a "greater than X-capped grade". I say 8.0 should be the max it can get & depending on how much trimming or how much of the book is trimmed off in inches, maybe even 6.0 cap, but that's a whole other discussion.
  2. I must have missed where it was pointed out that CBCS & All Things Comics were the same company. Could you kindly point me to that post?
  3. In fairness, they DID note all the trimming & gave it a restored grade. I don't know how much more they could do than that beyond refuse to grade it. It's not like they gave it an unrestored grade when it's obviously been trimmed. and they can't tell what it looked like before the trimming to grade it as it had been. So, I'm not sure what else can be done on that. They graded what they could see & made sure it was clear both that it was restored & the extent of the restoration that they could identify. And I don't think there's really an industry standard "X-point penalty for anything that's been trimmed" that we could apply. I'd be cool with creating that standard, but I don't think there is one. Maybe trimmed books get graded on a 0-8.0 scale instead?
  4. Black Bolt makes the only sense though. A character that doesn't speak, as Marvel only lets people play 1 character (ever) in their Universe. His voice is already tied up in Groot for the next X years. So why not use his body & physicality as Black Bolt without needing to worry about breaking your own rules about actors playing more than 1 role? It would be efficient casting at its finest & it would make sense.
  5. Invoice 1 Standard (Coupon submission) Received - 1/30/15 Verified - 2/2/15 (No update since) Invoice 2 Modern (slow) Received - 1/30/15 (no update since)
  6. Yes, but that doesn't require public knowledge of those identities the way Civil War (comic) made it out to be. The movie might treat it more like covert operatives in the intelligence industry. They know the names/jobs. The public doesn't. The comic turned it into an issue where the public & government knew the names.
  7. Newer comic fans that want to buy up older things but don't yet have the knowledge to recognize stuff like trimming or its effect on value/grade. They'd chalk it up to "misprinting" or something rather than "someone stuck it in a %#@#$($# paper shear!" Believe me, they're out there. Or just casual hobbyists that get too excited about finding that book that they want to calm down & look at it logically & question why it looks a little bit off.
  8. Someone just needs to ask them for photos of the books with a tape measure or ruler laid up against them. and then post the obviously trimmed measurements.
  9. I still have a doubt that Civil War will have much anything to do with identities and more to do with being under government supervision. If it's even about that. It might be about making superhumans illegal entirely the way the Ultimate titles made being a mutant illegal. Similar premise, different story. And Spidey gets outed after getting captured still trying to do superheroics after the ban goes into effect.
  10. Well, if it's any consolation, it makes actual older books a little more valuable by cutting the supply down by 1? Not really a silver lining or anything. Just a willful destruction of perfectly good comics.
  11. In fairness, I would too. It's funnier. But... well... sometimes I like to play the voice of reason (and when I'm the voice of reason in any room, that's a serious disappointment)
  12. Maybe it's a little bit of comeuppance for shining him on for a while in the initial transaction & he's making you wait this time around? Be patient & be remorseful & maybe a resolution will come. Be pushy & demanding that someone who felt was screwed over by you to be compliant in your request to "make right" and you'll probably get a lot less traction in your attempt to actually "make right".
  13. I think marvel is going to skip the origin and assume "everybody knows it at this point, so we're not wasting the time". Additionally, we've seen someone supposedly playing Peter/Spidey 5 times now. But not once have we been given that dichotomy of Peter/Spidey from the comics where he's kind of shy/timid/nerdy as Peter but wise-cracking & goofy as Spidey. We got the nerdy/shy/timid/unlucky dude part with Toby. We got the wise-cracking goofy Spidey with Garfield. We haven't gotten them both in 1 movie yet. Give us that, and people will flock. Pete was too much of a in the ASM movies and Spidey was way too serious in the original trilogy.
  14. I just can't see Marvel going with Miles in even a semi-rebooted Spidey series. His story is so dependent upon Peters existence & living up to that role that it's just not really fathomable for me to see them do it. Peter serves as Miles' "Uncle Ben". I mean, I'm all about them skipping the Peter origin because everyone on the planet knows it (like how we don't need Superman's or Batman's origins either ever again on film) but Miles is a whole new animal & you're back to telling origin stories to make him make any sense at all. Otherwise, the general movie-going public might look at him as though he was the generic knock-off "Incredible Spider-Hero™" thing, which defeats the point of getting him back.
  15. I may be entirely out of line in saying this, but I believe the problem with people like this guy is that they already spend too much time looking in the mirror & looking at their reflection.
  16. Thanks everyone. I'm really pleased to finally be able to look on the shelf and see this book. I probably spend 5-10 minutes a day just looking at it. Now I've really only got 1 more club I wanna join since I already have my IH 181, GSXM 1 and UXM 94. Just need to add that UXM 1 to knock out my grail list. (And then make the next logical step of slowly, over time, upgrading each copy of each book until I'm sitting pretty with 9.8s of everything sometime before I die)
  17. I finally get to join this club! Not the nicest copy in the world, but this one is mine after so many years of saying "I'll eventually break down & buy it" and gawking over it at shows & hemming and hawing... so here it is. Bought it off a fellow boardie too.
  18. I'd love to hear this story too (and any of those UXM 94's are speaking to me. I need to upgrade something fierce from my ~3.5)
  19. And the problem with establishing a business model where there is a "line jumper pass" available for an extra fee is the inevitable question of "what happens when everybody/most people start buying the line-jumper pass?" All of a sudden, everybody is buying the line jumper pass, but nobody gets to jump the line because that's just essentially the original line moved over 10 feet and costing an extra $50. Now, do you offer a line jumper line jumper pass and how do you handle the pissed off customer base where everybody is buying an "extra service" and none are able to receive it? There becomes a credibility question and bait-and-switch-like feeling that gets created in your customer base as a result which can lead to a lot of other problems. It's a short-term money grab strategy and nothing else. It's not a long-term business model.
  20. FT is no different than the line-jumper pass at busy amusement parks. Pay me more and skip the line. I've never been a fan of that, but I can understand why businesses offer it. It's another revenue stream, even if it comes at the price of off your larger customer base. But it works when you're the only game in town that matters (again, like with amusement parks, because it's not like you can just go to the one across the street when there isn't one across the street unless it's along the lines of a fire hall carnival)
  21. I had 2. One was the "first place I regularly bought comics" which was a Woolworth's with a spinner rack that was next door to the place I took drum lessons as a kid. But then the first actual comic shop was actually closer to my house. I didn't find out about it until about 6 months after I started buying those spinner rack books. Little shop called Infinity that I still stop into every once in a while when I'm out visiting my parents & sometimes pick up a few back issues. It's always been in the same place & has been one of those owner/operator businesses for as long as I could remember. I only have the faintest recollection of the anyone other than the owner ever being behind the counter. Not much in the line of wall books or back issues beyond modern or copper, but still a good dude with a nice little shop. It's gotten quite cramped over the years, but still a great little shop.
  22. I second this! As a recent newbie to collecting, this was and is so much fun to do. Attending local conventions allows you to jump right in. And the prices are reasonable, plus you can get a good look at the condition. Sometimes you can find serious gold in those dollar or 50 cent bins too. I've pulled a handful of books out of those bins that were modern keys in great shape. Plus, yeah.. it's fun (if tedious sometimes) to flip through 40 long boxes full of out-of-order comics in hopes of finding something needed.