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Everything posted by VintageComics

  1. So the book is going for multiples of what it went for a few months ago and now it's just getting warmed up? You're ridiculous. The book is probably going to pull back a little once the dust settles. Like it did in 2009 and 2017. Man, I wish everyone was held accountable for everything they write on the internet.
  2. CGC has been curating the discussion on their own forum for many years now, cancelling any form of reference to competitors. That's why when you see the word Voldemart, it's code for a competitor. I realize you weren't referencing a competitor but the parallel is similar in that CGC only allows what they want to be said on this forum and out there. Personally, I think it's a shortsighted form of censorship that makes them look bad. If you're the big dog, you don't need to force everyone to agree you're the big dog. Everyone already knows it. Forcing the narrative makes you look insecure. It's a shame, and your comment is 100% spot on. They're raising prices, increasing signings but quality control is suffering.
  3. I've sold a few copies in 9.8 over the last two years. I sold this copy almost two years ago so I have no idea what's happened since then. It's a shame but it happens.
  4. CGC contacted me to ask me about the book since I submitted that book and got the 9.8 on it. The book did NOT look like that when I subbed it. The book is obviously faded. This is an image of the book shortly after it was encapsulated. It's a dead 9.8.
  5. He got moderated. Last I'd heard he'd left the CGC forums after moderation made some really strange (poor) decisions. I thought he was back but maybe not? I haven't really been around all that much lately.
  6. Is that the mall downstairs under the Penn plaze where the train station is or another?
  7. I've only been going for a bit over a decade but there is a LOT of comic history in that hotel, most noteworthy Carbo's shows. That building just screamed NYC to me. https://www.curbed.com/2021/04/so-long-to-the-hotel-pennsylvania.html?fbclid=IwAR00gVQ9H-9gGpkKzwVJlQ4Uq_ks5mdfih8sA1OvF7lT-vH4iWgnEmkzHkU Anyone got any Penn Plaza hotel stories to share?
  8. There is zero incentive for CGC to do shows anymore. They are slammed back home, they've raised prices to show rates and all the shows would do is slow them down and take up valuable resources. I think (and I could be wrong) but the new Blackstone ownership won't be pushing much for online grading in the future either.
  9. That copy was the San Fran copy and those books almost always fetch a premium, like Church copies. Not sure if a non-pedigree would sell for that much or not.
  10. I have no idea what this means. Can you explain it to me?
  11. Mike said lets move on. I'm doing this to make it a point of public record and not to combat or debate. Mike told you to move on weeks ago and yet since then, you've continued to troll me. In the last month you've disparaged me on the boards, unprovoked at least 6 times that I've managed to see. You also called me a nasty name via PM, which Mike has told me is directly against the terms of service and punishable. You've since erased all of the posts (including the name calling via PM, although I quoted most of them) If I'd done half of that I'd be gone for a month. Most importantly, I've done NO such things towards you. That should be enough for everyone to read between the lines. Why am I writing this? Because my grandfather raised me to believe that if 2 people disagree on something and can't come to a resolution, you can take it in front of 2 or 3 witnesses, and if the 2 or 3 witnesses can't agree then you take it before the entire group. The fact that moderation is allowing you to post after 7 specific incidents and multiple warnings is telling me that something is not right here. If I get a strike for pointing it out, so be it. And now I'm really out.
  12. You have no idea who I am. I'm a stranger to you but you're making sweeping public statements about me over and over. My door is always open to discourse, and I'm always open to ending bridges. So you're wrong again. But if you REALLY want to resolve this, you can A) post our public PMs (I give you permission on more than one occasion) and let everyone decide or B) just have a private conversation with me about it. But moderation is probably getting pretty tired of this being publicly dragged out so I won't engage any further. Ball is in your court. I'm out.
  13. Because you're wrong. I'm going to go back to ignoring you unless you start saying stuff that is wrong again. Have a good one.
  14. You're not me, right? And I haven't really talked to you about it much, so you probably don't have any idea what's going on, right? And you got here a decade after me, right? But you've been going on about it for about a month now. Maybe you need to re-evaluate and not me? In any case, let's just agree to ignore each other. It's better for everyone.
  15. Yes, but you have a nicest kitchen I've ever seen so you win.
  16. I'm not experiencing friction with a large group of people. I'm experiencing friction with the same small group of people. I don't even talk to them and they still feel the need to keep talking about me. That's their problem, not mine. Also, thanks for the advice but I've already stated both publicly and privately, no thanks.
  17. I don't dislike you. Have you ever messaged me privately to discuss it rather than keep bringing it up in public? I hate public drama, believe it or not. I found some of your past posts overly dramatic and I distanced myself because of them. Nothing more. And maybe it was nothing at the time and I just over reacted. It's not a big deal and I certainly don't have any animosity towards you.I've already stated that. Amazing that a vindictive post like this can still stand in a thread that moderation is reading daily. You realize there's an ignore feature that works better than the 'I don't like this about this person' feature, right? I don't know. Do you think talking about other people is a good solution to boredom? I don't. When did you see me roast Kav last? Maybe when he first joined years ago? And we (Kav and I) discussed it via PM, I got to know more about Kav and I dropped it. His 1000's of posts a day, his 'that's what she said' - all of it was bothersome personally, but I don't think I mentioned it once publicly. I just IGNORED it. That's the proper way to do it. When did you see me roast Cal? Greggy? He knows that everyone does it out of good fun and it's accepted in a good way, not a bad way. I've never done anything to actually hurt greggy. Even if he enjoys it. The difference is that when you get along with someone and you crack a joke, you're laughing with them. The people I get along with joke about me all the time and I don't care. I laugh about myself. But when people go out of their way to dislike you AND joke about you, that's an entirely different thing when someone is laughing AT you. Yeah, yeah, don't be a woos, chin up, be a man, I get it. But it gets tiring. Especially when it feels like it's done with impunity. ------------------------------------------------------- I'll say it again: Most people's differences are because of social media. In real life you'd never get reactions like this. Most people would be utterly embarrassed if they acted in real life the way they act on social media...or they wouldn't even get that far. They'd just realize it was wrong.
  18. OK, I appreciate that...but what about all of the taunting and talk ABOUT OTHER MEMBERS ON THIS FORUM? Being the butt of jokes continually from people who I have very little association with is a form of harassment. You've been aware of these harrassments for weeks because you've warned these people already and they still persist. And yet when I rebut them I get a warning. Or when I hit the notify button too often I get a strike. So, can I hit notify on all the harassing posts to show a pattern of behavior without getting moderated for hitting the notify button too often?
  19. Can I ask moderation a question? @CGC Mike Why do you allow consistent and persistent talking about other members? THIS is EXACTLY the problem that MANY have been complaining about. It creates unnecessary friction here, it emboldens people doing it and it happens with Moderation's blessing. These people are not my friends and they keep talking about me. Kav has been trolling me for 2 weeks since I told him to stop giving me advice. He made 4 posts, I finally notified on them and I got a warning. Now there are multkiple posts of his just sitting on the forum trolling me. And this was after he called me fu@xt@ast in a PM which I didn't notify on. Oakman I haven't mentioned or talked about in years except for a quick exchange a few months ago. G.G. has been trolling me for weeks telling me I blather and post too much but him and Kav probably make up half the posts of the entire forum over the last few months. He also has me on ignore but is happy to talk ABOUT me. I can notify on probably 10 or more posts but will I get dinged for hitting the notify button too often/? I have no problem discussing anything with anyone. If someone / anyone is making comments elsewhere, via PM, via text or via other forums, it's because moderation has enabled some people to talk about boardies while quieting those being talked about. I don't say anything disrespectful and I can back up anything I say. I'm certainly not afraid of anyone. So why is this continually allowed?
  20. Yup. I post maybe two 5 posts in the entire thread and I'm blathering. But the 3 people who put 150 posts in this one thread here since last night are the ones that are going to judge whether I'm blathering or not. I'm not sure what the proper word is because there are so many that fit.
  21. Now you're just trolling me. I'd say the people 'without cahjones' are the ones that always slip in subtle attacks but stay behind the protection of moderation while doing so. My door is always open to anyone who wants to have a discussion or mend old bridges. Those that don't want to mend anything but want to keep talking about others are a root problem on this forum and there's a lot of them lately. I'm out on this string of conversation. Enjoy.
  22. I'm not trying to be anything. All I look for is a place with respectful discourse. You have a habit of repeatedly trying to find or ascribe motive . It's probably better for everyone to just let people who are established members find their own tide lines and bearings and let them do as they please and let moderation handle it. Otherwise it just gets complicated and too much animosity is raised.