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Everything posted by VintageComics

  1. Moderators standing by. That's hilarious. In a dungeons and dragons inside joke kind of way.
  2. These guys are spewing stuff that they've heard in, well, the media, in an attempt to sound enlightened and informed and sensitive toward women's issues. It is, therefore, ironic that a woman is giving them the business on this point. I bet they never saw it coming. They are also under the belief that the majority of folks (in this case the majority of the female gender) is so weak-willed and sheep-like that they are brainwashed by advertising, tv, movies, etc. To recap: 1) these male posters are trying to make themselves look good; 2) these male posters think the folks are stupid kitties Do you all see what happens when we let women post? You explode in a sticky mess of male chauvinism that covers the entire computer screen? She's going twist my posts regardless of what I say, so I'm just giving her what she wants. Danimal, control your woman. that statement just shows me what kind of man you are. He's kidding. If you haven't noticed by now, COI is a button pusher. He's does it to all of us, but he's a good guy. Oh, and Danny, just breathe, buddy. We don't want you kicked out of the hockey game at this stage. 99% of this is just fun. I've been here since 2002...gotta keep myself amused somehow. If this is your idea of being amused in front of the computer I think you're missing out on something.
  3. He is joking. I just think LTS is taking a little too personally because she's not the atypical woman in that she is has a stronger personality than most. Like Sharon.
  4. WOWSERS!! That's an awesome copy, Vern! Yes, it is your old copy. I bought it from a guy out West (your way). I quickly cracked it out of the case and dropped it into a Mylar. I figured it was a steal for a book that simply had the centerfold glued in. Bought it for a fraction of what an "unrestored" book would go for. (thumbs u
  5. ...and yes I think my weapon is undersized but since I've never heard anybody complain about it to my face I can simply pretend it's enough.
  6. I've just always loved women. Never cheated or was unfaithful but was always focused on them when I was single. Not sure what they thought about me though.
  7. Why do you think commercials and advertisements exist? And why do they all have 'beautiful people' using whatever the commercial is hawking? It's certainly not because the 'beautiful people' represent a majority of the people to which the items being hawked. It is, obviously, because people (regardless of their gender/race/whatever) ARE influenced by "advertising, tv, movies, etc". They are, either at a conscious or subconscious level, influenced to behave like/buy like what is presented in the advertisements\TV\movies as the Utopian 'cool crowd'. I stopped watching television for about 7 years. No TV, no movies, no music, no radio. I was shocked when I got back into the media and started to experience how much things had changed and how much society had changed in those seven years based on my own observations. You can literally steer the general public like a rudder would steer a large boat by simply using the media to change people, their perceptions and their beliefs. That's a fact.
  8. These guys are spewing stuff that they've heard in, well, the media, in an attempt to sound enlightened and informed and sensitive toward women's issues. It is, therefore, ironic that a woman is giving them the business on this point. I bet they never saw it coming. They are also under the belief that the majority of folks (in this case the majority of the female gender) is so weak-willed and sheep-like that they are brainwashed by advertising, tv, movies, etc. To recap: 1) these male posters are trying to make themselves look good; 2) these male posters think the folks are stupid kitties No, you're just taking it that way. What I said I have heard from the mouth of many women. I'm 40 and have talked to quite a few of them. I've been in several long term relationships and I've observed women for more than 1/2 my life. I also have 3 daughters ages 9 to 15 and I observe their behavior regularly and tackle these self esteem issues daily or weekly. I was also a player (at least in my own mind) in my single days and I made it my mission to figure out what makes women tick. Sue me. I think COI is spot on, but it was wasn't meant to be an attack on women just an observation...and the flip side of the coin applies to most men. Their looks, genital size, hair, income, weight, car they drive and reputation are all important and often directly related to their self esteem issues. We just don't go about talking about openly with everyone but might with a close friend. To be fair, everyone's self esteem issues have some sort of a root cause and it's different for everyone.
  9. Wasn't meaning to stereotype, but I guess a better way of saying it is if each person feels respected in their particular role then the relationship is generally better off. We all now know that you wear the pants. Lou says hi. (thumbs u
  10. I've worked really hard at getting my 15 year old to eat according to her health and not weight (there is a really big difference...skinny is not healthier than heavy folks). I think she's finally come around. I swear it was like pulling teeth for a while trying to get her to eat a meal.
  11. I think it's the other way around. I think women are always dissatisfied with themselves because they're trying to live up to those impossible standards. Even if you're dating a perfect 10, it often gets old. Just the way we're wired. I don't think any reasonably intelligent guy over 25 actually thinks real women look like that. you thought wrong hun Yeah Yeah, I almost blew up about it but I just don't have the energy Oh, give me a freaking break, there's nothing to blow up about. Yeah, no women have body/self-esteem issues as a result of the ridiculous standards set by the media. Maybe it doesn't apply to you, or maybe it does and you won't admit it; either way, don't act like the problem doesn't exist. Not saying that the problem doesn't exist, but please don't go assuming that every woman hates their body just because we may not have $$ to look fake. You're not a female, so I guess you just wouldn't understand Uh, not sure where I said anything about not having the $$$ to look fake, and I can't stand plastic surgery myself. My point to Roy was that often women are the ones who are unnecessarily hard on themselves and their appearance, not the other way around. Any guy who deals with living, breathing women understands that they don't look the way they do in magazines, and personally I wouldn't want them to. And women certainly shouldn't aspire to look that way, since it's impossible. You are absolutely right. I've spoken to lots of women and they for the most part are extremely competitive and therefore insecure about the way they are perceived. In fact, it seems that the more attractive they that the more insecure they are which is the opposite of what you would believe to be the case. I think Lou is perfect and yet somehow she manages to find something wrong with herself. I'm sure it's the same with most women. I think men and women need their wells filled by the opposite sex, just in different ways. Women want to be made to feel like women. Treasured, subject of your devotion, loyal...you get the point. Men want to me made to feel like men. Not emasculated, controlled or made to feel like they don't wear the pants. I know it sounds sexist, but it's not meant to be. There are roles for each person to play but as equals. Most relationship problems seem to stem from one or a mix of these two things not being managed.
  12. I think it's the other way around. I think women are always dissatisfied with themselves because they're trying to live up to those impossible standards. Even if you're dating a perfect 10, it often gets old. Just the way we're wired. I don't think any reasonably intelligent guy over 25 actually thinks real women look like that. I guess you're right in that you can have a dichotomy there. Both sides get dissatisfied with themselves (or each other). I was never a big fan of porn or mags for that reason. The grass always looks greener but it never really is. Everyone's mate should be a perfect 10 to them. It just takes a little "effort" but it's possible...or at least more possible than people believe it to be.
  13. I agree. All these young testosterone filled boys go running around town looking for an airbrushed barbie and when they finally find a nice girl they're disappointed because she doesn't look like she was painted. Sad state of affairs. I blame all the people who buy those paparazzi rags. I'll take my blemishes, stretch marks and bruises straight like a real man. Dude, what planet are you on? Most guys I know talk a big game about what they like, but end up going ga-ga and getting kitty-whipped over the first butterface that shows them any kind of attention. Thanks for the quote. Typo fixed. Many men get dissatisfied with their mates because they see pictures of women that look "better" when in fact they generally don't look like that in real life. Real life and magazine pics are two completely different animals and if you haven't been around the block you wouldn't know that. That's what I was getting at.
  14. Sad but true in most cases. I can honestly say, not me. I put them on ignore and it stays that way. I'm pretty sure you're not on ignore.
  15. I'm not understanding this. The eBayer (on 20 April 2010) is timelydc and has had that ID since February 2003. It's not tdneely. tdneely is not Frank. tdneely is a solid, good guy. His name is Troy Neely, he's from the St. Louis area (Translplant's neck of the woods) and I've dealt with him. You can trust Troy. (thumbs u
  16. Can't believe you're still around. When I come down I'm going to make that Chevy wish you were driving.
  17. hey mate Easy mate, he was waving at my Prove it Tell you what...let's arm wrestle in Darwin over it... Over a couple Darwin stubbies? Done! For those unfamiliar, holds two litres - a little over half a US gallon. = Canadian water. Roy hopes that George has a large bladder.
  18. hey mate Easy mate, he was waving at my Prove it Tell you what...let's arm wrestle in Darwin over it... Over a couple Darwin stubbies? Done!