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Everything posted by VintageComics

  1. I stopped face palming, eye rolling and telling people what I didn't like about them as a non-constructive tool a long time ago. Total waste of resources, but you do you. I learned that from Jordan Peterson. It really is refreshing to live a life of gratitude than one of bitterness. Have a good one.
  2. If you want to message me or hint at what the "white elephant" is, feel free to. Otherwise, I genuinely have no idea what you're talking about. Anyway, thanks.
  3. All you've done is snicker since you got here and add nothing productive. What is the elephant in the room because even I don't see it?
  4. You're now talking about something NOBODY talked about and saying I made a mistake. You don't even make sense. I've done this dance with you too many times to not know better. I'm not going to continue debating with you for that reason.
  5. Nope. EVERY SINGLE hero in every single Marvel movies is not the hero we know, and some we like and some we don't. I enjoyed the Spider-verse movies even though they're nothing like the comics (although what I didn't like about them was that they catered to a much younger crowd - not really for me). We just had a discussion around Idris Alba / Heimdall and none of us seemed to mind it. We've come to accept that the movies are not like the comics. What we haven't accepted are bad movies.
  6. What data do you want? You had said that jsilverjanet hadn't posted the data for Focus Films and only data for Universal, which is only one subsidiary of Focus. I understood that we were comparing apples to oranges, so I was asking for ALL the data from Comcast's movie division to compare to all the data for Disney's movie division so we can compare apples to oranges. Or did I understand that wrong?
  7. I genuinely have NO IDEA where or how you made the leap to this. Nobody said introducing women or minorities was bad storytelling, least of all me. In fact ESPECIALLY me since I happen to LOVE women and LOVE women from 'minority groups. One ex was Eastern European and the other was part Indian, so If anything, I'm biased because I prefer them to "white women'. What I said was that they were MISSING THEIR TARGET AUDIENCE with the Superhero genre, of which women have MUCH less interest in than men do. Many of the women going to superhero movies were DRAGGED there by men. That's real life. ---------------------------- When my girls were growing up, they were playing "princess" and house. Being a man, I would play Hulk with them, and they ALL had to take me down. I literally TRIED to indoctrinate them with male ideas. They all pretended to be superheroes for a while and I would have 4 munchkins crawling all over me, trying to take me down and it was fun as heck, but eventually they'd go back to playing house, dolls or princess and my son and I would shoot water guns, wrestle or play sports. I tried to get them into comic books. Like DEARLY. No interest. You can't stop nature. If you want to write compelling storylines FOR WOMEN, you need to involve emotion, complexity, depth, justice, community. Women are wired that way (even the neuroscientists in the room will agree with me). Women are "communally minded" out of necessity. 1) Fear for their safety because they are the physically weaker sex AND 2) because evolutionarily they have evolved to raise children in a community and are wired to be communally minded. It's why they make great bankers. They don't think with their testosterone like men, who overshoot the mark and take larger risks. Women running female banks didn't go bankrupt during the great financial crisis of 2007-8. Banks run by men almost destroyed the world. Women WILL NOT take risks that will endanger the community. They will NOT invest in something they don't understand whereas MEN generally WILL. They'll start a fistfight in the streets. So PLEASE STOP PAINTING PEOPLE as either being overly chauvinistic or misogynous simply because they feel the stories AREN'T suited to women. EVEN THE WOMEN ARE TELLING YOU THEY DON'T LIKE THE STORIES but men like you are trying to prove otherwise. Goodness. As has been rehashed, the stories the women in MY life love are like V for Vendetta. Evey is obviously the hero in the story, V is obiously the supporting cast, and how that was conveyed was incredibly empowering, incredibly thoughtful, incredibly REAL. For Evey to become the hero, she had to shed her FEMALE QUALITIES and take on MALE qualities. And my two youngest daughters say it's their favorite movie of all time.
  8. Can I just say that I'm genuinely interested in the facts, productive discourse and not "gotcha" moments? The tit for tats have to stop (and not directed at you in General). I've committed to Mike to try to make this a better place and I stand by it. I haven't been interested in "gotcha" moments in years. Thanks for producing those numbers. Do you have all the data for Universal as well?
  9. He quite literally changed my life for the better. I recommend him to all my friends, male and female, and every time I do they tell me they love him (whether in the US or Canada). I actually listen to his inspirational stuff daily and I've never felt better because of it.
  10. But believing is seeing. At least I think that's how the old axiom goes. How about you stop being a fly in the ointment in this thread. All you've done is enter and throw stones without offering anything productive. I don't have any agendas, asked for the data and I'm thankful that Jaybuck and jsilverjanet provided it. M'kay? Thanks.
  11. That's what everyone keeps saying but have yet to see a single discussion point effectively counter all the evidence. The only thing I've heard is "I haven't heard that or "it's a conspiracy" while SEVERAL credible posters in this thread worth their salt have brought in credible economic data as well as quotes from movie houses themselves addressing the same points and agreeing with my points. So, thank you but until then, we'll agree to disagree.
  12. Even with 60“, as long as the sound system is up to the task. The docking scene with the Zimmer score has to rank as one of the great cinematic sequences. Incredible! Interstellar is one of the most captivating movies I've ever seen. My son's favorite. And I agree, the Zimmer score is part of what made that movie a masterpiece. Those underlying motifs that keep ringing through the movie, how grand it was, the depth to the story telling. That movie wrings every emotion out of me over and over. Can't say enough about it.
  13. My posts stand as a testimony against your words. Happy to openly discuss it here or elsewhere in detail if you have the courage to. That dude says more meaningful things in one paragraph than you have in your entire stay here. I wish I could write like him and I'm betting so do many others who won't admit it. This statement makes no sense. Disney AND Universal stream at home. The question was, not whether "Universal had highs or lows" the question was "HOW IS UNIVERSAL WITH A LOWER ESG SCORE DOING COMPARED TO DISNEY WITH A HIGHER ESG SCORE" You're either misdirecting on purpose or because you don't understand what's being discussed. More misdirection and misunderstanding. Blumhouse is not the "darling of this thread". Blumhouse is the DARLING OF HOLLYWOOD. Purge made $90Million on a $3Million dollar budget. That's 30 X their cost AND THEY HAD A THEME PARK BUILT AFTER THE MOVIE. Purge 2 made $112Million on $9Million. That's 13 X Purge 3 made $118Million on a budget of $9Million. That's 10X Do you know any Marvel movie that made 10 X it's budget, let alone THIRTY TIMES IT'S BUDGET? Anybody, literally EVERYONE in Hollywood would love that sort of return on their money but can't get it under the old, lethargic, bloated, corporate, bureaucratic system. But the KEY POINT, which literally went over your head, is that by keeping the budget low though paying actors percentages rather than salaries, is that Blumhouse is able to 1) cut out the bloat of all the middle men keeping more profit for the actual people working on the movies rather than lining pockets of investors 2) gives Blumhouse FULL CREATIVE CONTROL of their films, something that has haunted Marvel for 15 years and has destroyed their product 3) given Hollywood a new, successful formula to ditch the dead, bloated corpse of the old model and create TRUE ART for entertainment. Go watch Invisible Man. It was INCREDIBLE and it made $145Million on a $7Million budget. The FILM WAS RELEASED ON FEB 28 2 WEEKS BEFORE EVERYONE LOCKED DOWN and it STILL made 20 TIMES IT'S BUDGET. Good God, can you imagine multiplying your money like that EVERY TIME you put something out? And had Theme parks built about some of your films to boot? Let the men converse. We know what we're talking about. Can someone tell me what the largest grossing movie was PERCENTAGE WISE for Marvel?
  14. And importantly, in that order. Greed saw the ESG movement grow exponentially (just like the asset bubble of 2021) and drop just as fast. The world was CONVINCED this was the way, and now that same system is encountering great resistance and is dropping. But it ABSOLUTELY was the preferred vehicle of investment for a few years and every graph, every bit of evidence, every ESG rating - every EVERYTHING supports that, including the profitability of the companies involved, the decision making and the outcomes. The math is there in black and white for anyone who doesn't completely ignore it. The reason (some) people are trying to ignore it is because accepting it as true and not working starts to unravel their own belief systems and the fact that this system is NOT profitable, means it's NOT sustainable. The irony is that the entire premise of the concept of ESG was supposed to be SUSTAINABILITY and it can't even sustain itself. It's hilarious if it isn't so pathetic that someone even thought it could be sustained naturally when it's now on life support. YOU CAN'T CHANGE NATURE.
  15. So...bad story telling. We ALL agree on that but you just can't label bad storytelling as fatigue. That's disingenuous and misleading. That's like saying the reason many people disliked Lennon's work when he was with Yoko was because he was no longer a Beatle. No. They just didn't like Yoko so it's a complete misdirection of the facts.
  16. This one in particular jumps out at me. I spent years being utterly lambasted on here (unsolicited may I had - it all started simply because I politely disagreed with people and they escalated from there). Things started to get impolite because after months of piling on I started to bite back, which I have no problem to do but I'm generally very patient before that happens AND offer plenty of opportunities for people to de-escalate. When I started to point out that there were pile-ons happening (and about 20-30 boardies agreed either publicly or privately) I was accused of playing the victim. Now, I genuinely don't care at this point but it's worth pointing out so that if it happens again people recognize it, and the greatest irony in all of this, was that pretty much EVERY SINGLE PERSON who went out of their way to emasculate or shame me publicly and then call me the victim, would probably give the shirt off of their backs to ACTUAL PEOPLE playing victims who have not accomplished anything else other than cry loud about their problems. --------------------------------- This is all hilariously summed up by Jordan Peterson who encounters his own share of 'victims' protesting when he attends universities for lectures. The way he avoids those protesters now? He simply arranges his meetings at 8AM, a time when NONE of his detractors have the discipline to get up and protest him that early in the morning. True victims. So the world seems to end up defending the people who choose not to defend themselves but go after the ones who do.
  17. Disney, through several messages in the last while over several people has openly admitted to spreading themselves thin, losing focus, using weaker IP and pushing out too much low quality junk. They did get cocky and it backfired. WHY they did it is a different discussion.
  18. The "fatigue" these people talk about needs to be specifically defined, because I've already stated that Superhero fatigue not going to happen. Why? Because history has been rife with Superhero archtypes for as long has humans have been alive, from JHWH, to Jesus, to Mohammed, to the Vikings to today's idols and rock stars. Comics haven't had Superhero fatigue in 80 years. So what kind of fatigue are we talking about? Good story fatigue? Eh, no. The type of fatigue EVERY industry has in EVERY society in EVERY civilization is BAD STORY FATIGUE. And that's not fatigue. It's just bad stories. "Fatigue" is the new scapegoat to pretend there aren't deeper, underlying problems in much the same way that "fatigue" is used as an excuse for many of societies recent ills when in fact, society is being offered faulty products. If there's one thing EVERYONE is fatigued about, it's that their legs are being urinated on but they're being told it's rain. And everyone is tired of the lies.
  19. Wouldn't that affect ALL movies that get streamed, then and not just the MCU? I've asked this before, but where is the overall performance data for ALL MOVIE HOUSES so we can compared apples to apples. As @NewWorldOrder stated, Universal seems to be doing "just fine" so how about we compare Universal movies over the last 5 years to MCU and other movie houses? @Bosco685 ? Any thoughts?
  20. Too much corporate involvement (ie BLOATING). See my posts about Blumhouse, who is innovating how movies are made (and the costs involved)
  21. I refuse to watch that Asgard sized turd even though Thor was by far my favorite run of the last 20 years to collect.
  22. That depends on who's laughing. I'd be much more worried if my mom laughed at me than the village clown.