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World Devourer

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Everything posted by World Devourer

  1. If staying strictly within the confines of the Bronze Age why not go to the very start and try for a Captain Marvel #1 or Marvel Super - Heroes #12? A Silver Surfer #14 would also be nice. Or, take the less typical route and try for a Swamp Thing #1 + 7, or even a Jimmy Olsen #134. Think laterally!
  2. Ah, someone beat me to it. This is the top pick with those funds. Ensure it is a 9.8 W and then store it. It will appreciate by at least 20% in the next 2 years as collectors are realizing this is Wolverine's first true appearance. Alternatively, sell some of your collection / take out a small loan and amass enough to obtain a 9.8 W of IH 181. Never bother with the lower grades if 9.8 is possible.
  3. I actually think having the GA comics for the top two properties is a touch of brilliance. I would, however, have started the selections with titles like Marvel Premiere #1 and Marvel Spotlight #15, which based on a tier system would have allowed for IH #181 and the eventual X-Men #1.
  4. Well, there's no Daredevil #1 either. Only room for so many squares for the high-grade comics.
  5. The best Byrne issues from that time are #69-70, with Spider-Man and Havok/Thor against the Living Monolith. Very strong continuity as current events in Avengers and X-Men are referenced. Spider-Man is even reminded of the first war against Thanos (Avengers Annual #7 / Marvel Two -In - One Annual #2) as he watches Thor battle the Monolith. Classic stuff. Sadly, the art of referencing and tying events together seems gone...
  6. Another sleeper is Marvel Premiere #23 from Aug. 1975 - the first appearance of Warhawk. A logical villain for Luke Cage / Iron Fist in a 2nd series. His origin is still relevant - created for war but now cultivated by the US government who realize it is now a meta-human arms race.
  7. Courtesy of on-line services you can always try a few issues anywhere in the run and see if it is to your liking.
  8. Ahhh...I was waiting to see if someone was paying attention and thought to mention this. I'd include 200 - 230 as well. It reads like chapters of one continuous saga. Between GS #1 / #94 - 143 & 200 - 285 thete's enough material for at least 8 seasons of a Netflix series.
  9. Good choice. If the character appeared in a Spider-Man film, all things are possible.
  10. I could see either Deathlok or Killraven being done really well in a Netflix series with the subsequent cause and effect.
  11. Well, there are collectors and there are collectors. Being savvy is something else again. "Dumb" is a harsh word but it happens, a la the prices paid for WWBN #32 in 9.8. Those people will never see their money back. Rarity can work for anyone if they make intelligent choices. It isn't always about first appearances.
  12. Yes, NA came in right at the end. He did some great work with Roy Thomas. Unfortunately the rot had already set in and the title was relegated to reprints until #94.
  13. You nailed it, good sir. There are a few issues out thete that should be purchased ASAP.
  14. #67 - 93 are all reprints so you don't need to worry. However, if you try for #49 - 66 you may enjoy stories of a darker nature (the Savage Land story links to the story in the Byrne run). This run features the first appearances of Polaris, Havok and Sunfire with some excellent Steranko art.
  15. CC, solid logic as ever. The key point being very few people collecting whole runs.
  16. In answer to the original question, those issues are very common. You could target something more exotic and off most people's radar. For example, try finding a Marvel Team-Up #1 in 9.8 W. It isn't the fiirst appearance of any character but I think collectors need to think beyond that now.
  17. Yes, it is. In 9.8 that is now a great investment item. Thank you for showing that off - it made my day. You're a gentleman.
  18. Well, if you would really like top-tier copies you could sell quantity (ie. most of collection) for quality. A little unusual when your collection is only a few issues strong but a good investment. E-copies of everything are always available for reading.
  19. Indeed. Other examples include: #118 - 119 - Return of Sunfire #123 - Spider - Man #130 - Dazzler It really is best to collect and read the entire run as for most of this period the X-Men are on an extended, continuous adventure. Unfortunately the quality suffers from the very first non-Byrne issue (#144).
  20. Bingo. What is also interesting is that when the CM movie was announced there was an eventual sale of a 9.4, but the 9.6 and 9.8 didn't appear - and per GPA at least still haven't. Personally I put more stock in the issue for being the 2nd appearance of Mar-Vell, with the preceding issue (#12) still being more valuable. I believe #12 and #18 (first original Guardians) will always be the best picks in Marvel Super-Heroes.