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Everything posted by fastballspecial

  1. speaking of which, i forgot to give you a shipping quote on my, maybe, profitable (maybe $5) transaction with you...sorry, PM coming (yes, I know, if I actually had the 10 copies I thought I was getting it would be a lot more substantial) at the end of the day it all adds up. if he can do 5-10 of those transactions a day, maybe bring in an extra $30-$40, that's $210-$280 a week, over $10,000 a year. cummulatively it starts looking like something real. if he has no retirement benefits at his job, that's a pretty nifty IRA contribution or whatever. it'll also cover the payments on a new car with some left over. in an economy where jobs are tough to come by, particularly jobs that entail you sitting in your house, it doesn't sound so terrible if you aren't pulling in six figures to start with (and even if you are and, let's say, just had a second kid...) There's no question that if you're doing 100s or 1000s of bulk transactions, even a $1-2 profit pr. transaction starts adding up. In that case I'd also assume that you'd have the bulk-machinery-listing-packing-and-shipping system down, so your time is maximized. But that's not what we're talking about here, though - we were talking about single eBay transactions where you've gone to your LCS, picked up 1-2 books, listed & sold them on eBay for a $3-4 profit and now has to ship & pack them as well. At that point branget is totally right - it's a lot of work for a tiny payoff. Its cake and its easy secondary income. Alot of people actually like doing it as well. Imagine providing a service that you know how to do well and make a small profit at it. How many other hobbies can say that? Its also a great feeling when someone thanks you for actually sending them the books well packed and grading correctly. I would imagine a retiree or someone on disability can do very well at this over time.
  2. Nazi Zombie seems to be a hit. Every copy selling on ebay multiple bids.
  3. My ignore list is growing lately. I hate when posters do this then they get the thread locked. I mean really the stupidity.
  4. I think it's a tough set to complete, and usually fetches a strong price when a complete set surfaces. Or I could be mistaken... It is a tough set, but that price for only 24 issues is hilarious. 39-41 were very tough to find. 42 was alot easier I see them all the time.
  5. Firepower, ColdBlood - they are bringing out the heavy hitters for IM3 I think if done right both will go over very well in IM3. Coldblood while not a main villain has all type of potential. He is a more modern Deathlok and I thought firepower was bad as hell when he came out back then. Just his armor was too bulky.
  6. I can't believe people are still paying top dollar for Walking Dead weeklies. Can anyone explain this? Shouldn't this have stopped by now? We have discussed this in length earlier. These books will hold their value just like WD does. When the WD issues fall then the Weekly's will. Their print run is less then WDs and in some cases are 10-20% the price of WDs for keys so why pay the bleed price when you get the same book as a reprint for less. This is the thinking of some Weekly buyers. Its a nice alternative to paying out the for 1st prints and not buying the trades. I dont see their value decreasing until after we see the Governor and if this season is good it may be longer. The only weekly's still doing very well are 1,19, and 27.(With 1 and 19 holding value and 27 will eventually get there in a few months.) Other books will come along as well with 33,43,48 will see a value increase as well I think as they all features deaths or governor appearances. Last show I went too I checked the local shops and they still reported selling out trades weekly. Locally there are almost no Weekly's left in my area. I found no weekly's in three stores that I visited a few weeks ago. I asked them about Weekly's and they told me they ordered light and they sold out fast in the last few months.
  7. The newspaper Sonic 1/4 insert was what 5 months after that or was it early I cant remember?
  8. i think you can block zero feedback bidders (or maybe you used to be able to?) You can't. The highest feedback you can block is -1. You can also block bidders who have 2 or more unpaid item strikes in the last month but that's it. No more zero blockage. You can, however, cancel their bids and add them to your blocked bidder list (which is what I generally do if they look untrustworthy). When did this change? I have been blocking bidders for years with no problem. My list is monstrous. Or are you talking about bidders already who have bid?
  9. Yes and no. First print is selling well. Other prints are still selling at Retail price, but it is selling. In a week or two after all the set supply is exhausted or price too high it will climb some. I think they are 3 prints of it.
  10. I agree, but every time I'm in my LCS there is always people still buying super hero books. But how much of that is habit? It took me a LONG time to give up on Xmen. Me too wow something in common. Scary stuff. Broke my heart to give up on X-men, but had to do it just like Spider-man they just arent the same anymore.
  11. Oh ! I have a few of those books. It's time to sell! If I knew it was a recent trend I'd be on the sales wagon as well, but I'm wondering if this has anything to do with Avengers or if it's too far under the radar for the movie to affect it much. I'd like to have a copy, but I'm not sure that this is "sell high," or if it's going to hold this value. Surely there's more than just a single printing already out there...? $30 a book. Retail is right around $20-25. Several of those TPBs are pretty tough to find. I would think this lot might sell better in a month or so after singles/sets really are smokin.
  12. I stock piled Weekly's as soon as I saw the price sky rocket on normal issues. Alot easier selling them for a decent profit. I mass piled the keys only issue I cant seem to get is 1 for anywhere a near reasonable price so I can sell a set. Anyone got a NM copy of 1 they want to get rid of PM me. Once the season starts again this wave will start all over again. They have cooled down a bit, but the keys are still selling well. Some of the other books like ToT and others have taken a small chunk out.
  13. Thanos Quest is brillant and one of the last books to have painted interior pages. The art alone is well worth it. Well worth the money even at the price paid right now.
  14. Why would Avengers Annual 10 be impacted by a Ms. Marvel series? (The book is worth something because it is the first Rogue (and a really epic book...or at least it was when i read it as a kid), not because Ms. Marvel temporarily loses her powers.) Now if Rogue got her own TV series on AMC, written by Kirkman, of course, then I'd go out and pick up 100 of them... Sigh my bad I meant Ms Marvel 1. I have no idea why I said Avengers Annual 10 I just confused them two. Glad someone caught my goof.
  15. Couple of 70/80s books that I expect to see some jumps in the next few months. Ms. Marvel 1- Ms Marvel is relaunching a new title. DC presents 47 - New He-man series coming out
  16. So all the variants and signed versions of this book as well as 9.8s are selling well. Regular issues of 1 and 2 are sitting unsold on ebay at $4-7 here lately.Anyone explain why? Isnt this book suppossed to be picking up steam?
  17. This was apparently a personal beef between you and the employee. Talk to the owner let him take care of the employees. If he does the right thing please come back here and tell us because you already smeared the store because of a beef with an employee that could be there for all types of reasons unrelated to the owner or the store.
  18. for the most part, yeah, if i'm not sure they're 9.8. Though i'll sell the Comicspro/expo cgc i have sitting in limbo at the moment. The way they're selling now, it'd probably be worth it to sell 9.6's. Selling raws on eBay, you never know when a buyer is going to complain about the grade. It's a gamble. Its not that bad as a seller if you know what you are doing and do front and back large scans on higher end books. Detail any defects you might see and act like you give a about your packing and grading.
  19. Never seen the E. Cover D I have only seen on ebay twice and both times it sold very quickly. I wasnt aware that Cover E existed. Hack and Slash has seen a nice uptick lately especially on some of the variants.
  20. Because its not that good yet and there is alot of board hype from people buying and slabbing alot of copies?
  21. If you have customers that lay down real money with you every month then this makes perfeft sense. Of course, not so much sense for the $15 a month customers. You are running a business afterall! One LCS I go to does not seem to even understand what variants are as they are not geared toward comic collectors at all (no back issues other than th 25 cent box to get rid of stuff). They put them out on the shelf and if they don't sell within 3-6 months they go in the 25 cent box! I would imagine as a LCS its a tough call. In this market its tough for the LCS to make money so unless they are very good at watching margins it would be hard to pass up. At the same time what a way to keep loyalty among your customers. All 3 of my shops do nothing for their customers that I am aware of. Wish your shop wasnt 1,000 miles away.
  22. Nick Spencer is writing it, so that's a big reason why I'm picking it up. I read all three at once last weekend and it flowed well. I'm sticking around for the long haul. Yep, and stories like these can't really be judged by three issues, especially in the tpb era of story decompression. Quitting now is like putting a novel down early in Chapter 2. FWIW, and as a counterpoint to ToT fever, I actually liked the start Secret is off to better. I completely agree. It had a much smoother flow to it with alot of unanswered questions. Will see where issues 2 and 3 take us. And it was printed alot less and it could easily become a Pilot/TV show just as easily.