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I am not Glenda

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Posts posted by I am not Glenda

  1. 4 hours ago, Wayne-Tec said:

    A few thoughts...

    I don’t believe there’s anything ethically wrong with parting out a book. If you own it and have the ability to turn it into a good investment, you benefit and every collector happy enough to pay for a single page/wrap is making out as well. Some books are completely unaffordable to most, even coverless, so this allows collectors to acquire a piece of history that makes them happy.

    To me, as a collector and as someone with tremendous respect for the history of comics, it does hurt to see complete (or mostly complete) copies cut up. In a perfect world, they could stay together. But the parting out of grail books has also helped boost the value of complete (or mostly complete) copies because they’re becoming harder and harder to come by.

    I also believe that married books should not be shunned by nonsensical stigma. If you’re able to complete a copy, not with “photo copy” parts but original parts, that’s a wonderful feat...one that should be respected. Generally speaking, books with married parts are undervalued.

    There are no “right” or “wrong” ways to go here, the market is what it is. If you’re on the side of wanting to keep books whole, buy them and keep them as-is. If you’re someone who can not afford a complete book and are happy to own a piece of it, fight hard to acquire the pieces you can.

    Just a really insightful and well thought out post, I agree 100%


    Don't know why but I keep thinking of this quote with this book.........Look at this. It’s worthless — ten dollars from a vendor in the street. But I take it, I bury it in the sand for a thousand years, it becomes priceless. Like the Ark.”

    Is it me or does the historical aspect of this book not blow you away?  While I don't know the entire history of the book I know what it says on the label and what iv read here & it seems this book has been around the block a few times with several members. However for me personally when I think of what this book represents to our hobby I find it fascinating it really is a significant piece of comic book history regardless of the grade or company that graded it IMHO.

  3. Very insightful and interesting post this phase or feeling you're talking about isn't just reserved to OA it's a symptom that permeates into almost all aspects of collecting almost anything IMHO. Over the years I have found many people who love to collect to be very focused to the point of obsession ( myself included) & at times keeping these tendencies in check & healthy can be a battle. Be it fast cars, toys, comics OA & so on the thrill can and does get out of control for certain personalities & then BOOM out of nowhere it's not quite as important as it was just a few months/years ago.  Personally my collecting habits have changed a lot over the years & now I tend to just focus on things that I have a connection with from my childhood/teens or that I find to be cool as hell ( Bruce Lee Megos are at Walmart for 20 bucks, that's badass) & to be honest items that I think are solid long term investments ( sorry I buy for potential future financial gain not just the all-encompassing love of the hobby) I know I am the only one here who does that lol. Anyway, my point is when I started to make all of it a little less important I found myself really reinvigorated and enjoying my varied hobbies again. I no longer find myself wanting to have it all and my current interest at most shows is in low-end readers that I don't have to worry about damaging ( I am almost done an entire original Conan run for under $400 :)  9.8 encased can stick it you know where lol. I also find that I am enjoying the many friends & long conversation as much as the hunt & friendly competition that existed at many shows & even here online. I think many of us can relate to your feelings & while It sounds so simple my advice is to make it fun again, enjoy it and when the next piece of OA comes up that inspires you or blows you away you will know its something special & not just a filler for a cheap 15 minute high.

  4. On 4/11/2019 at 8:07 PM, Sweet Lou 14 said:

    If you're serious about wanting to read the books, note that only some of these were new stories -- many of them were reprints.  Off the top of my head, G-S FF #4 has the first appearance of the Multiple Man (Jamie Madrox) so if you're an X-Men fan that could be one to focus on.

    The Roy Thomas Gil Kane GZ CONAN run is among one of the best of the era IMHO

  5. 13 hours ago, Frank Mozz said:

    Currently, have (2) AF15 CGC blue 3.0 If I sell them both & add around 15k around what grade do you think I can pick up and is it a smart upgrade or move .........long term?


    You just have to laugh at human nature......................... I put this post up to just get an idea if it was a smart long term move on my part and at this point about 12hr later I got 2 legit responses and 5pms asking if I could send pics of both books and did I have a BIN price for either. Some cool some not " what's the best price for a fellow boardie?" People just never cease to amaze me.  To be clear I was asking for some input into the move not trying to make a sale.

  6. Iv followed this post from the start & I do not know either party but to be honest the initial post had some sarcastic undertones being a retired teacher" stupid " was not a word I would ever recommend using. I looked at the initial listing and unless you're really not good at reading comprehension the title & text seemed quite clear to me about what the item was, is and # of items included so I didn't feel it was misleading or dishonest. I am not taking sides here ( no dog in the game)  but IMHO this site should be about helping each other when something like this comes up OA, CMV, inkers A vs inker B is a lot to take in and understand as its nothing like the comic market. Making anyone feel awful about what seems like pretty big financial goof kinda sucks. I am sure many veteran members made some big mistakes along the way.

  7. UPDATE: At this point, the sale ended over a week ago, I figure if your no smart enough to assume either this was a goof or at the very least it was sold I have responded in kind.......................


    The ebayers name was removed because it would just not be right to let everyone know who they are........or as Red would say DUMB !


    ( NOTE: the first email starts at the bottom) 

    I am not sure how to respond at this point lol


    Okay now you're kidding? ................................................................................................................................................................... Right?

    Your previous message

    I am in Washinton State in the deep woods in a cabin. I don't want to ship this as it cost over $50 & that's a lot of bread bro. 
    Why is that? Where are you located?

    Your previous message

    No you have to drive to my house and pick it up & we can have lunch before you go.


    Yes I will pay, are you going to relist it?

    Your previous message

    You would pay $50???? I would want payment asap in cash & no hassle as the last buyer wanted it shipped for free!.


    Is it still available to purchase??

    Your previous message

    Sure nobody wanted it?


    Is this item still available??
  8. 1 hour ago, RockMyAmadeus said:

    You better be careful, though. Listing an $18,000 book for $50 is liable to give people heart attacks trying to hit the BIN fast enough...


    Speaking of which...did you get any messages from honest people telling you what the book was actually worth, or was it all just people hoping they'd snared a sucker...?

    No email said hey this book is worth this, but a few just asked it was a goof and were making sure.

  9. So I had this in my scheduled eBay listings as I was using it for a template for some other comic listings I intended to post over the next few weeks. Anyway, I forgot to delete it (getting old )  last week at 4 am or so it popped up on eBay for $50. The buyer emailed me and assumed it was a goof and I refunded his $50 ( even had free shipping lol) asap no harm no foul. Well over the past 7/10 days you would not believe the emails I have got...........

    You just have to laugh............

    Here is the buyer's response, very cool.....no problem, though there was a problem in the listing but who knows(maybe an angry wife(lol)

    Here are the top 1-10

    1. Hey if you have not sent the book yet I will be willing to trade you my ASM $300 9.0 as you would be making out because its the first Venom.

    2. You made a mistake and priced this way too low this is not ASM #15 but AF15 and worth a lot more.

    3. If you have not sold this I would be willing to drive up from Florida and would offer you $300 for the book as its the last one I need for my collection.

    4. Please, please, please don't sell/send this comic my son is very sick and he has dreamed about having this in his collection since he was six and saw the first Spiderman movie. I can send payment with PayPal.

    5. Do you have any other comics for sale like this as I would be willing to help you and make an offer for all of them as I am an expert on this era, I may even be able to pay you 100% current market value, please send pics of anything else you may have asap. Because I will be out of the country and may not be able to help you out.

    6. Wow! man you messed up this book is worth at least 5 thousand dollars. Please let me know as I have cash in hand, this is no joke contact 

    7. Man, I wish I would have seen it before now because I would have bought it. Do you have any other graded books available? I am looking for Fantastic Four 1, Avengers, 1 & 4  X Men 1,94 & a book called Giant Size 1, Hulk 1 & 181. I am also looking for them, not in the cases, however, the price would be less, send pics if you can as I like to make a lot deal & would pay very fast.

    8. Before you post any other graded comics can you contact me as I may be able to save you all the listing cost as eBay is very expensive? I have a Facebook account you can contact me on.

    9. Oh no, you didn't?

    10. told this guy it was a goof...... Thank god I would not have been able to live knowing I missed this book for $50, I rather it be a mistake. Have a nice day.

    Thats just the 10 best ones lol








  10. 8 hours ago, delekkerste said:

    I've bought a number of pieces from my fellow CGC Boardies over the years. I've also sold many pieces to Boardies, facilitated some deals for others and advised Boardies on countless deals as well. The Boards are truly a great information resource, and an essential part of socializing, networking and transacting in this hobby. (worship)   

    I don't think there's any question about what was my favorite art purchase through the Boards.  It's all recounted in this Scoop! article online:  

    Scoop Article on Purchasing the Cover Art of New Mutants #1


    WOW! What a great cover to own! soooooooooo wicked cool

  11. 2 hours ago, Rick2you2 said:

    Logic dictates that it will go down. Comic Link does not usually attract the attention of a Heritage auction, and it was already at its prior high point based on what the prior winner bid. Don't be surprised to see up to a 5-10% drop purely based on those administrative considerations.

    So in your opinion is that representative of the interest in Barry Smiths Conan art, in general, slowing a bit or is it the fact that this cover, in particular, was sold just a few months ago on a site that tends to bring more $$$ or maybe a little of both?




    On a recent post here in the forum about the Heritage auction last month several members made the point that they felt Barry Smiths/Conan era art well still selling well was trending downward ( I am paraphrasing). This cover ( #5) well not the peak of Smiths Conan era work imo is still pretty badass! It sold at Heritage last August for 60k, it's now coming up in the May Comic Link sale and IMO should give some insight into where Smith Conan art is at right now. I would assume selling it this soon the results will be just about the same or maybe even less and that would support the recent conversation about Smiths art leveling off a bit. Now I am new here & I may be way off & was hoping for some insight?

