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Everything posted by TheLadySpeaks

  1. I have admittedly mixed feelings about Crumb. I don't think he's misogynistic simply because in real life he's never acted on any of his violent fantasies. However, as a woman, I find a lot of what he draws/writes unnerving. Same goes for Spain and any number of other UG artists, however. Kominsky mostly bothers me because I simply do not like her artistic style and I feel her stories are gratuitous compared to the honesty most other feminist UG artists/writers portrayed. I can't help but feel she's piggy backing on the superior talent of Crumb and now trying to twist it to her advantage. I say this as a woman and a feminist. She's simply not my favorite. When I bought the Wimmen's Comix box set, I immediately could see that she simply lacked the talent of many of the other women. I understand how that may have left her bitter.
  2. Glad I piqued your interest! Please do post the name of the game when you come across it. I'd love to read up on it. Okay, the game is called Comfort of Strangers. http://comeoutandplay.org/2008_comfortofstrangers.php I don't know if it still is ongoing or if it's been replaced by something else. But it seems it could easily be adapted to a Assassins vs Templars type of game.
  3. I noticed in Zap #16 Crumb and Kominsky take some pretty pointed shots at Trina Robbins on two fronts. The first was Crumb being called a misogynist and the second was more subtle but seemed to argue that Kominsky was more important to feminist undergrounds than Robbins. I don't agree with this, at all. They continued this tone of Kominsky being on the same level as Crumb throughout the documentary Sex in Comix. No one is denying Crumb's importance, but it appears they're trying to place Kominsky in a role that she simply doesn't deserve. She seems more rabid about it than he does, but he's definitely using his position within the community to elevate her. I just can't put Kominsky on the same page as Trina, Lee Mars, Roberta Gregory, Sharon Rudahl, Mary Fleener, and Diane Noomin.
  4. I created an account just to respond to this. I also would love an AC-based AR game, but I can't see it ever actually happening. Jane McGonigal in her book Reality is Broken does discuss a phone game that is close to a non-violent AC game, but the name of the game eludes me at the moment (and of course, my copy of the book is in my office on campus). When I come up with the game's name, I'll post it here. I know it's not Ingress.