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Everything posted by Patriot6

  1. Oh sweet! Welcome back Jack! Missed the sass. Are you chewing on garlic deer sausage right now?
  2. Oh man, it would appear that going out drinking after Canadian Thanksgiving dinner lat night has saved me some serious dough.
  3. Bought a slab from Eric late on a Monday evening and it was in my hand Thursday AM! Not only was his shipping lighting fast, but his packaging was rock solid. Very easy member to deal with and I intend to do so again. Thanks, JF
  4. Time to update the ol' sig line Doc! Congrats!
  5. Bought a book late Monday night and it was shipped Tuesday. Received the book this AM! Lighting fast shipping from Mister O and he was really easy to work with Thanks Mister O!
  6. I think they are all handicapped by the amount available. They will go through cycles where they are hot or cold, but there will always be a cap on the high due to them being readily available in all grades everyday 24/7. This hurts a book since if there are 4 high grade copies in each auction it won't go as high as something where there is one high grade copy every third auction....
  7. I agree with what you're saying, almost. I think purists, of which there are many, will gravitate towards 180. Myself, if 181 was out of range, I would get a 9.8 Wolvie 1 88' and 9.8 mini series one for the reason that you state above. Speculators will most likely move towards 180 since, even though Wolvie is not on the cover, the label notes it as Wolverines first appearance. 180 will always be worth more than Wolvie 1 88' or the mini series, but I'm interested to see where it will land in comparison to 181. Nowhere near is the likely answer, but how high can it go? GSX1 and XM94 would be on a different tree limb of this family tree of keys. I am not debating their importance or the fact that they are keys, I just think many who want IH 181 would jump to 180 before they move towards these. In any event, there are plenty of copies of all of the books mentioned above available so that too will factor in the high and low of the prices.
  8. That's true. Good point. I just think that 180 will ride 181's coat tails due to the fact that it is the real first appearance. I think many who also covet 181 try to make the 180, 181, 182 set. GSX1 is a key in it's own right, 180+181 are bound in a different manner. I think that all the books you mentioned will go up in value, they're the cream of the BA, but my question is where will one who seeks 181, but cannot afford it turn when this becomes the case? If I was dead set on 181, but there was no realistic possibility of getting one, I think I would go after 180...
  9. Spot on. The declared value thing grinds me too because if you bought a bunch of books for say 30$ US, but the seller declares that they're worth 200$ for insurance or whatever, you end up paying more tax than you paid for the books
  10. Well, I have thought of this many times as well and in reality it sort of makes sense. this will be really boring by the way Because of certain factors such as language rights, each product sold in Canada must have a label in both French and English, and smaller population, 35 million people, scattered across the second largest country by area in the world, things cost more. Take any household product and it will cost about 15%-20% more in Canada versus the US. This led to many people crossing the border to shop, especially when the dollars were at par or buying products on the internet and having them shipped. This became a problem for the government since all of those millions of dollars were not being taxed in Canada. This led to changes in the amount, in dollars, of goods you could buy before being taxed when returning from a shopping trip in the US. Then the Canadian dollar tanked and cross border shopping waned, yet the rules remained as if cross border shopping was at an all time high. Funny how that happens with taxes. I know I said it sort of makes sense, that's this part. As I said above Canada is the second largest country on earth. Now think, if one wants to send one lousy letter from one end of the country to the other. They buy one lousy stamp for next to nothing, a dollar I think, some will debate me on the next to nothing part, and away it goes. So, for one dollar you can send a letter 5.5 thousand kilometres. Do you think our government run postal system makes a profit or loses money? It loses. The high cost to maintain the service in all parts of our sparsely populated country coupled with outrageous wages that are paid to postal employees due to the fact they are unionized government employees make any chance at profit impossible. Thus, the tax paid on goods coming through the mail, in my opinion, aids to offset the loses it takes to maintain a decent mail service in this country.
  11. I hear you. I don;t know where all of this asking to declare as a gift stuff is coming from? I have never asked anyone to do that, but have had several people ask me if I wanted them to do that, all here on the boards. Really at the end of the day I feel like if the gov. really wanted to they could still nail you because at some point it will become evident that you are cheating when they notice 300 gifts a year arriving at you house .
  12. That was a very thoughtful post. I as a Canadian buyer understand that I will pay more for shipping, plain and simple. Do I like that? No, but it is necessary for me as a collector to accumulate the books I desire since many of the books I chase are not readily available in my home town. I have adjusted the way I buy tremendously lately since I refuse to buy anything off of eBay when the seller is using GSP, another story. Instead, I try to buy what I can here on the boards or in person at cons. I buy very little on eBay these days and sell even less. I am not scolding anyone for not choosing to ship outside the US. At first I simply wanted to remind everyone to include whether or not they ship to Canada in their shipping rules and then wondered why some felt it was strenuous to ship up North. Your reply was very enlightening, thank you!
  13. 12 hour drive to check some books of the ol' list isn't too bad. Better start saving!
  14. So I'm assuming no more CLink? When is the next Calgary Expo? Don't get me wrong, the Winnipeg comic con is OK and I have bought some cool books there, but I feel like since it is always late in the year, and after the bigger cons, that the wares are pretty picked through by the time most dealers arrive in Winnipeg.