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Everything posted by jimbo_7071

  1. Strange Adventures #9 CGC 9.4 It's a consignment item, but that buyer's premium will be waived when you check out if you pay by check. I know that because I've bought consignment items through the site before.
  2. OW/W pages are not a deal breaker, but you could argue that white pages should be a requirement for a 9.9 or even a 9.8 or 9.6.
  3. I'm not particularly interested in that book, but I would take the 6.0 over the 7.0 any day of the week. That 7.0 looks baked. (That's cream to off-white? What dairy are the guys at CGC buying their cream from? I think the cows must have some kind of infection.)
  4. Go for it, Lou. Buy that 9.9 and then crack it out and re-submit it to try to get a 10.0.
  5. Yes, all invoices are due within seven days of the end of the auction, so the fee is waived if you pay by check AND pay by the due date. The timing is a bit tight because you're counting on the USPS to get your check to them within 7 days. The check goes to Chicago, and I live in Michigan, so for me that isn't really an issue.
  6. I picked up this one because I liked it and it was cheap.
  7. It could be. I also don't know whether he inked his own pencils. I don't know a lot about the process, but I have to think that a ham-handed inker could obscure a master peciller's deft touch.
  8. I have three books with CVS stickers but none with QES stickers. If I were to bid on a book with a QES sticker, I'd feel like a Betamax enthusiast standing in line to buy his first VHS.
  9. In terms of the writing and the overall creativity, I would not disagree. The artwork was mixed. Ingels: A+. Wood: A+. Feldstein: A. Davis: B. Craig: C. Kamen: C. I don't have an interest in collecting OA, but if I could have one example of OA to hang on my wall, it would be an Ingels splash page. Actually, I would probably take a Marie Severin hand-colored silver print of an Ingels splash over the original art. It would be much cheaper and more colorful!
  10. Those prices were paid by people ready for the booby hatch, that's for sure. But I've had my fill of boring talk about sales data for the day! There's more to comics than sales data —like the artwork, for instance. So stop talking about boring sales data and post some comic book jpegs! I'm still patiently waiting to see that Allentown Fox book. (Was it a Wonderworld?)
  11. Any book is risky if you pay crazy money for it. In general, the niche books are riskier in that they're more volatile.
  12. Any book that is not mainstream carries some risk. Now, some guys have enough money that they don't care, but the pool of potential buyers for a book like that is going to be small compared to, say, Tecs. Putting a reserve on it was probably the right move. It's the type of book someone could take a massive bath on if the right bidders don't show up.
  13. The 2.5% is waived if you pay by check, which is what I do. My invoice says that the books will be shipped "Express Insured." Not in a million years would I have chosen express shipping, so either that was the default and I would have had to manually change it when I checked out, or the web site didn't give me a choice.
  14. Does anyone have a reasonable explanation for why my shipping costs were so high on this order? The most I've been charged for shipping from ComicLink before this was $22, and the price for shipping two books was always the same as shipping one. I paid $22 quite recently for shipping one book, so that's what I was expecting. If the site had given me a choice of shipping options, I would have selected the cheapest option. (I don't remember being given a choice.) (I e-mailed CLink about this, but so far I've only gotten an auto-reply.) Have others had high shipping costs this time?
  15. So you don't think he did it by himself, correct? Some portions are way too crude to have been done by Baker, even on his worst day.
  16. I think that it already is. I don't know anybody who thinks that Baker drew that cover. It could have been anybody from the Eisner/Iger group—or maybe not—but it wasn't Baker. (Many of the better-known artists had left Iger by the time PL17 was published; I don't even know who was there at that time.) Sometimes the work of various Eisner/Iger artists looks similar to me, and maybe it's because they all learned from Eisner or from people who learned from Eisner, or maybe it's because their pencils were inked by the same person. For instance, the shading looks just like Nick Cardy's shading to me, and the crude fingers remind me of Bob Powell's fingers. (Neither of them were still with Iger in '47; I think Eisner and his crew were working for Quality.) It might even be that multiple artists worked on the cover. Maybe one artist did Phantom Lady's face and nothing else, for example.
  17. That mystique has been cultivated by one hoarder, though, right? Most collectors are sheep. If one influential collector/dealer tells them what to like, they'll happily follow along, wagging their tails behind them. I like the way the robot is drawn, but Lou should have spent a little time studying human anatomy before attempting that cover.
  18. I like the fact that he's looming over the whole scene, but Bob Kane wasn't a very skilled artist. If you want pre-Robin Tecs, you're stuck with him, though. I probably do like 29 and 35 at least as well, but 33 is uninteresting as far as cover art goes. That one is sought for the origin story, not for the cover.
  19. But why? CoC 19 isn't fit to lick the dirt off those other two books' shoes. I really don't get it. There are SO many horror covers I would rank above that one. ETA: It has a fairly simple composition, and that seems to appeal to some people. I could say the same thing about Superman 14. Considering the prices it gets, some people must consider it a favorite, but to me it's kind of boring. That's how I see CoC 19—not bad but a little boring.
  20. Girl with a gun and a bare-chested man to same.
  21. Suspense 3 wouldn't even make my list of top 10 Schomburg covers, but it's above average. I like his early covers for Timely best.
  22. Is that an unpopular opinion? I've never considered it a Joker cover.
  23. I'm not going to ask how you know that. What boardies do in their own time is their own business as far as I'm concerned.
  24. I don't even think it's a good cover let alone a great one. It looks like a five-year-old could have drawn it. I don't get it.