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Everything posted by Rick2you2

  1. I can’t see him as legendary since I first met him when he was a young artist at a NYC comic book show in 1980 (before there were comicons) having a hard time selling his New Mutants pages (I think). That was well before he became a “legend”, and was still enthusiastic as all get out.
  2. Also, a relatively small group of potential bidders, so the demand curve isn’t smooth.
  3. Add Ale Garza and Jim Kyle to your perpetual naughty list. Jae Lee has had some complaints and Sienkewicz apparently runs very slow, according to some people (as in years).
  4. That particular Facebook page is sad… almost schadenfreude in a way. Should be required reading for everyone who is thinking of commissions.
  5. It totally sucks as it is probably gone by now. The first three issues of PS (second series) were partial reprints from the first series with additional pages added. So, in the first series, 5 of the pages were published as part of a story (I think issue 4, but I don't remember off-hand), and then DC added 3 more pages in the second series, for a much better graphic and story. These were 2 of them. It's as close as I will ever probably get to a PS page from the 1952 run. And a lot of work is needed, too, on the page I have. I'm not sure why I am having so much trouble downsizing the pixels for posting, but it has a big 4 x 5 inch cutout in the middle. What is cool, however, is that the additional lettering and art were made to mimic Infantino/Barry from the first series. Draut, who I am guessing did the work, did an excellent job. Still a complete mystery why it was done. The existing final pages were not published as modified.
  6. Does anyone know how to reach DC Man on CAF? Several years ago, at a comic art show in Secaucus, I spotted a page which interested me a lot. It was the second page of the first issue of the second series of Phantom Stranger stories. But, apart from the Seller only having a copy with him, the page had serious problems. Most importantly, it was only the first page a two page spread. Second, as the seller freely explained, it had also been modified (a lot). Someone had cut out the logo, and inserted a miniature copy of it. The seller was perfectly honest about this, by the way, which I appreciated. This is what it looks like on CAF: Afterward, I decided to hold off, but I kept looking for the second page. Then, I found it and bought it. When I went to try and find his email address, I had lost it. I would like to buy the piece (if he still has it and the price is fair), hire a restorer, and fix the two. The second page also has inking on it to hide the cutting, so I will probably need an artist as well. The art is by Bill Draut, and I doubt fixing it would be an economically wise thing to do, but, what the hell. So if anyone knows how to reach him, it would be appreciated.
  7. And they are already bumping from high level. About 2 years ago, I won a half story from one book, and was always looking for the other half. What I won was 8 pages for about $3,500. Naturally, the Donnellys got hold of a page from the second half. Only $2,150. Such a bargain.💩
  8. Of course I understand the different pricing values placed on prelim’s, rejected covers, etc., What I was doing was pointing out that your criticism is directed, in part, at the way OA is priced, not that one doesn’t exist. That’s a different point. In my opinion, there should be pricing for published and unpublished, period. In baseball, a strikeout has the same effect as a ground out on the game, with only the personal batter’s statistics affected. A rejected cover, preliminary, etc., ought to be treated in the same way: quality of workmanship. A published piece is a hit. The fact that the piece, without trade dress, was considered and rejected is an interesting historical fact, but I think it is overvalued as a marker in the hobby. Regardless as to the changes, what would, say, a high quality commission from the artist be worth at the time it was done? I don’t follow this market, but $700 seems a bit low. Adding in the cost of labor and materials for trade dress (like adding a frame to a picture) doesn’t sound like a $4,000 piece to me, but I didn’t buy it. And when I have bought unpublished pieces, it is usually because I can’t find something published by the artist with the desired subject matter. But that’s my preference, other people obviously have different values. So yes, I do understand your anger.
  9. I get what you are saying. But what you are also doing is questioning the way OA is priced. Nothing in the ad is false that I can see. Was it unpublished? Yes. Does it say so? Yes. Was it restored, and does it say so? Yes. Excluding the restoration part, how is this different, really, then a piece of art in a beautiful frame? Over the years, I have picked up a few pieces in which the frame is better than the art. Nicely decorative, good for offices. I still remember passing on a page about 6 months ago that I would have bought, except that the Phantom Stranger’s image was a stat. Otherwise, it was just some nicely drawn regular people from the early 70’s. Not worth my investment. Which brings me to my point. Trade dress, or anything besides the actual pencils and inks shouldn’t affect value, even if it does. A restoration should effect value, but maybe, not so much. Next time you see something like this, treat it as slightly better a sketch, as the original seller did.
  10. Live in a building with a lot of security.
  11. What is the premium rate structure, if you know and can share it?
  12. Lower income = lower staff = lower productivity.
  13. It goes without saying but this is terrible. I don’t have Facebook skills, but would a new “group” listing each item with a photo be a good idea? Then, if the subject comes up, you can refer someone to it.
  14. He looks to me like he's got spinal stenosis.
  15. Jason Shawn Alexander. Test page for a Constantine book (not published).
  16. I was thinking death right before a large balloon payment was due.
  17. He did mention that when they are sent flat, they break. If the Italian post office is anything like their cars, he may have a point.
  18. I bought 4 pages from Pier Gallo which I had been trying to find for years. He is a European artist who has only done 2 story runs in the US, both for DC comics (He apparently doesn't like DC's scheduling and isn't likely to do more). One of them was a 4 issue run for Superboy, and I liked their crispness as soon as I read the first book. After trying to find him on-line for years, I finally did so several weeks ago. The first one below was published with pencils and inks. The second was published with pencils and computer inks. He offered to ink the other 3 personally, so what the heck, I grabbed them.The first is pencils and inks, the second is pencils and post-publication inks. I also have two more. Unfortunately, he insisted on sending them rolled up, so they are currently in my "press".