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Everything posted by RockMyAmadeus

  1. Wow. What a special copy. Absolutely gorgeous.
  2. Now THAT is worth the price of admission. By my research, this would only be the 5th confirmed copy, though, of course, the other 45 (plus whatever A/Ps or others they made) might still exist. Very, very nice!
  3. How many posts have you made taking subtle shots at people you don't like in the last few months? 50? 60? 100? How many derogatory posts do you "like"? How many fights have you attempted to provoke with your snide, subtle commentary? And you think you have self-control. There's where the self-awareness part of my response steps in. You take shot after shot after shot after shot at people, you run to threads like this to see what kind of meat you can find, and you think people are blind? That they don't see this? You think you're "exercising self-control" when you sit there and bait people...not just me...on a regular basis, and, when you FINALLY get a response, you shout "GOTCHA!!" And then you have the chutzpah to lecture ANYONE about self-control...? Please.
  4. Let's hope that's the last of "Stu's" shills. Hope springs eternal.
  5. This is an example of irony, right...? Talking about a lack of self-control, while posting this...? I...and many, many others...think the same of you. Then, we could all agree together. Wouldn't that be nice...?
  6. Comic Link, Comic Connect, Heritage, AND this site do not have nearly the traffic for the type of material I sell, their fees are all substantially higher than eBay (the forum excluded, of course...but no one buys here unless they can make money on it themselves), and they take substantially longer to pay out. While I respect your philosophy, I'm not a young man, and don't have the time nor ability to forego the by-far highest exposure for my sales that exists.
  7. Yes, I would love for a stop to be put to it. A stop to banned members creating shill after shill after shill, to post whatever they want, with no consequence. I would LOVE for a stop to be put to this nonsense.
  8. No I don't. And that's my final word on it. You are poisoning the boards for me with this feud. Let's hope moderation agree, and invite you to stop responding to Stu. Whenever someone disagrees with you in a way you cannot handle, you ask them to put you on ignore. So I ask you to take your own advice and put Stu on 'ignore' by ignoring him. You speak from ignorance. You have no idea the extent of what has gone on, nor do you understand it in the slightest. And, to top it off, you are maliciously mischaracterizing both the situation and myself. I ask people to put me on ignore when they cannot handle disagreement without making it personal...like you. Do I make a stink about your endless, vociferous complaining about board features and functions, like the journals, that poisons the board for a lot of other members, and is a constant source of annoyance for moderation? No. I leave you completely alone. You should do likewise. While you have no control over "Stu's" next shill, you have complete control over what you see from me. Instead of complaining about it, you ought to exercise self-control and use the tools with which you have been provided, so that someone doesn't "poison" the boards for you. And you should hope you are never the target of someone like this.
  9. There is no "feud." You need to read and comprehend what has been said here. You speak from ignorance of the situation.
  10. That, of course, is a lie, and projection. Stop stirring the pot.
  11. Again, this is what psychosis looks like. This person thinks that the appropriate response to someone disagreeing with them, to offending them ("dropping some F bombs"), is to go nuclear and accuse them over and over of fraud, persistent lying, bestiality, while attempting to assassinate their character, digging up whatever they can find about them online and posting it for all to see, post personally identifying information about them, and do that repeatedly, over and over and over, in a way that cannot be stopped, and for which this person suffers no consequences. And look at how this person characterize all of that: "you tried to be a tough guy and start *****, and you don't like where your path has led." I'm sure most of you realize how that looks and sounds. "Oh yeah?? You drop an F bomb on ME?? You offend ME?? Well, here, I'm going to post your personal information in response. I'm going to tell people you let your dog lick peanut butter off your genitals. I'm going to tell people you have illegal eBay accounts. I'm not going to call you a liar over and over and over. I'm going to call you an underachieving lowlife loser, over and over and over. I'm going to expose your personal life for all the world to see. And, I'm gonna do it in a forum where I can say whatever I want, whenever I want, and however I want, and NOBODY can stop me!! How you like THEM apples...?? Shoulda thought of that BEFORE tangling with me, tough guy!!" That is not a sober, measured response. That is psychosis. I could do the same to this person. I rarely even post this person's full name, even though this person has no problem with that. I know where he lives, I know his phone numbers, I know what his wife does for work, I know where his kids go to school, I know all sorts of information about him that I could blast across the internet, for whomever and whatever purpose. And, of course, I could make up things about who he is and what he does, as he has done with me. I don't do any of that, because that's fundamentally indecent. It is the essence of "hitting below the belt." Remember: "You shouldn't have offended me! It's your fault that I create dozens and dozens of shills on a board from which I have been banned for over a dozen years to harass you and accuse you of fraud, lying, bestiality, and to post your personal information for all to see. It doesn't matter if you don't interact with me and completely avoid me. It's still your fault that I stalk and harass you! You made me do it!" All of these responses are because, somewhere in his psychosis, he recognizes that he's crossed a serious line.
  12. "You shouldn't have offended me! It's your fault that I create dozens and dozens of shills on a board from which I have been banned for over a dozen years to harass you and accuse you of fraud, lying, bestiality, and to post your personal information for all to see. It doesn't matter if you don't interact with me and completely avoid me. It's still your fault that I stalk and harass you! You made me do it!"
  13. This is what psychosis looks like. "You shouldn't have disagreed with me! It's your fault that I create dozens and dozens of shills on a board from which I have been banned for over a dozen years to harass you and accuse you of fraud, lying, bestiality, and to post your personal information for all to see. It doesn't matter if you don't interact with me and completely avoid me. It's still your fault that I stalk and harass you! You made me do it!" The first victim of the sociopath is himself.
  14. Wow. "Just do what I say, and I'll stop harassing you" ...said every mob enforcer who ever lived. Wow. This is why you guard your information online, folks.
  15. There's no error...OGS was released, as BJ and AITS state, as Direct #1-3 as well as Quasar #32-34. Why? More sales to suckers, of course. ( from a sucker.)
  16. Such as? I would be happy to jump ship for a place that has the exposure eBay has.
  17. I agree with you, that there needs to be a balance, that eBay went from one extreme to the other, and that the threat of negative feedback had a measure (a small measure, but not none) of mitigating factor in getting people to pay. But that was far, far outweighed by the uselessness of the entire feedback system, which was meant to reward good sellers, "encourage" bad sellers to become good, and warn the community of those sellers who had no interest in being good sellers. People are criticism averse. So, to avoid retaliation, they'll just keep their mouth shut...and the scumbag sellers...of which there were, and are, tons...got to perpetrate their crimes against the next in line. It was ugly, and appealed to the very worst in human nature.
  18. Logan510's bait worked. As demonstrated earlier in this thread, "Stu" has a lot of trouble telling fact from fiction, due to his severe and chronic abuse of pot over the years. I never said "I'm being discriminated against!", and "Stu" is, of course, "forgetting" the rest: that he thinks Signature Series buyers/sellers/collectors are scumbag profiteers, making money off the signatures of creators that the "flippers" don't deserve. At the heart of it, he's an elitist snob, who looks down his nose at anyone who doesn't collect they way he thinks they should. Sig Series? Scumbags. Like variants? You're a fool. Those are the attitudes that I stood up to him about. And standing up to "Stu" guarantees you become his target. Look at what he's saying here: other than to reply to his character assassination attempts, on this board where he's been banned for a dozen or more years, and doesn't have the privilege to post, I have completely left him alone. Do I follow him around and harass him, posting personal information he doesn't want posted? No. Do I post on the boards that still tolerate him? Generally no. Do I mention him here when he's not posting attacks with yet another shill? Can't say it's never happened, but it's very rare, precisely so he does not have fuel. In other words, I completely and totally avoid him in every way possible. But...if I apologize to him, for having a difference of opinion...then he'll stop creating shills on a board he has no right being on, to post personal information about me and others against our wishes, accuse me of fraud, bestiality, and God only knows what else...? Does that sound right to anyone...? Many of you may not be aware of this, because they've been deleted fairly quickly, but "Stu" has created dozens of shills to post these comments on this board, and they've all, or almost all, been deleted. Yet, CGC is incapable of preventing him from creating new ones, so the cycle continues. This is an example of the comments and/or user names he's made: Note user name: it's a reference to slathering peanut butter on one's genitals, and having your dog lick it off for sexual gratification (not something I've ever done.) Stu's made that particular retort multiple times. Understand what he's saying, and realize that this man is seriously, seriously ill. I am not his first target, nor will I be his last. This "apology" thing, however, is new, and demonstrates that he may finally be recognizing how far he's gone. We'll see.
  19. They used to be good “friends”, I wonder what happened?
  20. This was the Direct version. It sold for $34, which is, frankly, astonishing.
  21. Cover price differences between newsstands and Directs started at Marvel with the post-Phalanx Covenant storyline in 1994, with selected X-Men books in "Deluxe" and "regular" versions. Here, for example, is the first X-Men price difference: The newsstands, at least for a while, were priced at $1.95 and were Deluxe versions, too. THIS WAS A RUSE. It was designed to make comic buyers think they had a choice, but they didn't. This only lasted a couple of months. By the Age of Apocalypse, there was no "non-deluxe" version available. You could only buy "deluxe." Eventually, Marvel went back to the "standard" paper and cover stock, about a year and a half later, but KEPT the $1.95 price. Cute, huh? Ah, ol' Perelman. When the formerly "deluxe" books, like X-Men, Wolverine, Uncanny X-Men, Hulk, and others, went to the "standard" paper (still at $1.95!), the newsstand versions all went to $1.99...but the titles that didn't "go deluxe" at all, like the Spidey titles, stayed at $1.50 across both versions. By July of 1997, we saw the last of the $1.95 books, and starting with the August, 1997 cover dates, all books were now $1.99 (and up), Direct or newsstand. This would only last until 1999, when Marvel started futzing around with cover prices again. Marvel was a complete and utter mess during this time period.
  22. Here's an interesting one: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Incredible-Hulk-441-She-Hulk-Pulp-Fiction-homage-1996-high-grade-0-99-start/283166237682?hash=item41ee05e3f2:g:s2oAAOSwhXhbcJsn
  23. There is no doubt that there are a lot of people who don't know what they're doing, doing work to books that make them end up like this, and there are a lot of books that end up looking like that. However, that's not true of everyone. It's the same caveat: bad pressing is easy to detect. Sloppy pressing is easy to detect. Proper pressing is not.