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Everything posted by RockMyAmadeus

  1. Pressing really is one of those things that you have to do to understand. Sounds snobbish, I'm sure, but it's still true. Yes, there are lots of pressers out there that squash books, no doubt. But there are pressers out there who can, and do, make books indistinguishable from their unpressed counterparts. Pressing isn't difficult...but it does require a certain set of personality traits to do it well.
  2. Pressing is not detectable, 99% of the time. Really. The other 1%, it's either because the book was very worn and is now unnaturally flat (emphasis on UNNATURALLY), or the book has been obviously smooshed, or the book has waviness/ripples (the bane of my existence, admittedly.) But 99% of the time, the books that come out of my press...you cannot tell. No one can. And it's not because I'm a pressing savant. I'm not. I have some books out there that are cringe-worthy...and so does everyone else, from the worst to the best. But 99% of the time, you cannot tell. And I've pressed maybe 6,000-8,000 books since 2010...? And that's true of everybody who is at least a passable presser.
  3. Come on man get to the punch line already. Don't leave us hanging. That WAS the punchline...
  4. You know, it's funny...with the obsession for first appearances that has plagued the market for the last few years, it turns out @Joe Collector-migration was right...just 30 years late.
  5. its disgusting how people sell fake issues saying they will get a 9.8 guaranteed It's not that hard to get a 9.8 for a new issue. In fact, with a few exceptions, it's pretty easy. And guaranteeing a 9.8 isn't fraudulent or unethical. If you don't get one, you refund the money. That's the guarantee.
  6. Yes, comparative analysis of YOUR feedback to MINE is merely a "deflection" and "changing the subject", despite the fact that "the subject" was already exhaustively discussed in a previous post. "Pay no attention to the man behind the screen!!" By sheer luck. You got lucky. And that doesn't include any of the negs/neutrals you got from sellers who have been NARU'd during the great purge, which means those feedbacks, if any, were wiped out. The feedback you left is petty, vindictive...oh, and look! Someone ELSE thinks you're rude and abusive: Thanks for nothing and not letting me know! Seller: Member idtextbooktimecom () More than a year ago Reply by textbooktimecom (May-29-12 14:53): Item was out of stock & immediately refunded. Buyer was rude & verbally abusive. And look...you called someone at home to harass them...? NO RESPONSE 1month/4e-mails Gave Ebay dad's # + his dad was hostile on the phone Member id969957@deleted No longer a registered user I wish I could say that is shocking, but, I can't. It was not "prohibited at the time." As usual, your pot-addled brain has deceived you. It was NEVER prohibited to have SEPARATE buying and selling accounts. EVER. Which, by the way, was a fact I never tried to hide from anyone, precisely because it's always been allowed. How many negs have I gotten as a seller? Wanna guess...? In nearly 20 years of selling, I have, as of right now, TWO negative feedbacks. I have ONE neutral that was revised from a negative (gee, thanks!), and ONE negative that was made by a Non-paying bidder, and removed by eBay. In addition, I have a grand total of SIX neutrals. That's after selling THOUSANDS of items, across three accounts: Timdrake72, Graysoncollectibles, and Comic-Sutra. How many did Graysoncollectibles get? Well, see for yourself: https://www.toolhaus.org/cgi-bin/negs?User=graysoncollectibles&Dirn=Received+by One neg, two neutrals. Also as usual, your pot-addled brain has led you to make things up that aren't true. I didn't have "someone else register an ID for me." I SHARE an EXISTING account with a friend...and yes...my name is right there, on the account with them. Do I owe you any of that information? Nope. I share it in the interest of transparency. Do you have any idea what eBay and I have worked out? Nope. Is it any of your business? Nope. Funny...I seem to be able to link all the appropriate pages, but you don't bother even noting what my "first ID" was..? (It was Timdrake72, by the way.) I wonder why that is...? Is it because what's there doesn't support your narrative...? My first ID was NARU'd because I wouldn't play the games that sellers CANNOT get away with now, precisely BECAUSE people stepped up and said "no more." You know, like one seller charging "$5 S&H", and I win 9 separate auctions for 9 comics...in 2002, mind you...and they try to charge me $45 to ship 9 different comics in the same package. I said no. That kind of nonsense IS NOT ALLOWED now. Or the seller, "my95roadmaster", who decides to leave a neutral one business day after the auction ends. Do you think I'm going to send that guy money? Of course not. I would be insane to do so. Did I get a NPB strike for that? You bet. And after four of those, guess what? Bye bye buying account. And my selling id was NARU'd because...surprise surprise!...it was tied to my buying account, as I had made no effort to hide that fact. In the olden days...? Bye bye, selling account. And now we arrive at Comic-Sutra. Let's take a look at Comic-Sutra's feedback: https://www.toolhaus.org/cgi-bin/negs?User=comic-sutra&Dirn=Received+by As mentioned, I share that account with a friend (also a fact I have never tried to hide.) The listings with "stars" ----> " * " in the title are mine; the ones without are my friend's. What do you see...? 0 negatives (for me), and 2 neutrals (for me.) Oh, and DSRs for Comic-Sutra...? 5 stars all the way down. Top-Rated seller since 2008, too, until I stopped selling in January, and I no longer met their sales threshold. So, as mentioned, across nearly 20 years of selling...not counting, admittedly, the unknown number of negs/neutrals that may have been removed in the great purge...I have, as a seller: Comic-Sutra: 0 negatives, (1 neg revised, 1 neg removed from NPB), and 2 neutrals. Graysoncollectibles: 1 negative, 2 neutrals Timdrake72: 1 negative, 2 neutrals And 4 feedbacks revised for Comic-Sutra that I don't remember what they were, but obviously were worked out satisfactorily for the buyer. For a grand total, across nearly 20 years of selling, and THOUSANDS of transactions: 2 negatives, and 6 neutrals from SEVEN different users. I daresay, that record stacks up with the best of the best of the best. Why? Because I keep my nose clean, keep my customers happy, and play by the rules. ...which, by your very presence, shows you don't know how to do. I'm sorry...who are you now to be lecturing ANYONE about "following rules"...? So, you wanna accuse people of being "hypocritical" and maybe even "fraudulent", when you don't have a damn clue what you're talking about...? Says the guy who was banned from the CGC board in, what, 2005? For attacking Steve Borock and CGC relentlessly? And who makes up endless new accounts to target others over the years? I'm not your first target, nor will I be your last. Keep at it, then. "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!"
  7. Back to the topic, slogging through (very) old feedback, I (re)discovered this gem: Never responded to e-mail, never contacted me in anyway. my95roadmaster ( 170) More than a year ago Reply by 7***7 (Jan-01-01 00:00): #224152036 This FB given ONE Business day after auction ended!! This guy's NUTS! Follow-up by my95roadmaster (Jan-01-01 00:00): Avoid this person at all costs! I have had nothing but non-stop harassment! Now, this was almost two decades ago (the date isn't right; eBay reset all dates for negs/neutrals to 01-01-01 in the great purge of 2005ish, but it's close), so the details aren't exact, BUT...the reply by me is correct: I think the listing ended on a Friday...this was in the days of money orders and checks, mind you...and this seller left this feedback on a Monday. Does ANYONE reading this think it's reasonable to leave a neutral...a weak negative...for "no contact" after a weekend? And yet, here it is. And this happened all the time. So, I responded with a neutral, and this guy completely lost his mind. Here's the next feedback he left: Non-stop harassment from an obvious child, Tarnished my perfect profile. Member idmy95roadmaster ( Feedback Score Of170) More than a year ago Reply by 7***7 (Jan-01-01 00:00): And leaving a 'neg' FB after ONE DAY is not acting like an obvious child? How? Follow-up by my95roadmaster (Jan-01-01 00:00): I left NUETRAL feedback insufficiently_thoughtful_person. And I gave you ample time to reply, you didn't! Notice? "Tarnished my perfect profile." He was so offended that his "perfect profile" was tarnished...not that he'd tarnished someone else's profile for "no contact" after a weekend. What's even funnier is that he made up a shill account to respond to my (now deleted) neutral in his FB profile: Great person to deal with! timdrake72 is an azz! no one but him had a problem ebaysucksazz2v5t ( 1 ) No longer a registered user More than a year ago Reply by a***9 (Jan-01-01 00:00): Thanks for that comment Jim. Nice knowing someone is behind me. Follow-up by ebaysucksazz2v5t (Jan-01-01 00:00): No problem, I know an azz when I see one. He even enlisted another seller to respond in his profile, too. And, it turns out, I wasn't the only one he did this to. I was just the only one who stood up to him. So, no. Leaving negative or neutral feedback for buyers was NEVER a good idea, EVER.
  8. By the by...here's "Stu's" feedback left: https://www.toolhaus.org/cgi-bin/negs?User=stupidman!&Dirn=Left+by See this one? nice book BUT CHARGES $4 FOR $1.33 SHIP.SAID NO REFUND.JUST SO U KNOW- NOT COOL! Seller: Member id-ws () No longer a registered user More than a year ago Reply by -ws (Mar-16-02 18:20): S/H is *always clearly stated* in listing, and ~Stupidman~ ('ahem..) knew terms. Follow-up by !***u (Mar-17-02 16:07): MADE EXTRA $2.50 PER SALE x 3200 FBs= $8000 YOU'VE SCAMMED! WAKE UP PEOPLE! SCAM SUPER classy! I did that once...complained about a $4 ship charge on a $1.58 actual postage cost. It was tacky, chintzy, and cheap. I shouldn't have done it. I was wrong. I learned my lesson. Did "Stu"? Well, let's see: Horrible packaging sent 3000 miles, AND charged $5 ship, sent for $1.60. Blech. Seller: Member idbryans61 () More than a year ago Guess not. And that feedback was left sometime after 2012. Hypocrisy much...?
  9. No one is being "lectured." I am sharing my perspective, as you are free to share yours. As I have already said, multiple times, if you don't like what someone says, you aren't required to see it. If you aren't required to see it, de facto, there is no "lecture." Continuing to harass people about what they choose to talk about is a violation of the board rules, whether enforced or not.
  10. Trust him, he knows from experience. In the late 90s he was such a PITA buyer that he received negs from multiple dealers. He was very happy when they changed their FB policy. Oh, hey, it's "Stu" again. Fancy that. (Warning! Long, ranty post, spoilered for your protection!) But, happy to provide context.
  11. Yes. All the Star books by that time are INCREDIBLY tough in 9.8. A couple of Heathcliff 9.8s sold a while ago, same 25th ann issue, for $100+.
  12. Yes, but not variants of those chromiums. I'm only looking for books where the chromium was the regular book (like X-Men Alpha, or Bloodshot #0) that also had a chromium VARIANT...OR, where the chromium was a variant, like Darkness #11, or Vampirella/Shi Queen's Gambit #1, and there was a VARIANT of that chromium. Not looking for chromium variants of REGULAR books. Looking for variants OF chromiums themselves. They're chromiums, but there is no variant of those chromiums.
  13. ...no. Leaving negative feedback for buyers was one of the most shortsighted, ill-conceived ideas that eBay ever had. It stifled honesty, because sellers were relentlessly leaving negative feedback in revenge. Buyers decided, instead of ruining their own accounts with retaliatory feedback, to simply not leave feedback at all, and bad sellers...with which eBay was, and is, infested...got off scott free. As well, leaving negative feedback for buyers was pointless, because very few sellers checked buyer feedback, and of those that did, you cannot check feedback for bidders who snipe. There are ways to avoid buyers who don't pay, including setting your listings to reject buyers who have unpaid "cases" (or whatever they're calling them now these days) against them within a certain period of time.
  14. his actual name is trevor pender and he is in brooklyn. his FB name in comics groups is duran dominguez. if anyone knows him please take a dump on his shoes Wow.
  15. There isn't a Spiderman Maximum Clonage Omega Gold, and the Alpha Gold is an ACETATE (like the Wizard ACE editions), not a CHROMIUM cover. Thanks, though!
  16. No worries; you would think, with the obsession with chromium that infected the industry in the 90s, that there would be a lot more variants...but I don't think there are.
  17. Remembered another: Vampirella Crossover Gallery #1 - rainbow holochrome interior
  18. I THINK that was a cardboard cover. I'm pretty sure of it. You are it is a pure chromium?