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Everything posted by RockMyAmadeus

  1. Stickered copies will either get a green label, or be hammered for the sticker. I have a Superman slab around here somewhere that has a "Celebrity Authentics" sticker....it's an 8,5, on an otherwise 9.8 copy.
  2. Well, I threw my bid into the ring. I'm high bidder now. "Someone messaged me that there are 4 known copies of this comic book. I'm sure there are more out there, but it sounds like they are hard to find." I think this is true. I have one, CAK claims he found one, and there were two more on eBay that I discovered last year, one that had sold with a lot and another that was unsold. I wrote to both sellers, but never heard back from either one. Of course, Fufat's been paying attention, and threw his up, too.
  3. Well...that explains why the slabs I bought from them were all broken...
  4. Morbius' run in Fear hasn't gotten the respect it deserves since the first Morbius runup in the early 90s. It's a great run.
  5. What was driving the price so high on that auction? Was it just the Robin newsstand issue? 2nd Print Robin #1 newsstand. Same as Bat #457 and Supes #50. Perhaps this is where your confusion lies. When I said "Same as Bat #457 and Supes #50", I wasn't making a comparison between their values. Kirk asked "Was it just the Robin newsstand issue", to which I replied the above...which is that this Robin #1 was the same type of book/version/variation as Bat #457 and Supes #50. Maybe that's where you got hung up. Perhaps you thought I was making some sort of value comparison between these three books. I was not, as the context indicates. Perhaps, in the future, if you're unsure of meaning, you might ask, rather than engage in unrelated argumentation about which no one disagrees.
  6. Nobody is disputing, or has disputed, your contention. No one disagrees with you. There is no argument from anybody. And, most importantly: that has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the discussion, and never has. "A Robin #1 newsstand second print just sold for $117." "Yeah, well...Batman #457 is worth way more." "No one's saying it isn't. The comment was about Robin #1, and only Robin #1." "Yeah, well...Batman #457 is worth more because it's more important." "No one's saying it isn't. The comment was about Robin #1, and only Robin #1." "Yeah, well....Batman #457 is the most valuable of the three." "No one's saying it isn't. The comment was about Robin #1, and only Robin #1." ....do you just say these things to get a reaction...?
  7. There are some genuine lunatics out there. There are some genuine lunatics on this board. Lots of people out there acting in bad faith. It's unfortunate.
  8. Exactly. You think it's priced too low? You buy it and make the money I "left on the table." That usually ends the discussion. I've gotten the "but so and so has it for lower than you're asking", to which I reply "by all means, if you like that price, you should go buy that one, quickly, before someone else does!" Same situation in reverse.
  9. If you live in the United States, that's not true. You have the perfect right to tell someone what to do or how to conduct their own business. You don't have the right to enforce what you tell them, for anyone who is not under your authority. Big difference. Just like ExNihilo has the right to laugh in this seller's face and tell him to pound sand in return, and list his book for whatever price he wants. "You can't tell me what to do!!" No, I can't force you...but I can certainly express my opinion about it. That's the cost of having that freedom: everyone else has it, too.
  10. Not really. It was part of the process that led from "Wolverine, the X-Man that Claremont and Cockrum hated" to "The X-Men, starring Wolverine" (#160-200) to "Wolverine, guest starring the Uncanny X-Men" (#201-300.) X-Men #109 was the first glimmer of what would come, with Wolvie's first spotlight cover (and boy, what a cover.) But then, Wolvie didn't have a spotlight cover again for several more years (#133), and then only sporadically after that (#141-142, #162, #174.) I ran the numbers a few years ago...the star of X-Men #94-#130 is really Storm, if we go by story and cover appearances. Claremont and Cockrum really liked her (and, so did the fans.) What's interesting about Wolvie is that for the first 7 years of his existence, after Hulk #180-182, you see no appearances from him on his own in any other Marvel comics. It's not until What If? #31 that you find him on his own, and that's basically just a re-telling of Hulk #181. Wolvie appears in a handful of X-Men appearances...a cameo in ASM #161, MTU #53, Annual #1, Iron Fist #15, PM&IF #57, Rom #17, 18...but you never see him on his own until 1982. Now, granted, it's not like the others made appearances elsewhere, either, except Nightcrawler in the aforementioned ASM #161-162, but AFTER the Wolvie mini, Wolvie starts to pop up in the Marvel U on his own more regularly: DD #196, Firestar #2, DD #248-249, Web of Spiderman #29, Spiderman & Wolverine #1, Power Pack #19 and #27, Kitty Pryde & Wolvie, and by the late 80's he's all over the place on his own. The X-Men, if they appeared outside of their title, appeared almost exclusively as a team. Part of that was because of Claremont, but really, for a long time, it was The X-Men that people wanted...not just Storm, or Wolvie, or Colossus...but people wanted to see the team, because it was their interaction together that made them such a hit.
  11. I can't remember names for anything...but I numbers? Numbers are easy. Am I an idiot-savant? Or just an idiot? It's why I feel for people who need a list to keep track of comics they don't have. I've never needed one, because I can remember almost all of them. And if I've taken a mental snapshot of where something is, I can nearly always find it. Moving things drives me up the wall, because then I can't find anything. But ask me what someone's name is that I met a week ago? Forget it. Ain't happening.
  12. You can call and get grades when the books show "Graded/QC." That's always been true. And there are many books I've subbed that, even now, I could tell you the flaws, even not having seen them for months.
  13. Remember when they were $20 right out of the gate...? Ahhh...fun times. I probably could have traded a copy of Robin #1 for 10 copies of New Mutants #98.
  14. That is, of course, complete and total nonsense. You have the right to sell your book for as much...or as little..as you wish. The only way for the value of a book to continue to fall is if there is more supply than there is demand. A finite supply and a level of demand puts brakes on the price falling too far. You know what's never said by anyone...? When a book sells for quite a bit more than average, no one says "hey, cut it out! You'll ruin it for other buyers!" That should tell you the validity of such a claim. The mystery seller is a coward and a sleazeball. If I were confronted by such a message, I'd laugh at them and tell them to learn how to compete. You're not running a museum...you want to sell a book. You have no obligation to match other sellers' expectations on price.
  15. Nothing, but that's Lazboy's M.O. Yeah, because "Probably the first time those words have ever been uttered or typed...……………………." is so useful and relevant... oh, and accurate. Maybe somebody should go through your posts and use them to paint a picture of your nice, shiny, broken glass houses. Do you need any more stones? Do not compare me to Jaydogrules. You must be mentally challenged to think for even one second that that's even close to a valid comparison. At the risk of losing social status...and I hope you know I luv ya, 'fro....but Lazyboy is nothing at all like jaydog. Lazyboy can be abrasive, but he's also smart, educated, and almost always correct. He knows what he's talking about, and he doesn't become abusive if someone proves him wrong. And, to the delight of most everyone, he won't drag out a discussion (like I do) in the attempt to try and reason and/or educate anyone. He says what he has to say, and that's that. I'll take 1,000 Lazyboys over a single jaydog who, despite multiple and serious violations going back years, never seems to be disciplined by anyone in authority.
  16. Well...I was joking, but what is "the actual grade"...? I don't believe in such a thing. I don't think you do, either. Lots of...younger...people get all up in arms about grade changes on resubmission, because they believed the book was THAT original grade. I spent a LOT of time over at the CBCS board trying to educate people that grading is subjective, because so many people there thought they were actually being scammed because a book changed grade upon resubmission. They weren't, obviously. But they got so wrapped up in the number on the label, it caused very negative reactions in a lot of people, reactions that were not only not correct, they were totally unnecessary. I hope it made a difference, and I think it did, because people who are spastics about the number on the grade suffer a lot when they don't understand that a book can be a 9.4 on one day, a 9.6 on another, and a 9.2 on another, and none of those grades is wrong. When people understand that...things go a lot better for their mental health.
  17. The problem I have with stickers is that they're easily reproduced. Anyone can make up a new batch, stick them on some books, and VOILA! New rarity.
  18. No, "Stu Cathell." CBCS has decided to ban anyone who posts in ways with which they disagree. I criticized CBCS, so I was a target, obviously. I daresay, as a percentage, the CBCS boards in 2 years has banned far, far more people than the CGC board has in 10. Except you, of course. I even defended you, which didn't ingratiate me to anyone. Go ahead. Ask Dice.
  19. If you know how to grade, it shouldn't be an issue to buy any other company's slabs to crack and sub to CGC. If you treat them like raw books, you should be fine. The caveat, of course, is that you can't crack the books out to inspect them. But, mostly you'll see what the problems are from outside the case.