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Everything posted by RockMyAmadeus

  1. Umm...except that there were a handful of artists trying damn-hard to imitate McFarlane. Stephen Platt, I think, was the most obvious example. Moon Knight 55 took off precisely because it featured "a new artist who drew like McFarlane" -- and among his early covers -- Moon Knight 55-57, Prophet # 4 variant and Prophet # 5 may as well have been drawn by McFarlane. Capullo's another one -- there's a reason he was the first to follow McFarlane on Spawn -- he'd been mentored and trained up by him. I'd even argue that Liefeld was heavily influenced by McFarlane, who both inked and co-penciled some of the early Liefeld New Mutants issues. Gatsby got there before me....but one exception: McFarlane only inked the covers to New Mutants #85-89, and 93. He didn't ink or pencil any of the interiors.
  2. The most obvious McFarlane clone was Stephen Platt. Of course, there were others, such as John Cleary, Trent Kaniuga, Joe Mad to an extent, and even Dan Panosian to an extent. It would be erroneous to suggest there were no McFarlane imitators. There were several.
  3. This is excellent information. I shall make note of it. Thank You, Sir. Where would we be without You...?
  4. Who, me...? May it never be! There is only One here who outshines us all, and He is Whom I mentioned above. We are, the whole of us, mere shadows in the Presence of His Glorious intelligence, wisdom, kindness, and generosity. Compared to Him, I am but a dust mote on the diminutive backside of the common flea. Oh, shadroch, may we be worthy of Thee, and Thy servant, James. Amen.
  5. "But soft! What light through yonder window breaks...? 'tis the East, and shadroch is the Sun. Arise, fair Sun, and kill the envious Moon, who is already sick and pale with grief that Thou, her servant, art far more fair than She!"
  6. Brainiac would be shocked and awed, as are we. Are there enough baskets? Alas. Will they be big enough to gather and contain his unlimited pearls of wisdom? Us swine, with our muted mental faculties, can only ponder. Alas, alas! To have the candles of our intellects held against the brightness of the sun, they disappear as a drop of water in the sea. Who are we, mere men, to bask in such Glory?
  7. It's Fake News that shadroch is the world's smartest man...? Pffft. Poppycock and twaddlesauce, my good man. Twaddlesauce, I say! We are in the presence of a Greatness of which mortal men can merely dream.
  8. Oliver Stone is an idiot, lacking even a fundamental understanding of how capitalism works, so his mouthpiece, "Gordon Gecko", spouts all kinds of nonsense that has no bearing on economic reality. Capitalism has nothing to do with greed. That's the propaganda of the Marxo-socialist, who doesn't like having to earn his keep, and wants the social power structure to work in his favor, to force others to give him things for free. Capitalism is nothing more than the free exchange of goods and services, by willing participants on both sides of the transaction. You give me the fruit of your labor....your wealth, usually in the form of money...in return, you get something that makes your life better/easier/more enjoyable. Capitalism has done more to lift more people out of poverty than any other system designed by man, throughout the entirety of human history. And it has nothing to do with greed. The greedy are the Marxo-socialists mentioned above, but good luck trying to explain that to a Marxo-socialist.
  9. Sorry this never got answered. The reason was the celebration of 10 years since FF #1. All...or nearly all....Marvel titles went to 25 cents that month. According to the story, Marvel succeeded...somehow...in convincing DC to go to 48/52 pages at 25 cents as well. DC apparently got locked into a paper supply issue, and were stuck publishing 25 cent books for the next year, while Marvel went right back to 32 pages and 20 cents the next month. This is the legend. Unfortunately, it doesn't make a lot of sense. For instance, DC's switch happened in August, 1971...three months prior to the FF 10th anniversary. But that's how the legend goes.
  10. Well then forgive me if my posting something that somebody else has posted offended you. That was a response to ygogolak, not you. That's what the quote system is for: so people know to whom one is speaking.
  11. My apologies for your confusion; only the first sentence of my statement was referring to your post. I'll strive to make things simpler in the future.
  12. This has been gone over multiple times already. If it's not in the DMM, it doesn't have any meaning. It's pretty straightforward.
  13. The usual: reason, logic, common sense. I would recommend trying it, but, well....
  14. Of course. As mentioned many times before, Media Mail is not for shipping collectibles with value. But the point of Media Mail....the old "book rate"...was to cheaply ship educational material. Many (most?) comics ARE educational material. Many people learned how to read through comics...even some of you reading this now. And there are a lot of comics that are shipped whose conditions aren't particularly relevant. Banning them from the service contravenes the fact that comics can be educational material, just like any book. And really...how is Miracleman less educational than, say, "The Duke's Mistress" or "Love, Denied"? So, the insipid bureaucrat(s) who made up that list has/have completely forgotten the whole point of the service in the first place.
  15. Those were available at comic shops. yes, those all came out in rapid succession, and could be ordered by shops. My picture was just to show what the collectors "thin packs" looked like.
  16. Might be some repeats. Here goes: Swamp Thing #16-64. Yes, I include the pre-Moores, because Totleben and Bissette's art helped Marty Pasko's writing a lot. Tales of the Teen Titans #42-44, Annual #3 Miracleman #1-24, but especially #11-16. Animal #1-26 Doom Patrol #19-50 Sandman #1-75 Rom #1-75 Batman #404-407, #417-420, #433-442 Batman: The Dark Knight The Killing Joke Astro City #1-6, vol 3 #1-22 Supreme #41-50 Stormwatch #37-50, vol 2 #1-11, Wildcats vs. Aliens, Authority #1-22 The Witching Hour #1-80 FF #267 ASM #293-294, Web #31-32, Spect Spiderman #131-132 Captain America #332-350 Hulk #329-400 Action Comics Annual #1 New Mutants Special Ed #1/X-Men Annual #9/X-Men & Alpha Flight #1-2 Daredevil #227-233 X-Men #107-108 ASM #290-292, Annual #21 Marvel Comics Presents #85-92