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Everything posted by RockMyAmadeus

  1. Nice. So, you don't care about anyone but yourself, and you classify anyone pointing out that you're cheating others and trying to game the system as "whining", adding contempt to the pile. I'd love to see you get a speeding ticket and tell the cop he/she is "whining" when they write it. Keyword spamming is a scummy method of marketing, used by selfish people who don't have any use for playing by the rules. Classy. Why should anyone buy from you again...?
  2. You never noticed the 6 fingers on Namor's left hand...?
  3. I probably won't reveal the seller, depending on the outcome. There are bad actors here who would have no problem contacting the seller and trying to damage negotiations. This hurts the seller, because it encourages them to entrench, rather than work it out. Of course, these bad actors don't care, so long as they can achieve some measure of petty vengeance in their mind. A prime example has already posted. It's happened before, and it will certainly happen again. It's the world we live in. If negotiations fail completely, I'll post the seller, since this is an issue that affects future slab buyers of theirs. It's looking promising. We'll see. The seller has been professionally courteous, so that's a plus. I sent a note saying essentially that it was great that the seller has never had a problem like this before, but it would be nice if they could acknowledge that this time, their procedure failed, and it would be nice not to have to haggle about it.
  4. How did this one end? I just asked the seller to mention stuff like this in the future. It's in my "to be cracked for SS someday" box, so I'm not too worried about it. It was only $20 plus shipping.
  5. Sorry, this one killed me! You sure know some pile about boxes!! I have no idea what this means. Save your Canadian speak for Roy, eh! You're in the driver's seat here no matter how it falls. I don't get how someone could think they can wiggle their way out of one of these situations with their reputation intact. It's the same when people sell slabs and don't mention scratches on the case, then get upset when you want to return it or get it reholdered!!! What were the books? Some beautiful high grade X-Men, including one of my fave Silver Age books. I mean, I get it, if there are scratches on a slab, ok, that can be overlooked, and it's not the end of the world. I'm not a case snob, and I think the only time I ever complained about the condition of a slab was when someone sent me a Witchblade #42 Red foil that had something like coke spilled on it, leaving a sticky film all over the case. It was gross, and not mentioned by the seller. But in this case, those corners are SHATTERED. There are pieces of plastic slab inside the cases and the bags they came in. That box was dropped HARD, and that's to be expected when that happens.
  6. How did you know?! ...typical, eh? Yeah, it's frustrating dealing with people who won't take any responsibility for their actions. I'm sure most of the people reading this can look at those pictures, and this explanation, and say "yeah, that was a time bomb waiting to go off"...but there's no acknowledgement on the seller's part. Just "ok, what do you want to go away?" as if the buyer is the bad guy.
  7. Of course you do; as far as I'm concerned, everyone else is a saint, and I am the devil himself. It couldn't be anything else with you. Rationality? Reason? Civility? Honesty? Hashing out differences? Trying to reach an amicable solution? No need, where Logan510 is concerned. Move along.
  8. Seller, as with many, is "surprised!" that this happened. "Sorry for the issues, we typically get compliments on our packing, so honestly not sure what happened!" The seller is starting to get hostile, and, as is typical, has come out with the defense-mode statements, refusing to accept any responsibility for his/her deficient pack job. Well, I know exactly what happened: you sent nearly 8 pounds of slabs in a box designed for 3 pounds of toys, and wrapped them in a single layer of bubble wrap. The box got dropped on that corner, and broke all the slabs. It's not rocket science. Here's the box they sent it in: (and yes, for the box nerds who understand specs, I included that as well. And yes, that is water damage to that corner.) Folks: bubble wrap is your friend. They could have gotten away with this flimsy packaging IF they had wrapped the slabs in 4-5 LAYERS of wrap. You want the slabs to be immobile and impervious to impact damage. Movement is your enemy! Due to the laws of physics, if the item inside the package can move, your chance for damage goes up by some mathematical formula that I can't compute, but it's very bad, because now you've got kinetic energy INSIDE the box as well as outside. and instead of having impact from outside the box be absorbed by layers of material, now you've made the item itself a missile, with its own kinetic energy, and you lose any benefit you may have had from the packing material. Again, I'm not a physicist, who could explain it to you much better than I can...just remember to keep the contents IMMOBILE, and you'll do well.
  9. 6 slabs, $700+. Shipped in a used toy shipping box (made to deal with 1-3 lbs. worth of toys) 8 lbs. worth of slabs. Single layer of small bubble wrap, wrapped around each. All six slabs damaged badly enough, there are pieces of broken slab both inside the rest of the slabs, and in the slab bags, from all six. What would you do...?
  10. Nearly every one of your current listings, as well as most of your past listings, is an example of keyword spamming. Are you aware that keyword spamming is against eBay policy? It's cheating. It causes your listings to clog up results for searchers, when your "Miracleman #4" comes up in a search for Watchmen, for example. Or your Miracleman #23 comes up in a Sandman search. It frustrates buyers, because they have to wade through all sorts of stuff that is NOT (hence the banning of "not") what they were searching for. And on the off chance that it IS something they might be interested in, there are plenty of people who are not. It's a shady way to do business. It's like having a storefront, and then taping a sign advertising your store on the front door of every other store in town.
  11. Why are you keyword spamming? https://www.ebay.com/itm/MIRACLEMAN-23-CGC-9-8-ECLIPSE-1-15-SILVER-AGE-NEIL-GAIMAN-SANDMAN-MAKE-AN-OFFER/253451609352?hash=item3b02e4a508:g:TaMAAOSw4D5akzHO