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Everything posted by RockMyAmadeus

  1. 5 cents, 50 cents, at some point you have to decide its not worth your time. Or, the dollar amount isn't relevant, and what IS worth your time is trying to reason with people who may not understand the situation. Yes, not a problem if you're listing 1, or 2, or 10 items. When you list several hundred to several thousands, it becomes a bit of a problem. And, that assumes you know what you will and won't take on every item, and that that amount won't change.
  2. $1.50. Don't get bogged down in the details, Kav. And no, I'm not bickering about anything. I sent my last reply, and blocked. Too many potential problems.
  3. Is it coocoo season over at eBay....? Buyer asks about the book, and I respond. They make an offer of $4 (it's a $6 book.) I decline without a counter because...well...it's a $6 book. :shrug: I respond in the decline: He/she replies: I respond: No big deal, and they have a point in why having Best Offer if you're really not going to consider them, but I made an effort to reason with a potential customer. 33% off, whether it's $4 or $400, probably isn't going to inspire me to sell. They reply: I respond (because trying to reason with people is not without benefit in the long run): Over sensitive eBayers around...
  4. Oops. My bad, I didn't see that. Thanks for the correction, blob.
  5. Be glad you never got such a comment...it's usually followed by "and that's why I've decided I'd like to wear your skin as a suit." “When the Fox hears the Rabbit scream he comes a-runnin', but not to help.”
  6. By the way...getting positive feedback doesn't mean you did a perfect job, and having lots of positive feedback doesn't mean much, either, or Dupcak wouldn't have what he has. People only leave neutral or negative feedback if they're annoyed past a certain level. Rarely do people leave those if the transaction was mediocre, or even slightly negative for them. That's just human nature.
  7. This sounds like you wrote it. Did you write it? Or, did you solicit it? This is not a natural, spontaneous response. No, I did not write this nor did I solict this message.I removed the buyer's user ID from the message BUT I am sure he wouldn't mind if I were to post his user ID up on here. This is a ***********perfectly natural response considering******* the following: The buyer received the Preacher # 42 in dead on 9.8, as shown in the auction pics.The buyer paid $44.99 for the book, shipped. Current GPA shows this book at $103 in 9.8 and trending upwards. The book was triple packaged...( as in I placed the book in a Standard Mylite2 + TWO Standard Gerber Full Backs for a snug fit...then the bagged/boarded comic was slid into a silver/gold Mylite2 + silver/gold gerber Full Back Board combo...placed on top of a sheet of cardboard...slid carefully into a bubblewrap mailer....with the following written on the mailer' sides: "SPINE OF BOOK IS ON THIS SIDE" (arrows pointing to outer edge) Opposing side was marked with: "HANDLE/REMOVE BOOK FROM THIS SIDE" The bubblewrap mailer was shipped with four cut out pieces of cardboard around all corners....and wrapped in bubblewrap itself, and then shipped in a 4 wall cardboard box. I take every single precaution needed to ensure my buyers get what they pay for i.e.I do not treat them like disposable jerkoffs by giving out soft grades or shipping out books sandwiched in cardboard and compressing their spines with mailing tape. You (the ebay buyer) spend your money on high grade raw books off ebay then get a book sold to you as a "9.8" with shoddy packaging...or softly graded...and you wind up with a 8.5 or 9.2 or whatever falls shy of the 9.8 you spent your money on and expected to receive. Then you buy a book from me and you get the book, as described...packaged just as cautiously as if I (The seller) were sending in the 9.8 candidate to CGC to be graded, myself. As I said, you give people what they pay for, and charge them fair prices, they are grateful for the service you provide...and you get repeat customers. Hell, I ship with more care than 99% of other sellers on ebay or on this board.Every single time I buy books thru eBay ...from "comic dealers", as well as the few times that I have bought books from boardies on here, their packaging methods were not as considerate as mine. That's an interesting story. However, I have sold books as described on eBay since 1998, and many books that ended up grading higher thanI said they would, and I've never gotten such an effusive comment like that....I mean, "2 mylars with buffered acid free boards" was the first thing they noticed, AND it put a smile on their face...? And "The way you shipped it spoke volumes of your character"...? The way someone ships may speak volumes of their competence, but their character...? Sounds like a solicited testimonial. Carry on. PS. "Bubble wrap mailers" should never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever (breathhhhhhhe) EVER, ever, ever be used to ship comics, for any reason, ever, unless you're shipping the rattiest of reader copies. They are TOO FLIMSY. If you're going to use an envelope, rather than a box, you should use the flat rate envelopes, and use the pre-cut 9.x 12 pads. If you do it properly, the boards will stiffen (I'm watching you, C4F) the envelope so that it provides solid corners in the event of impact. Bubble wrap mailers do not, and you're relying solely on the integrity of the sandwich inside to protect the book. Also...this is something that isn't talked about a lot, but "snug fit", either in a mylar or a bag and board, is not always such a good thing, especially if you have to put ANY pressure beyond gravity into the book/board to get it all the way in. The bottom edge of the book (or top, depending on orientation) is pressed against the interior plastic, and if there's a color fleck or two, it almost always gets pushed up. Something to think about.
  8. Ray Charles was the head grader at PGX before he passed away.
  9. A little thick on the hype...and how do they know only 5 exist? Accounted for is not the same thing as exists.
  10. "Allotted posted limit on a given topic" I like it! You should totally propose that as a rule for the board....
  11. That's RIGHT. I have a reputation to demolish besmirch drag through the mud uphold! But why can't you SHUT UP when you've gone beyond your allotted posting limit on a given topic? Oh man! It's the FUZZ! RUN!!!
  12. I was out with #1. But I enjoyed the opening credits.
  13. That's RIGHT. I have a reputation to demolish besmirch drag through the mud uphold!
  14. Punch and pie should always be offered. Its a proven fact more people will show up. Ah, Cartman... Everyone knows you're supposed to have milk with pie.
  15. Go check moderation. Someone has a sore wrist. Sore wrist don't tell me much. They could have been "using" my Lynda Carter animated gif for too long. Last I saw Copperagekid called transplant a name,maybe it was kev76?anyways people were getting all you dont know,no YOU dont know and divad was being caled out and....I thought it was going to be fun and I missed it. Someone made an autism crack in there somewhere, based on the moderation action. Oh,I almost forgot,RMA was there too,and tranny and him were getting along. That's a dirty lie! You take that back RIGHT NOW!! (yes, ) Bye bye 44444 post symmetry!
  16. The more you ignore me..... I could never ignore you. You are the wind beneath my wings, the air that I breathe, the gas bubbles in my small intestine... I always love how that baby seems to be just about to put his hand on his chin like "yeah, I got what you did, there...smooth, man, smoooothhhh".... ...and then flips out totally. 44...4....4...........4.
  17. The more you ignore me..... I could never ignore you. You are the wind beneath my wings, the air that I breathe, the gas bubbles in my small intestine...
  18. And what did Swick do....? You think these debates are only one sided? No, they never are. There are always at least two parties involved, usually more, but you take aim only at me...? So I have more to say, and take more time and effort to explain, than maybe some others. And...? That means I'm "beating it, steamrolling it, flipping it, etc"...? And again...your point? Who determines what is "enough" in a conversation? Whose right is it to say "we can only talk about this for two more posts, but after that, it's done." ...? No, since you're angry at me, you characterize the situation as "beating a dead horse"....even though, as anyone can plainly see, there are still people who are interested in discussing the topic. Is there some PERSONAL limit that each participant is limited to? Like, can certain people only post about a topic 17 times, but others can post only 5 times....? What are these rules for discourse, so we all know what they are? Is it a crime to talk about a topic if other people are interested in talking about it...? Apparently, yes. And, if one DOES discuss something at length, it's only because one has "gotten their knickers in a twist" because people don't see "eye to eye." Why do so many people assign so much emotion to words on a screen? Answer: because THEY are the ones with those emotions, and projecting them right back at the very people they say are being emotional. I didn't post for much of the month of July. Did anyone notice? Not that I'm aware of. But, get involved in a couple of serious discussions, and it's "lately it seems that you never stop." Can't win for trying. Not complaining, certainly. I accept your perceptions, whatever they may be. Putting someone on ignore is "flying off the handle"..? I think you may have your definitions of "flying off the handle" a little mixed up. I put people on ignore for lots of reasons, Buzz. And yes, I probably have more people on ignore than most. That's how I choose to use the function. If you think I put you on ignore because I was "flying off he handle", and reacting to the situation, you would be mistaken. Did I announce I was doing it? Nope. I said what needed to be said at the time. You were making several flippant comments towards me in a row, for which you admitted you had earned the ignore, but it was really only the culmination of what I have been seeing from you over a period of time. Why do you care that some stranger on the internet put you on ignore? If other people are "right about me", then you should be happy I put you on ignore, right...? Certainly no loss. Who am I, that you should care that I put you on ignore? Nobody. And yet....here we are.
  19. That isn't true, because I don't HAVE any behavior with (or towards) you for anyone to defend. I ignore you, I don't take shots at you, I don't bother you, I don't engage you, I don't have anything whatsoever to do with you, yet you still take regular shots at me, because you're still angry at me for whatever it is you think I've done to you. Fine. How's about putting on your big boy pants and stop throwing your toys out the pram, like you tell everyone else to do, and learn how to pretend I don't exist? I'm sure you'll come back with some clever "it's impossible to ignore you!" comment, but that just proves the point.
  20. Funny, how every single one of those buyers left stellar feedback for the books they bought. Except you, who have never bought a single item from me, ever. The buyer of the 9.9 VOB is a Board Member who doesn't leave feedback due to confidentiality, and he laughed all the way to the bank on that one. SWEET copy. Now in an SS 9.9 slab. And he's come back for more "overgraded" books. The joke's on you Transplant, and every time you look in a mirror. You didn't look in the secret census.
  21. Pffft! Speak for yourself, Lovitz. (I do get a chuckle at the claim of "some" people...as if there isn't relentlessness all around, and there's some sort of unspoken agreed upon limit to the discussion of a topic. )