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Everything posted by RockMyAmadeus

  1. Are you saying that "ashle_rodar" and "n***6" are the same ID?
  2. Based on your description, almost certainly shilled.
  3. Graemlins can be important to me for context. As a high-functioning autistic I have problems interpreting facial expressions, non-verbal cues and also tone and intent in posts here, on occasion. Everybody has problems interpreting tone and intent in posts on a regular basis. The problem is the lack of those cues for everyone in the written form. The way around this is to not assume the worst until proven otherwise.
  4. Two things: 1. "Wwwwooooommmmbbbbb" 2. That guy desperately needs an editor. At first, I thought it might be nifty barbarian dialect, but what barbarian misspells "its" while speaking...? PS. Isn't it cool, that art can effectively mimic light by the appropriate use of color? PPS. Bronty thought that I took a shot at Park for no reason. Can you imagine...? Taking a shot at Park for no reason....?! There's always a reason to take a shot at Park! (PPPS. Isn't it a little sad that we live in a time where we need to constantly reassure people with smilies so they know that we are, in fact, just joking?)
  5. I was going to post this, and then saw that I already did.
  6. How can a Deadstroke rip off, that breaks the 4th wall, makes fart and jokes, and has the ugliest mug in comics possibly have any sort of staying power? History is full of the unlikely being speculative gold. It's DC's own fault. They buried the character in mediocrity for a long time. Always felt like Deadpool was more of a Spider-man rip-off. Patrick Deathstroke became "Punisher-lite" in the 90's, and when that gravy train ran out.... Too many one-dimensional characters that are in desperate need of filling out.
  7. Please explain why these "pass through" outlays which are out-of-pocket business expenses associated with someone (your friend) doing business and getting paid for doing it......is considered by you to be the same as paying back someone for lunch and not subject to fees? Artist charges $10 per sig. I get 20 books signed. Artist charges $200. Facilitator pays that $200. That $200 is paid back by me to the Facilitator via Paypal personal, and has nothing to do with the charge the Facilitator may charge me for their service. The facilitator didn't make any money on that aspect of the situation. They simply paid the artist on my behalf. That's one of the things Paypal personal is for, specifically, as defined. No it is not. Personal Payments are specifically defined in Paypal's T&Cs 16. Definitions: "Personal Payment" means amounts sent between two individuals (not to or from a business) without a purchase. Examples of Personal Payments include sending a gift to a friend or paying a friend back for your share of a lunch bill. Of course it is about Who you are sending money to. That is why they reference using it for "friends and family" and specifically exclude payments "to or from a business" The only reason they cover the WHY is due to people stretching the definition of "friends". You will note that all of the examples they use, such as "Gift, Living Expense (like rent or utilities), Reimbursing a friend for your share of a restaurant check, or Repaying money that a family member loaned you" are in no way business expenses. When you are sending payments to facilitators and when your customers are sending payments to you, these transactions are business transactions, to and from a business. That is not correct. I am "paying a friend back" for payment they fronted me (as noted in the definition.) Just like the friend who pays for my share of lunch. Is a business the ultimate recipient? Yes. It is NOT a "purchase", because I am not buying something from these facilitators. I am not buying goods and/or services from these facilitators for that portion of the money that goes to other entities. That payment, if any, for their services is a separate transaction, for their services, and yes, must be paid for the regular way. It is correct Unless you are claiming both: 1. that all the facilitators are your friends AND you are sending them money without a purchase. You fully admit there is a purchase involved, because you are splitting it out as payment for their business services I "fully admit" that there is sometimes a purchase involved, which is a separate transaction between myself and another party. The PURCHASE involved is the fee part. The paying them back is the Personal part. I don't always use Paypal to pay a facilitator's fees, but if I do, I use regular payments, as required. If, however, I am paying a facilitator for ARTIST fees, that is not going to the facilitator, and thus, isn't a purchase (<---operative word) from the facilitator. No, the "AND" isn't appropriate. If someone is sending me money without purchasing something, it falls under the definition of "Personal payment." The operative phrase is "without a purchase." The work I do = performing a service = "a purchase" by Paypal's definition. Paying for CGC fees for them = not a service = not a purchase. It's all pretty straightforward. You seem stuck on the definition of "friend", but that's precisely why the language exists as it is: so that people don't claim everyone is their "friend." They say without buying something. When I pay CGC fees on someone else's behalf, they are not buying something from me. They are simply paying me back for money I loaned to them to buy something (in this case, CGC services) which is PRECISELY what Paypal says Personal payments are for: "• Payment owed: to pay your friend back for your share of a dinner bill, or for another item that your friend bought for you." You've focused on the wrong thing, and skipped the most important part: "without a purchase.. Again....paying someone back for an advance they gave you is precisely what Personal was for. I am NOT "using it as a business manner in a way that benefits my business", unless you think I am somehow getting a cut of the CGC fees. I assure you, I am not. As well, there are certain payments TO businesses (such as utilities) that are perfectly allowed. Have you red the definitions from Paypal that I posted...?
  8. How about you post as you see fit, and let others post as they do...? I was replying to Jimbo_707. Why are we so obsessed with trying to control how others want to express themselves...? :shrug:
  9. Comics cannot legally be sent via media mail if they contain paid advertising. Some people may do it, but it's illegal. Some independent comics or fanzines may not contain any paid advertisements; those books could be sent via media mail. That a simple matter of USPS regulations. (I used to work as a letter carrier.) I had no idea there was even a dispute about that topic; the regs are very clear. Please point to the DMM (that's Domestic Mail Manual, which are the legal regulations by which the USPS abides) that says this. Here is what it DOES say: "Books, including books issued to supplement other books, of at least eight printed pages, consisting wholly of reading matter or scholarly bibliography, or reading matter with incidental blank spaces for notations and containing no advertising matter other than incidental announcements of books. Advertising includes paid advertising and the publishers' own advertising in display, classified, or editorial style. " DMM 173.4.1 Since a comic book from 1959 contains NO advertising of any kind, it can be shipped Media Mail. "What?? RMA, are you nuts? What the hell are all those ADS for the Hypno-Coin, and the giant inflatable dinosaur, and the giant plastic flying jet???" Those aren't ads. They are REFERENCE MATERIAL. Why? Because they are no longer valid; most of the companies that produced them no longer exist. Since they are no longer valid, they are not ADVERTISING ANYTHING, and thus....no longer ads. Just like anything else that expires, they can no longer be used for their intended purpose, and thus...aren't ads. It WAS advertising...but it is no longer. It served its function for its time and now no longer does, or even can, serve in that capacity. Since, then, they are REFERENCE MATERIAL, they fall under the "wholly of reading matter" requirement, and thus comics with EXPIRED ADS CAN be shipped Media Mail. The "clarification" on the USPS website means nothing, and is only someone's opinion UNTIL and IF it gets OFFICIALLY codified in the DMM. If it's NOT in the DMM...it doesn't exist, as far as the USPS is concerned.
  10. That's an endless debate. It is good to have you on my side,I hope you are...! Who doesn't love Jimmers? Nobody.
  11. yeah that one was definitely on the short list! Why is that even an argument? You use a service, you should pay for the service. No more argument.
  12. Oh, and How about pretty much anything involving 1Cool, too...?
  13. I really don't like having to come out and say this, but you're on ignore "HighStakesComics." I would appreciate if you wouldn't reply to me, and make it difficult for me to ignore you by posting attachments of pictures showing my comments from other threads (which can't be ignored.) This is now the second time you've attempted to make an issue of these comments, but I'm not going to discuss it with you. If someone else would like to discuss my comments, I'm more than happy to, but I won't with you. You make these discussions personal, and I'm not interested in going there with you. It's nothing personal, and it would be appreciated if you wouldn't try to engage me. Thanks.
  14. Logic and reason seem to be in short supply around here again.... If there were hundreds of appearances afterward of the Metal Men/Atom team, then yes, that would be their first appearance. No it wouldn't be. You don't even know if a team exists at this point, let alone if they have a name or whom the roster consists of. Best watch yourself, Sir. You are making a very strong argument for the 60. That's where we fundamentally disagree, as I've said repeatedly in this thread. I don't care when they get a name, and I don't care if we know a team exits at the time that they first gather to defeat a bad guy. Their first adventure is their first appearance. Yes.