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Everything posted by RockMyAmadeus

  1. Bullfudgeingshizzle, I call it as I see it. The guy said he would pay, let him buy the book and let the issue die...or you could drag it out and garner the proper amount of attention that you need to live and breath on this board. I have ZERO agenda in this matter, nor do I sell to PL turds. Put him on the PL and sell it to him then. I have clean hands in the sales forum unlike those that would sell to PL members of this board. It was "let go" about 8 hours ago. Where were you? As I said, Diggler, by his own admission here, does not have clean hands. Merely the fact that I will sell to people on the PL under my conditions is something he can't accept, and so he will do the very thing he accuses me of: draw attention to it to make sure everyone knows what a bad guy he thinks I am for doing it.. Classic group think behavior. "Amount of attention that you need to live and breath (sic) on this board"...? Learn how to have discussions, Diggler, without the personal attacks.
  2. Enough with the trolling, Diggler. YOU are the one dictating how people are to sell on this board, not me. I don't condemn you for selling the way you wish. Yet you condemn me for selling the way I wish. You are the one who can't handle someone disagreeing with you, not me.
  3. Someone threatening to put you on the PL for some silly reason doesn't make the PL flawed, just that idjit's thinking. If they'd succeeded, you'd have an argument. It's a little different when that "idjit" is a "well respected board member." But see the second reason. I shouldn't have to defend who I wish to, and who I wish to not, do business with. I don't ask others to defend their selling practices, because they are just that: their selling practices. It is wrong to defame people because they choose to sell to people you don't. This is not 1984.
  4. Completely Not Member Specific Rule #69.5. Interpreting as "passive/aggressive", "initial engagement", and "bad faith", when it has no meaning outside of "interesting" should be considered absurd paranoia and henceforth Rule #69 should be disregarded. Addendum: board members should learn to recognize that the "reply" function AUTOMATICALLY assigns the "last post in the thread" as the "re: board member", if it is changed, it must be done manually. and that unless someone is directly quoted or addressed, it cannot simply be assumed that posts are aimed at them.
  5. The Probation List is seriously flawed. I know this because I, though I have never done anything that *normally* warrants being placed on it, have twice been threatened with being put on it myelf, the first time for recognizing that the list was flawed, and offering to sell to those people because of that, with strict conditions...and secondly, for refusing to sell to someone who themselves refused to honor their word. That is not the first time the latter has happened with others, by the way, and the PL has occasionally devolved into "well, if you're going to put ME on the list, I'm going to put YOU on the list, too!" nonsense which severely diminishes the value of the list. Does that mean the PL has no value at all? No. Diggler, like many commenting, have "unclean hands" when it comes to me, which is fine, so long as people are aware of the motives behind the posts. As for "RMA is looking for attention"...right. That's why I don't post anything but emoticons and memes 98% of the time. You know...for the attention.
  6. That's exactly what should have happened here. Otherwise, why threaten the buyer with the PL and then back out? It doesn't make any sense at all other than to bring his name up on here. Pretty much as I stated earlier this morning in a reply in this thread about amends by paying him but apparently he wants me to get down like James Brown and suck his coo coo.... Does your mom know that you're using her computer? There's no love lost between me & RMA, but if I was him, I'd tell you to go pound sand as well ... grow the *spoon* up, already. +1, I'm not happy about RMA's ideas about selling to PL listers and I was I was feeling sorry for kitsune. What possible reason could you have to feel sorry for kitsune...? What has he done in any of this to cause any reasonable person to feel sorry for him...? Why would someone say something like this out loud...? :shrug: Why do people respond to people that they have on ignore? Why do people talk about people they have on ignore? Ask yourself that question shaving tomorrow, cowboy. Oddly enough, I don't engage people I have on ignore unless they engage me first. It would be nice if those people who have me on ignore would do the same. (thumbs u
  7. That's exactly what should have happened here. Otherwise, why threaten the buyer with the PL and then back out? It doesn't make any sense at all other than to bring his name up on here. Pretty much as I stated earlier this morning in a reply in this thread about amends by paying him but apparently he wants me to get down like James Brown and suck his coo coo.... Does your mom know that you're using her computer? There's no love lost between me & RMA, but if I was him, I'd tell you to go pound sand as well ... grow the *spoon* up, already. +1, I'm not happy about RMA's ideas about selling to PL listers and I was I was feeling sorry for kitsune. What possible reason could you have to feel sorry for kitsune...? What has he done in any of this to cause any reasonable person to feel sorry for him...? Why would someone say something like this out loud...? :shrug: Why do people respond to people that they have on ignore? Why do people talk about people they have on ignore?
  8. You are not helping yourself any in this discussion when you post some of the comments that you do. I saw those two posts you deleted on the previous page. Telling people they are a bunch of a@@es is not the way to go. If anything, you are confirming something for folks that is going to hurt your reputation on here in the long run. Consider that with anything else you post here. He is hurt that I didn't pay and wants me on PL. He pm me last night letting me know about PL. I stated to him prior that I will pay after SDCC. It is now after SDCC which I have returned his message about paying which he did not reply. I have stated in this thread numerous of times about paying but it seems like he is more hurt and needs a hug than money. Ok, this is funny. Ludicrous. Totally incorrect. But funny.
  9. That's exactly what should have happened here. Otherwise, why threaten the buyer with the PL and then back out? It doesn't make any sense at all other than to bring his name up on here. Pretty much as I stated earlier this morning in a reply in this thread about amends by paying him but apparently he wants me to get down like James Brown and suck his coo coo.... Does your mom know that you're using her computer? There's no love lost between me & RMA, but if I was him, I'd tell you to go pound sand as well ... grow the *spoon* up, already. +1, I'm not happy about RMA's ideas about selling to PL listers and I was I was feeling sorry for kitsune. What possible reason could you have to feel sorry for kitsune...? What has he done in any of this to cause any reasonable person to feel sorry for him...? Why would someone say something like this out loud...? :shrug:
  10. That's exactly what should have happened here. Otherwise, why threaten the buyer with the PL and then back out? It doesn't make any sense at all other than to bring his name up on here. Pretty much as I stated earlier this morning in a reply in this thread about amends by paying him but apparently he wants me to get down like James Brown and suck his coo coo.... Dude, you're wrong and you suck. I'm hoping people remember that you're only nine and not to be trusted in any financial dealings. I see kitsune's "d-bag" meme to RMA got nuked Drat. I missed it. I love a good meme.
  11. I was wondering about that part, as well. Kitsune's response was bad but we don't know what the tone of the PM he received was. We do, it was posted earlier. Thanks, Zuckuss...didn't see this earlier.
  12. That's exactly what should have happened here. Otherwise, why threaten the buyer with the PL and then back out? It doesn't make any sense at all other than to bring his name up on here. Pretty much as I stated earlier this morning in a reply in this thread about amends by paying him but apparently he wants me to get down like James Brown and suck his coo coo.... Yes, CGC Boards, this guy has offered to pay. How many of us would tell him to go suck an egg? I know I would in a heartbeat. This guy already offered to pay...once ( )...twice ("end of June")...three times ("Friday")...four times ("after SDCC")...five times ("i'll pay now" (31 days after the fact.) ...and still hasn't. Many people here do not understand what "good faith" and "bad faith" mean. Let me say it again...and my apologies for belaboring the point...Kitsune has offered to pay multiple times and has yet to pay. Whether or not I would ACCEPT that payment is not the issue. Kitsune has repeatedly failed to make any sort of good faith effort of any kind. He has only offered, then failed to stand by his word.
  13. I was wondering about that part, as well. Kitsune's response was bad but we don't know what the tone of the PM he received was. Yes, you do, since Kitsune already posted it. I will post it again: I'm not quite sure why anyone would imagine that I would behave unprofessionally, but this board is what it is. Perception is reality, no matter how fictitious.
  14. I believe that's the part that RMA doesn't get. And since he's reading... RMA buddy I gots nothing against you. I had your back in your pre-emoticon only days and you were crazy then. Its nothing against you personally for me to state that you can't threaten use of the PL for not buying something... then pull it away from the buyer when they agree to your terms and try to pay for it. Yes Kitsune drug out the transaction... and you let him. That's technically your fault, but he shouldn't have done it... so I'm saying you were gracious to let him. No one faults you for that and you were gracious to do so. Kitsune probably shouldn't have acted so careless and snubby toward your graciousness... and I think he knows that now. The PL discussion did what it was supposed to do... and weather you acknowledge it or not... it was bringing your transaction to completion (completion meaning you getting paid and he staying in good with the boards). The only one preventing completion of that transaction now is you. It's your choice to sell it to him or not... but Kitsune has fulfilled the necessary requirements brought forth to keep him off the PL and make you whole financially. Why don't you just let the man apologize and give you money. You still have the book... he still wants to buy it. Seems like a win - win. Please stop posting to or about me. Your contribution to this specific situation is unwelcome. While you are free to post wherever and whenever you wish, I am requesting that you do not comment to or about me on these boards. Thank you.
  15. Yes, these two sentences really did proceed one after the other, with nothing in between.
  16. Yes this is my understanding also (quoting the rules) "the 30 day clock begins from the time the agreed upon conditions were violated." So if he had until "the end of the month" of June, then the 30 day expires "end of July". Let us hope perhaps this can be resolved before then. I accepted him altering the terms of the sale. I did not "agree" to it, because agreements are made PRIOR TO the deal, not after the fact. I simply had no choice if I wanted the transaction to be completed. The clock starts ticking with the unqualified unless arrangements are made PRIOR to that. You don't get to make your own terms after the fact, and then state that's "where the clock starts." Respectfully, and I generally sympathize with your dislike of how this went down, you cannot so easily separate what you "accepted" from what you "agreed" to. You could have said "No" to any post-sale conditions. I could have, but I do like to be accomodating if I can. I can easily differentiate between agreements (which are arranged prior to inking the deal) and acceptance of terms after the fact ("oh, by the way, would you mind...") because I really don't have much choice if I'm being a good businessman. Regardless of the quibble over "agree" and "accept", the point remains that the clock started ticking at the unqualified , not after-the-fact acceptance of additional terms. And I appreciate your efforts to be accommodating. again, your internal rules may differ, but as I said previously, this thread has discussed the "when does the 30 day clock start ticking when extensions are requested" and the concensus was that the clock started at the time of the most recent deadline. The seller does not have to accept a payment deadline extension past the agreement, but you did. If we're going to be contractually precise, then "the end of June" is nebulous, and has no meaning, and therefore cannot be considered "part of the clock." What does "end of June" mean? June 30? June 28? June 25? Again, if we're going to be contractually precise, rather than behaving under "gentlemen's agreements" conditions. I much rather prefer to behave like gentlemen, rather than trying to apply contractual precision after the fact where there is none. The clock does not get placed where there is nothing precise to fix it to. This was NOT a "can I pay you on June 29th?" situation.
  17. And all of this is academic. I accept the conditions of the PL that if a buyer makes an offer to pay...even though multiple offers to pay had already been made, and then not honored...he cannot be placed on the PL. I will not sell him this book, and so kitsune does not go on the PL, because he now has no way of "making it right." I accept that. He had 30 days to pay, and he chose not to. Nothing was stopping him from sending payment. Had I listed and sold the book elsewhere (I did not), I could have simply refunded his money. He made no good faith effort to honor his word.
  18. Yes this is my understanding also (quoting the rules) "the 30 day clock begins from the time the agreed upon conditions were violated." So if he had until "the end of the month" of June, then the 30 day expires "end of July". Let us hope perhaps this can be resolved before then. I accepted him altering the terms of the sale. I did not "agree" to it, because agreements are made PRIOR TO the deal, not after the fact. I simply had no choice if I wanted the transaction to be completed. The clock starts ticking with the unqualified unless arrangements are made PRIOR to that. You don't get to make your own terms after the fact, and then state that's "where the clock starts." Respectfully, and I generally sympathize with your dislike of how this went down, you cannot so easily separate what you "accepted" from what you "agreed" to. You could have said "No" to any post-sale conditions. I could have, but I do like to be accomodating if I can. I can easily differentiate between agreements (which are arranged prior to inking the deal) and acceptance of terms after the fact ("oh, by the way, would you mind...") because I really don't have much choice if I'm being a good businessman. Regardless of the quibble over "agree" and "accept", the point remains that the clock started ticking at the unqualified , not after-the-fact acceptance of additional terms.
  19. Never put or threw in conditions. I asked if I could and he agreed. For instance: You posted an unqualified in my sales thread. THEN you asked if you could wait until the end of June.
  20. Yes this is my understanding also (quoting the rules) "the 30 day clock begins from the time the agreed upon conditions were violated." So if he had until "the end of the month" of June, then the 30 day expires "end of July". Let us hope perhaps this can be resolved before then. I accepted him altering the terms of the sale. I did not "agree" to it, because agreements are made PRIOR TO the deal, not after the fact. I simply had no choice if I wanted the transaction to be completed. I was trying to graciously accomodate a customer, and that grace was taken advantage of. The clock starts ticking with the unqualified unless arrangements are made PRIOR to that. You don't get to make your own terms after the fact, and then that's "where the clock starts."
  21. Please DELETE the posts containing personal information.