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Everything posted by RockMyAmadeus

  1. I love Walking Dead. I was an early adopter. My collection ran back to issue #1 of buying it off the stands. I've bought and read every issue since. All that being said, take a breath. #4 should scare the living mess out of you if you are concerned with long term growth. Spikes beget spikes in the inverse. As for "generations to come"....do you know a lot of people that want "Whiz Comics" right now? That comic was one of the original juggernauts, selling nearly 1.4 million copies PER ISSUE at its peak...and was GONE within a decade of those sales figures. That was our parents and grandparents generation. Do you see anyone outside of a few GA collectors who gave a hairy rat's about Whiz? If they did, and if current success was a guarantee of future quality, sales and popularity, Captain Marvel would be the biggest book going today. Books come, they go, no matter how popular or hot or great, tastes change, trends change, nothing lasts forever. Marketing, support, and fresh stories are integral to success. There's no guarantee WD will have any of those three for any guaranteed period of time. Have a little perspective.
  2. So you're going to keep it until you die, but you'd like to upgrade, but you'd sell it if the price was right. If there's as many people like you who own copies of the book as I think there are, I think we can at least agree that the bubble WILL burst. All it will take is enough people to flood the market with copies. Which will happen. This is how they burst. People holding them watch them go up, and think they could get out if the book hits that next round number. But then the book stops going up, and (gasp) maybe ticks downward. Slowly at first. And then you get people who think they could live with $2000, or $1700, or $1500, or hell, whatever I can get someone to give me for it. But nobody wants to try to catch the falling knife on the buy side unless they get a smoking deal. so the price keeps dropping until a low enough level is reached that people feel confident to buy again, or it is so cheap that they don't need to worry about being caught when the music stops. The question is how many copies are being held by people who will keep them until they die, and how many are held by folks that bought them at $1500 in hopes of selling at $2500. If there are a lot in the latter camp there will be a real rush for the exit without enough demand at these levels to keep the book propped up. How many current owners would sell at the right price, and how close is that price point? How many more buyers really want this book to the tune of nearly $3000?
  3. I think it was your fault. All that alphabet stuff. What you see as my fault, I see as lack of moderation. So the line of acceptability is somewhere beyond the level of cleavage in your avatar, but somewhere this side of the skin shown on hula girl. Got it.
  4. You know, like Domino's. 30 minute delivery or it's free..
  5. Go on. Enunciate thy threadous loximus. Oh, I don't get them locked. I just loiter around until somebody has a meltdown. What fun can be had at the expense of others' emotional foibles.
  6. You should try and post OFG in every post. I don't think you push it enough. C'mon Alex make the effort!!!!
  7. Yes! It was revealed that RMA is a little black girl. I always pictured him as a middle-aged caucasian male. My mind is blown.
  8. Yes, work is "time consuming". It can be tedious, but it is work. I'll take my wrist slap/strike if you want to throw one my way. Let's play a little game I like to call, "A Time to Kill" with the star studded cast of the ever sexy MM, Sandy, Mr. Spacey and Mace Windu. Close your eyes while I read the above post by Blowie. (Rereads post) Now open your eyes. And imagine that those words were spoken by a little black girl, i.e. RMA. Your honor, the defense rests. Well played, sir! Well personally I thought that BUTM's post was over the top but still nowhere near as over the top as RMA's usual ones and BUTM certainly doesn't have a long history of posts that I consider over the top (just in case a reply to this was hoped for).