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Everything posted by RockMyAmadeus

  1. I have no civil civic duty (legal, moral or otherwise) to report anyone for sending me a comic I ordered which happened to not have been released by Diamond, but thanks for the suggestion. I'm an attorney. I'm not the comic police. Spiderman had no civil civic duty to stop that robber either, and look how that turned out. (thumbs u
  2. What does the second print look like? When i open the cover up it has the roman numeral for 2 on it and Mile high has it listed as the second print. (thumbs u
  3. Not a knock on you, obviously, but I can't believe people are considering a solicitation mag a first appearance. I mean, technically, Previews probably has the first appearances of half of new modern characters. Maybe I should go stockpile whatever issue of previews shows the cover image of NYX #3 or, better yet, Walking Dead #1!! Previews #25896712 - the first appearance of Rick Grimes! Great point! However, I bet there are quite a few people out there who would buy the Previews mag that first solicited WD #1.
  4. I had no idea the market for cones was so robust! Coming from the king of the late responses, I bear this shame with honor.
  5. It's too bad we don't have a functioning quotation system for these boards......
  6. That's what I would do. I'd hang onto that box until they asked where it was or Paypal asked you where it was. Then, drop it in the mail and say "There you go!" I'm not a big fan of the business philosophy that consumers should be so grateful that they get a refund on a shoddy/late purchase they jump at the chance to treat the business better than they have been treated throughout the transaction. Perhaps if consumers made it just a big of a pain in the to get things back as retailers make it for them to get in the first place - we'd start seeing some changes being made. I'd keep the books until someone spoke up about it - just like you had to do. Multiple times. And this isn't a beef against Jay Comics (never done business with them) this is a beef against sellers in general who use "I'm busy" as a crutch for being lazy and inattentive.
  7. Not directed at any particular person. Using Paypal Personal for merchandise is against Paypal policy. If you use it for merchandise, you are stealing from Paypal. If you use it knowingly, you are a thief. Sellers: you are taking a very foolish risk accepting personal for payments, as Paypal will eventually shut you down, and when you might need it, you won't have it. Buyers: you are taking an even more foolish risk, because there's nothing you can do if you're not happy with the transaction. This concept that Paypal is "the bad guy" is...well, it's one of the very big reasons why we have so many problems these days. If you don't like Paypal's policies, don't use them. What they earn, what it costs to run...these things are none of your business unless you're a shareholder.
  8. (emphasis obviously added.) Despite the fact that it has been discussed to death on these boards, despite the fact that Paypal makes it very clear when you actually send money, despite the fact that this board has a stated policy saying sellers cannot ask for personal payments for merchandise, people STILL insist on doing it. And PLEASE don't try to play word games and say "well, the seller can't ask, but the buyer can offer!" If you do...you're just ASKING for someone to rip you off. And what buyers trying to "help" sellers don't understand is that sending personal for merchandise makes a seller risk his/her ability to receive personal payments for what they are actually FOR. I CANNOT tell you how many times I've wanted to send CAWs and other "official witness like types" money for this or that sig opportunity, only to find out that they FOOLISHLY took personal payments for merchandise, and LOST the ability....and now I can't send them money for signing fees, CGC grading fees, and all sorts of stuff which ISN'T FOR THEM, without them paying fees. Then they don't WANT to pay fees (and rightly so), and so *I* have to either cover the fees, or send them the money some other more inconvenient way. All of which could have been avoided had they just lived by the damn rules in the first place. And buyers who send personal....? Do you just not understand that it's the same thing as sending CASH? Would you send CASH to a total stranger? But yet you have the audacity to complain about it when a seller walks off, or looks like they might walk off, with your money....? You have NO recourse whatsoever if you send personal payment for merchandise, and the seller just walks off with your money. NONE. And you will be laughed at by Paypal, when they say "excuse me...but why did you send a PERSONAL payment for merchandise to someone you don't know?" I'm sure you're a nice guy, Kong...but this is a lesson you needed to learn, and maybe this will prevent you from making an even worse mistake like this in the future, and perhaps keep other members from making the same mistake. You should be grateful that it wasn't worse. A grown person, with knowledge of how the internet works, sending the equivalent of CASH to someone you don't know, despite all sorts of measures to prevent just such a thing from happening? And you're offended enough to call someone a "jack hole" because they posted an ANONYMOUS not aimed directly at you ...? You should be offended at yourself and your own foolishness instead (and it looks like you are. Kudos!) Finally...Paypal provides a SERVICE. They have a LEGAL RIGHT to charge for that service. Just because there is a "way around" paying for that service does NOT mean that, in full contravention of their terms, it's ok to STEAL from them by not paying the fee they charge for that service. If you don't like Paypal's fees: DON'T USE THEIR SERVICE. Please...explain to me why we have a "Probation List" to go after "naughty boardies", but COMPLETELY turn a blind eye to ACTUAL THEFT from Paypal? Right. Paypal's a big, horrid corporation, their fees aren't "fair", and they "deserve" whatever people can get away with. Hypocrisy at it's FINEST. ----> "I guess it's just money moving if the CAW isn't charging you anything over and above what could be considered "moving money" for their out of pocket costs" <----- (thumbs u (thumbs u (thumbs u (thumbs u Is this not using Paypal to pay Stan Lee ? http://money.howstuffworks.com/personal-finance/banking/bank.htm
  9. Thus, the quoted example does not qualify. =