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Everything posted by selegue

  1. That is so Crime Suspenstories! Of course to be really pre-code his half dissolved remains would have to have hounded her to an equally grisly death - preferably while other family members looked on. The EC twist would have been for the acid-eaten zombie husband to dissolve the wife in lye so that the Old Witch could make a closing comment about neutralizing or passing a litmus test. Jack another reason to be wary of biochemists!
  2. à propos Let's go for a Weird Eyeball trifecta! Jack
  3. Thanks BZ, There is lots of good information there. I noticed there was nothing listed in the GCD but they did have pictures of the covers for all four issues. .... That's because no one with a copy of any of the books has indexed them! I seem to have misplaced my set -- I don't suppose anyone around here owns any? If I remember right, I uploaded the GCD covers from these very boards. If anyone has a full issue photographed legibly or scanned, I'd take a shot at indexing them with credit to the owner. It would be great to get these historical books into the GCD! Jack
  4. Sensation Comics # 108 Oh, that ol' rag! Is that the (Gerber) scarcest of your month books? Jack
  5. Of course she does. Whattya think that is above her head! and tough-skinned. Jack
  6. There is no "can" -- there is only "must". Everybody's wild about them here! Hooray for Nutsy Squirrel! Very nice! What's the Last DC? Jack
  7. Short Bus or first-class section? Real Screen Comics 2 Sum-45 Very early Fox and Crow, Flippity and Flop, etc. Very cool funny animal book (with a few problems). I'll try to scan a few pages tomorrow -- some nice artwork in there. Jack
  8. Early DC celebrity books -- tough stuff! How much Toth artwork is in the book? Jack
  9. Here's an uncommon one! Real Screen Comics 2 Sum-45 Very early Fox and Crow, Flippity and Flop, etc. Very cool funny animal book. Too bad about the structural problems. If this were a money book, it would probably benefit from restoration. Jack
  10. I like it! I just put a later issue on the Short Bus yesterday. Jack
  11. And I'll give this one a (thumbs u as well. These Fox'ers got pretty junky in 1941 and early '42, but I still can't get enough of them. What are the backup stories? Anything fun? It's all the Big 3. When you have headliners like Samson and the Flame, who needs backups? Jack
  12. Yeah, rub it in, why don't ya? Both books are missing the Plastic Man stories -- but those have already been reprinted in Plastic Man Archives vol 1. I really should buy that volume. (Wouldn't it be funny if these are the books that were sacrificed to prepare the Archives? Does anyone know whether Greg Theakston bleached actual pages for PM Archive 1?) On the other hand, how long before we see The Flame or Mouthpiece Archive Editions? Don't hold your breath. Jack
  13. Last two for today. Police Comics 6 from Jan-42. Looks pretty nice, doesn't it? Unfortunately someone neatly trimmed out the Plastic Man story, taking the last page of Chic Carter with it. I think that Sharon made paper dolls out of them. Police Comics 8 from Mar-42. Again missing Plastic Man, along with the last page of Manhunter and first page of Mouthpiece. A little rougher than #6, but a great way to read some of the secondary features that will never see the light of reprints. Jack
  14. Have a Cigar or Short Bus books? More from skypinkblu's massive inventory! Big 3 #4, Jul-41 from Fox. This is my first look at Samson and The Flame. Even a Kooba Cola ad inside the front cover! Looks better than its technical grade because of a missing centerfold. Jack
  15. I was glad to find an affordable copy of Sgt. Rock's Prize Battle Tales 1 from Winter 1964. Definitely a reader with creases, wrinkles, spine split, etc. Lots of classic reprints. Jack
  16. Not many Ajax/Farrell war books on this thread. The Fighting Man 4 from Feb-53. It's a beater, but interesting to see what the minor publishers were up to pre-code. I don't have any idea about credits, but the interior artwork is pretty crude. Jack
  17. A few war books from the skypinkblu pedigree. All-American Men of War 37, Sep-56. I like this one a lot -- classic DC "giant hand attaching explosive to the bottom of German tank" cover by Grandenetti. Is this one of the first examples? Unfortunately, Sharon decided that there weren't enough swastikas on the cover and took matters into her own hands with a ballpoint pen. Otherwise an attractive reader copy. Jack
  18. Finally, we let Sister Bertrille on the Short Bus. Who better to keep order by whacking the bad kids across the knuckles with a steel-edged ruler? The Flying Nun 1, Feb-68 from Dell. Sally Field photo cover (be still, my heart!) from one of the cheeziest TV shows of the 1960s. Fairly ugly interior art by Henry Scarpelli (signed) as he tries to duplicate the look of the characters. Some of the stories are nearly incomprehensible too -- maybe you had to see the TV episode for them to make sense. Jack
  19. Fun page. I like zee bulldog (?) wiz Frainsh accent! Is the next page a Paratrooper essential? I have Buster Bunny 12 -- indexed it for GCD in fact. When I'm digging for certain other books (you well know) I'll keep an eye out for it. I don't know whether it would fit in your budget though! Jack
  20. Giggle Comics 89, Jun-53. ACG funny animals are really the backwaters, aren't they? I like 'em anyway. Probably a Dan Gordon cover. Possibly Lynn Karp, Bob Wickersham (Spencer Spook), Ken Hultgren (The Duke and the Dope) inside. Sharp funny animal book -- there are even some humans in the stories! Jack
  21. (CBS Television presents) Adventures of Mighty Mouse 138, May-58 from Pines. I like the very clean Mighty Mouse drawing style. He got passed from one publisher to another so often that it's hard to find much information. Who's Who suggests maybe Lawrence Silverman or Carlo Vinci here. Anyone know? Jack
  22. Buzzy 24, Apr-49. This one is almost too cool for the Short Bus. Probably written by Paul Newman and drawn by Graham Place. Does anyone know enough about the series to disagree? Jack
  23. As promised, a few Short Bus candidates from the skypinkblu pedigree. Buster Bunny 15, Jul-53 from Standard. Classic racist cover on a funny animal book! Sorry, no artist information. Jerry Bails' Who's Who lists only Al Fago (doesn't look like his work to me) and Kin Platt (no idea). Does anyone have a clue? Jack
  24. Gorgeous copy! It's also a Roy Lichtenstein source book. I think that the painting is called Takka Takka -- a blown up panel with that sound effect. Does anyone have a scan of the actual panel? Takka Takka Jack