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Everything posted by comicginger1789

  1. I feel like 9.8 and 9.9 books for new releases are not and SHOULD not demand a premium because the community as a whole is so much more aware of the grade bump 9.8-9.9 can give now compared to 5 or 10 years ago. With more and more people slabbing their books (I am this close to doing it myself once I find a dealer), I think you will get to a point where everyone could have a pristine new book. Supply will outweigh demand and the percentage increase that a 9.8 or 9.9 typically would have gotten will drop drastically in say the next 5-10 years.
  2. 4.0-4.5 but a darn nice one Lemme guess. Purchased years ago when they were decently affordable and no one cared about LB Cole...sigh to have been born a decade or so earlier.
  3. You are right, the artist rubbing against the fresh ink is something that you run the risk of when getting a signature. Also, the pen could explode ink all over. Freak accident but could happen and who is at fault? Clearly BIC permanent markers. Sue them!
  4. Jim told me he was initially dissatisfied but then his video he seemed extremely happy! I feel like I am losing a handle on who my customer actually is...is it comic masochists? People looking for content for their videos? People who actually appreciate drek in all its shapes and forms? I may need to cancel round two of my mystery boxes. I hope the one guy who bought one isn't pleased when he gets his refund....
  5. Hmm you seem like you are going to want medical benefits. I can’t offer that. I’m going to rescind my offer and have to find another potential employee, sorry.
  6. Can I hire you on as a consultant for an app I want to create? It is kind of the opposite of all the others (again, an area left untapped) and would only focus on providing as much info as possible on the drekkiest of drek. I can't pay you but you can happoly have your choice of drek before it gets put into boxes. That way, even the best drek will be gone thus improving the boxes overall lack of quality. Maybe then Ken would become a customer.
  7. Your feedback is much appreciated. The Drek Analysis Theory About Selecting Stuff (DATASS for short) took time to develop. Maybe I should allow other to tap into DATASS and add their own suggestions. Allowing as many people to look at DATASS would be helpful.
  8. Actually my restocking fee is higher because my 2 year old son is now in charge of that. He is very smart but often times get distracted mid-restock (a stuffed animal needs playing with, he's hungry...you know). So I end up having to pay him 2 days worth of wage, which works out to $100. That would be the restocking fee. I really hope you don't plan on returning. It is more work for me and more dissatisfaction for you which you would think I would want but I can only give so much.
  9. Also, for those wondering what my "angle" is here, it is just for laughs. I love mystery boxes. But I think there are aspects of them/unboxing videos that are humorous and the failed comedian in me wanted to have some fun. Maybe Jim will do some future unboxings and become a Youtube speculator with some really REALLY deep takes on what the next hot books could be.
  10. But my buyers are totally aware! I mean, I have one guy who agreed that what I said was what he got, another who had TP in an emergency and a third person who provided words of support for the terribleness of our box. I mean, the dissatisfaction is something I really don't want to lose.
  11. Okay, so I recognize my mystery boxes may be lacking. Yes, I am provided around 10-12 comics and even a sticker you can personalize, I could still offer more. So I am here to announce our first ever art prints! Support young artist Samantha, who is 8 years old! Right now she wants to be an artist (yesterday it was a firefighter and the day before that, a ballerina) but I am as sure as she is that this will be her calling. Imagine in 15-20 years when she is some hotshot at Marvel/DC and YOU have one of her original first ever drawn superheroes! Now, I know what you are thinking...."you promised trash and drek that would forever be!" And I will stand by that in terms of the comics. But I think the art prints are something that go well. Plus the calculated risk is still there that young Samantha takes another career path, so I do feel safe that the drek quality will persist for all of time. Anyways, enough of the nitty gritty. Here is this month's print! I think it is Spider-Woman...maybe Spider-Man...heck it could be Dobby dressed as Spider-Man and you KNOW it is only a matter of time before Disney owns Harry Potter, thus a Harry Potter/Marvel crossover and man, this could really be something when that all happens!
  12. I'm here to eliminate the thrill. I get that other mystery boxes provide that. Mine are targeted toward the feeling of being let down, which many experience. If they are willing to gamble and experience this feeling, I figure some will pay outright for it. $225 in sales and counting! Get your orders in now, STILL 99 BOXES LEFT!
  13. Better photos are needed before I agree that there is a smudge. As for making it unsellable, that book has AT MAX a $40-50 value. Don't complain here. Contact CGC, tell them, show them proof and ask for your money back. Or, ask them to grade and sign another book you have. They are generally quite good at customer service.
  14. Finally! Here is Jim opening his Heck Drek Inc mystery box! Hoping this creates interest and the transparency for any future buyers. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TcPfLxF48So&t=47s
  15. I mean there is a chance one of those random books today becomes of value in the future. Not enough research has been done. Last thing I want is a customer getting a book that in five years has an optioned movie and can be flipped on eBay for $100 if done so within a four week period from the announcement dropping on some website. Im not willing to sacrifice my brand for that im sorry.
  16. I’m sure it happens. But with my boxes you know it won’t happen. Yet the allure is still there.....maybe he’s crazy enough to slip in an ASM 300. Maybe. I won’t. But maybe. Im just trying to corner this side of the market. Those I provide the same experience that a lot of mystery box buyers get and I ONLY sell that experience. I’m hopeful to become a leader in this area and to see a lot of growth especially with holiday season approaching. Also I hope Jim uploads his video soon to really give everyone a sense of what I have to offer the comic community.
  17. So I know there are skeptics within the community. I get that. I managed to talk to a Jim who bought a box during round one and he agreed to do a video highlighting his box! Hopefully he posts it soon and I will the share video here to once again be as transparent as possible.
  18. Rather than crush my business perhaps I could offer you a partial stake as a partner? I’d be willing to give you a royalty of $5 per box sold provided you agree not to sell your drek in boxes of your own at a lower rate than mine.
  19. This is also what I was afraid of. Some new person or company coming along and being able to offer even more drekful boxes than I. I admit I rushed to market to beat competitors but there are clearly some big players with drek and the means to pawn it off on people. I hope this venture can last but I worry about the future of Heck Drek Inc.
  20. I was afraid of this. Then I will be no better than other mystery boxes that have the allure of greatness. My organizing algorithm should still stand, what with the passable readability of some issues outweighing the pure unreadable content of some thus still resulting in a net feeling of being let down. However the possibility does exist for someone to get a bunch of passable reads, thus not being entirely disappointed. I may have to rethink the next round of boxes....
  21. Thank you With permission I would like to use your statement as yet another testimonial. I know you didn’t buy a box yet but your kind words are supportive and should be shared with future buyers.