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Everything posted by comicginger1789

  1. Makes sense. Obviously, some of these books existing in high enough grade to even come close to even 500K is the hard part. But so as to not discourage hope, I am a firm believer that all books exist somewhere at all times undiscovered.
  2. Or even what book has come closest as far as a non superhero book. I assume it would be a Golden Age book of some kind but perhaps there is even something much newer that has approached this mark or exceeded it that I am unaware of.
  3. Are superhero books the only ones capable of the million dollar club? Is there another book (say horror, western, etc) that if ever found in high enough grade could possibly hit that mark? Or is that extremely unlikely? Something like a Suspense Comics #3 or something even rarer....
  4. Suppose the crack was not there....would you buy it? Would you buy it with that tanning and writing and no crack? Personally, that is a poor presenting 8.0. Has a lot of tanning and to me, seems more likely a 7.0 but that is my standards. The writing I actually like and while it might keep a book from 9.4-9.8, if it was the only flaw, I would not mind. The tanning is the problem for me and it seems a generous 8.0. I would not pay as much as other nicer 8.0s.
  5. Yeah I agree with a couple hundred bucks. Gotta find the right person but I am sure there are enough out there that would want to buy this. Personally, at $100 I would. At $200-300 I think that would take someone who loves it more (not me). At over $300, I would think it it a bit much but ya never know. A 1.0 copy is a $1500-2000 book, complete. If you want to get technical, you could do some math and break it down to a per page cost, which would be well under $100. Hence why I think $300-500 would be very high even for a page mentioning Gotham.
  6. I'm open to casting suggestions. And a potential cameo in the background.
  7. I'll predict the ending. You: "Hey guy, I noticed you getting gas here and followed you around for a few days. You look like Steve Ditko! Are you?" Guy:; "Um, no you creep my name is Randy Finch." You: "Prove it!" Guy: "Here" (pulls out driver's license). Look" You: (with skepticism) "Hmmm I dunno, you could fake that if you wanted to..." Guy: " Who is Steve Ditko?" You: "He created Spider-Man!" Guy: "The guy with the tights and cape? Man I hate him, what kind of superhero is afraid of a rock" You: (blank stare into the camera) Credits roll as Beck's I'm A Loser plays
  8. I don't think it's that harsh. 7.0-7.5 from me.
  9. I am at a 6.5-7.0 for the outer, mainly because of the tanning to edges. If the interior is that much nicer, expect closer, possibly higher.
  10. What have you tried to remove it? My method is baking soda and dryer sheets. Get an airtight container. Place 3-4 dryer sheets in the interior pages (dont worry the sheet will not harm the paper). Then, wrap the comic in tissue paper. Next, surround it with 2-3 cups of baking soda. Leave in container for 2-3 weeks. I find this treatment eliminates most odours nearly 100%. My most recent success was a run of Red Wolf comics that my wife could smell as I was packaging them up for this cleaning. I left them in for 4 weeks partially because I forgot but they are smelling lovely now!
  11. Nice. I was bidding but bowed out if its the same one. I bowed out though. While I think it is a good deal, it was more than I wanted to pay. That and I have no idea what an actual 6.5 would go for if graded....
  12. At worst a 4.5, at best a 5.0. Likely the latter but I don't think it is nice enough to hit 5.5
  13. I am a tad lower because of the tape pull or whatever on the back. 5.0-5.5 at best.
  14. Did you just buy this one? I was watching a copy last week that sold and it was similar.
  15. No tats though... 6.0-6.5 green label. Hopefully you didn't spend more than $60 on it.
  16. This is a completely valid question. I stored some comics (and backing boards) of mine in my basement. Now, my basement is insulated and finished but it is generally cooler and more humid than the rest of the house. I keep a dehumidifier on in the summer months because the humidity level can get as high as 80% as I don't. My dehumidifier keeps it around 55% or so but there have been times in the past 4 years living in my home where I have been away in the summer and the basement has gotten to its maximum humidity for a couple weeks in a row. I have noticed that some backing boards I bought have warped because of this. Like a significant bend to them. As for comics, I have a bunch in said bags and boards and a bunch stacked loose. These are readers, beaters and junk I keep in this particular basement room. The comics in bags and boards were fine, no rippling or moisture noticed. However, a few from the early 90s and a couple modern books gathered up enough moisture to obtain a rippling effect to the bottom pages that was not present before. However with newsprint comics from the early 80s and 70s, nothing really noticeable. Again, these are loose in stacks, either in bags and boards or stacked loose. Compared to my collection, which is also in the basement but are tucked away in bins, away from sun or light and generally enclosed as well as being bagged and boarded. These are in rooms that have, rarely, experience a week or two of higher than normal humidity. My collection isn't so huge that I can't flip through most books in an hour or so (and I have) and these have sustained no visible damage. But again, I make sure the dehumidifier I have is running all summer. My conclusion is that a drastic enough change (from 55% to 80% humidity) over a decent period of time can definitely affect the backing boards in comics and from what I can see, has a greater effect on comics from the early 90s to more modern ones. Temperature fluctuations are one thing but the humidity level is key. That being said, comics are more resilient than you think. In reality, I could probably do away with my dehumidifer and in 80-100 years, the worst you might see is some slight warping on books that SHOULD press out. However, I play it safe, invested in a decent dehumidifier for peace of mind and that seems to work. For half the year (cuz we get good cold winters), temperature is cool and dry and fine.
  17. 3.0 from me. Could be higher but that stain in the corner and small piece missing might keep it from 4.0 potential.
  18. I am a Spidey fan, so these issues are must haves for me (and I have em!) Aside from that, the black suit is just so great looking. Definitely a top 5 Spidey design. Add in the fact that is debuted in a decent story arc and has ties to Venom and the interest in these issues will always be there. For the Venom die hard, you eventually get your 298, 299, 300 and whatever and then look at these, so I cannot see them dropping in value unless the entire hobby experiences some sort of collapse and all books drop. Are they the BEST investment for $500? I don't try to predict the future. I go with the now and my philosophy is "pay less than what its worth now and you will be fine down the road".
  19. 7.0-7.5. A press might help ensure a 7.5 but an 8.0 or higher seems a stretch with the amount of colour breaking spine stress marks.