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Everything posted by AJLewandoski

  1. I'm on the fence on the suit it definitely stands out amongst the rest of the MCU, and I'm sure it'll grow on me once I see it finished. The D+ shows are way more adventurous in the costuming department. I think it could be equally likely if they go the D.I.D. route the different personalities see Moon Knight in different ways. So one may see Mr. Knight, another may see a more heroic classic MCU costume. Between Lockley, Grant, and Spector they could each experience their own reality
  2. This thread just turned old enough to buy cigarettes and vote, it might have been better left unbumped
  3. I'm getting impatient my power has been out since Wednesday so I haven't been able to watch yet
  4. I mean people will spec any character these days. If one out of 10 hits they're probably still making a profit on obscure characters like this. I dont think Dr Druid has immediate potential, but with the number of magic users increasing in the movies who knows? Brother Voodoo was a joke for a loooooooong time. I got more than a handful of Strange Tales #169 for $20, less than 5 years ago, but now he's hot and I couldn't buy those books for $200 now.
  5. Allegedly she may show up as Captain Carter in Multiverse of Madness. There was an odd casting for MoM too that had to do with Gargantus I think? Who happens to be an octopus like creature generally tied to Namor.
  6. Finally covered all my bases on all the best Ghost Riders with this one. SUUUUUUUUPER bad staple placement though the top staple is parallel with the title logo
  7. Found these at Meijer today as well and decided to get a pack. I think I struck it pretty good Black Cat annual #1, Excalibur #18, and the Spider Man #55 2nd print variant. For $10 I can't complain
  8. Tony Leung is playing Wenwu, Shang Chi's father. The character is an amalgam of Fu Manchu and the Mandarin, but altered to not be a racist stereotype. He will be leading the terrorist organization known as the Ten Rings and also possess the mystical artifacts of the same name, hope that clears things up. (Ben Kingsley will also be back as the fake Mandarin from Iron Man 3)
  9. Kim's convenience isn't a Netflix original though, as they might claim, it's from CBC. Netflix secures international licensing then tacks their name on things. They do it with shows from basically every foreign market, when in reality they had nothing to do with these shows. As a Michigander that is a perk of living close to the Candian border I can get CBC on my digital antenna. The Kominsky Method is another victim that hit 3 seasons and was cut off. Netflix is of the belief that most of the time an audience isn't retained past 3 seasons, so outside of their most popular shows they dont commit to much after that. It leads to a lot of disappointing final seasons because the creators are rushed to try and fit everything they had planned and wrap everything up in the 12-ish episodes they're allowed.
  10. Netflix just isn't putting out the quality it used to. They were so reliant on other content creators for so long I don't know if they have it in them to put out the same level of shows now that everyone else has created their own streaming platforms. Of the the things that are wholly produced by Netflix, very few last more than 3 seasons, and with the exception of Sweet Tooth and Castlevania I haven't seen anything on Netflix in the last few years that makes me want to stay subscribed. The bulk of their output right now seems like internationally licensed shows they didn't make, true crime drama that is better served to the schlock channels on cable, and paltry documentaries that couldn't find any other venue to sell to. Their anime output is atrocious for every ten I see 1 may be good and they can't even get full series they only have one or two seasons for the most part. Their original movies have some decent picks if you look at what makes Oscar contention, but other than that they mostly feel like a step above something the Sy Fy channel would put out. Im probably going to unsubscribed this month and I've been a member for over a decade now. The price they're charging for HD quality streaming is entirely disproportionate to the quality of their content right now. HBO Max far outweighs them with quality content for the money in my personal opinion. Between Adult Swim, Cartoon Network, Warner Bros. movies, HBOs shows and the always impressive TCM catalog I can guarantee I'll find something to watch on there before I scroll through the same 5 shows 30 times on Netflix.)
  11. Sorry guys I said KING size not GIANT size seeing as this is a silver thread but as bronze books those are riding the Kang wave too
  12. I think I can count the number of copies available on ebay right now on one hand so clearly it's number has come up. I can only imagine what a high grade copy would be at right now.
  13. I think this will end the bronze spree I've been on but why not go out with a bang?
  14. Avengers #8 lifts up all Kangs. Avengers King Size Special #2 is looking pretty scarce.
  15. I was hoping this would be great given the reviews and trailers and I would say it was alright, but I don't think it deserves the level of praise it received. I wouldn't call it a masterpiece by any stretch a 3/5 rating is probably as high as I'd put it too.
  16. It's kind of a betrayal to comic fans. Obviously she's a relatively new character, but outside of Miles Morales she's basically the biggest hero to come out of Marvels modern comics. It would be tantamount to giving Miles suction cups and a grappling hook.
  17. Well here's our first look at her powers they appear to be purple crystalline energy constructs as was leaked. It appears her powers will work like Armor from X Men.
  18. I think given the fact that they killed off Mar Vell so long ago in the comics they didn't have the depth of stories to pull from. Certainly him vs Thanos is classic but seeing as they killed Thanos off already in the movies they'd kind of be out of material. Mar Vell only appears in 140 comics vs 1200+ appearances for Carol Danvers
  19. Holy Hannah! 8 copies deep and they keep getting better!
  20. The 83s are gorgeous if I didn't already have one you can bet at least one would be gone