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Posts posted by joecgcmaniac

  1. This thread is an example of what is wrong with our country. No one wants to take responsibility for their own actions.


    CGC did not over value your book, you did. If the book came back a PLOD, then CGC didn't miss the restoration, you did or the person you purchased it from did.


    CGC was paid to perform a service in one day, which was to grade your book. That they did. Nowhere have I found a statement that says they will image your book in one day.


    Buck up. Admit your mistakes and talk it out with the customer service department. Apparently you are like 90% of the world. You create your own problems and then want someone else to fix them. Now, take responsibility for it and take steps to correct your problem on your own. Your mother doesn't work here.


    (worship) (worship)

  2. that was what was special about the direct market books. They didn't have to have anything for a UPC box if a) they wanted to present a cover image with nothing to detract from it and b) they just didn't want to use one (shrug) From 1991 on, on most direct market books, they didn't use the spidey head, but rather began celebrating anniversarys of titles; ex. FF 30th for 1991, X-Men 30th for 1993 and so on.


    Really there was no rhyme or reason other than they could


    and as for #58.... why mess up this? :devil:



  3. Is the G.I. Joe 21 with the UPC code the rarer of the issues. Thanks. Similar to Spider-man 1 by McFarland.


    If this has not been answered to general satisfaction, I would like to chime in:


    I think the UPC is the first print.

    The Spidey-face UPC is direct.

    And Black Spidey-face is 2nd and maybe third print.


    Can anyone back this up?


    If it has the Black spidey on upc will it say inside that its second printing?


    And what about the direct edition with upc bar?


    It does state inside that it is a second print.


    There was no direct edition with UPC bar.


    K so I am a bit confused.


    Here is a book that says direct edition with a upc code on it.




    And when you say black spidey do you mean this one or is this the face one?




    Reason I ask is because I have a bunch of these black spidy faces and I looked at the text and there is no mention of second printing in them.





    Btw I am assuming that this is the spidey face normal one.




    They started doing the UPC codes with Direct edition written in the box in the mid 90s. Issue #138 is the beginning of this. Before then, the direct books had either spidey's head, Captain america's head or some other character or artwork.


    That is indeed the Black Spidey head.


    The G.I. Joe #21 direct market first print had the normal Spider-Man Face (White with Black Webbing design). The later prints have The all black Spider-Man Face. Issue #23 is the first issue who's first printing had the all black Spidey face. This ran until around the time spidey went back to his old costume, then the direct editions went back to the normal Spidey face.


    That is indeed the normal spidey face


    here is a scan of a direct first print. Remember, all-black spidey face is second or third direct print.







  4. Is the G.I. Joe 21 with the UPC code the rarer of the issues. Thanks. Similar to Spider-man 1 by McFarland.


    If this has not been answered to general satisfaction, I would like to chime in:


    I think the UPC is the first print.

    The Spidey-face UPC is direct.

    And Black Spidey-face is 2nd and maybe third print.


    Can anyone back this up?


    If it has the Black spidey on upc will it say inside that its second printing?


    And what about the direct edition with upc bar?


    It does state inside that it is a second print.


    There was no direct edition with UPC bar.


    It's hard to tell a real right there offer "no" because you can lose them, people lose interest, get insulted, hate your guts forever because they were denied the prize ...well, you know what I mean;)



    Sharon -


    One other thing I could add is that many of us around here (with darn few exceptions) are ADD when it comes to purchasing comics......., give it five minutes and we are chasing after some other shiny new bauble that has caught our eye, and have forgotten our fleeting interest in that other book....., whatever it was......, I don't remember......, :sorry:




    shiny new bauble :cloud9: :cloud9:

  6. You told me that our weekend in Tahoe made up for that. :mad:


    In all seriousness, the book should have been yours. Yours was an unconditional :takeit: with acceptance from the seller.

    You were distant that whole weekend and I told you what you wanted to hear. :whistle:


    For me it's just books not my livelihood. I don't want to ruin the persons rep like what happened to poor ghastly even though he was in the wrong.





    We want to hear about Tahoe.



    the video is on youtube :sick:

  7. Through bitter experience, I have reached the point where I let :takeit: rule.


    This is what I state in any of my sales threads...


    'As usual :takeit: trumps all. PMs can be sent my way, and I’ll answer them as soon as I can, but until you post that little man in the thread, the books aren’t yours.'


    There are a few reasons for this. One, it makes it very clear who won what and there is no room for argument. Early days and I had a couple of sales that had to be thrashed out as to who won what. It wasn't pleasant and there is bound to be an aggrieved party. :(


    Two, I simply don't have the time to exchange numerous PMs with a couple of parties, explaining why I've sold it to one boarder and not another.


    Three, I've been led down the garden path on countless occasions with boarders sending offers, asking questions, double-checking shipping, requesting additional scans. They have every right to do so, and I will answer their queries. (thumbs u However, given the number who thank me for my time, but decide against the purchase, and the number who never even have the courtesy to tell me they are no longer interested, I'm ed if I'm going to take the book(s) off market until they've reached a decision.


    If you're interested in some stuff, and you tell me you are, but you want to see scans, work a discount...fine. I'll work with you. But please don't get upset if someone else is willing to buy 'as is' and posts the :takeit:


    Quite frankly, having a very black and white rule in place is about the only way I could handle it. :insane:


    Excellent. I would have used a few more swear words, though. angry-smiley-8020.gif


    It's the new, kinder, gentler FT...you :censored: :censored: :censored:


    :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored:

  8. I'm of the one new thread a day limit opinion, plus maintaining the "available in the Forum Only" guideline as well. I think that would help stem a massive amount of threads to weed through.


    Possible fine tuning on the "one new thread a day" scenario would be restricting additions to existing threads at one per day(adding items to just one existing thread instead of however many that someone has in the forum) as well so multiple threads aren't bumped to the top with new items, just one.





    Yup. That's getting my vote.


    Post one new thread a day.


    Or add to one thread a day.


    The beauty of this is that you then can break your sales items down into as many threads as you think appropriate, given their nature, but you can't pimp more than one at a time. (thumbs u


    unless somebody bumps the various threads :makepoint: then we still end up with one person owning the front page :tonofbricks:

  9. OK, I have to leave, HOWEVER as per Arch's wonderful memo, I'm taking this to the discussion board...


    How many threads per day is too many...?


    More than two in my opinion.


    And just to be clear, I politely mentioned Dale's three threads in one day and why it might not be a good idea. He has decided to be pretty bullheaded about the matter...very similiar to what happened in his other pulled sales thread.




    Oh, there's a surprise. meh


    Tell you what...I'm going to start a new thread every time I have more than twenty books to sell. I'll have the whole front page all to myself, 24/7.


    Or I could decide to be reasonable and fair to everyone else and just keep using the same thread until it reaches...oh, let's say 270 pages. meh


    270 pages of drek :cloud9: :cloud9:


    That's the point...it's not all been drek. I've posted a Batman #84 in there, Neal Adams X-Men, FF from about #20 through to #200...and just about anything inbetween.


    Ah, what's the ing point...be on the look-out for as many threads as I feel like starting on any given evening. (thumbs u


    (worship) (worship) (worship) (worship)

  10. OK, I have to leave, HOWEVER as per Arch's wonderful memo, I'm taking this to the discussion board...


    How many threads per day is too many...?


    More than two in my opinion.


    And just to be clear, I politely mentioned Dale's three threads in one day and why it might not be a good idea. He has decided to be pretty bullheaded about the matter...very similiar to what happened in his other pulled sales thread.




    Oh, there's a surprise. meh


    Tell you what...I'm going to start a new thread every time I have more than twenty books to sell. I'll have the whole front page all to myself, 24/7.


    Or I could decide to be reasonable and fair to everyone else and just keep using the same thread until it reaches...oh, let's say 270 pages. meh


    270 pages of drek :cloud9: :cloud9: