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Posts posted by KEY ISSUES Comics

  1. Piggy backing on the ebay auction of the real thing.


    No, this book has been selling in the $30-50 range for a quite some time. I've sold a couple last year for $40+

    Kind of crazy actually. I remember about 8-10 years ago I helped a dealer set-up at one of the NYC cons and the promoters had stacks of these on the swag table to be given away. I took a pile, and still there were stacks remaining...

  2. [font:Book Antiqua]

    Why people still don't use Pre-screen Service is a mystery to me...[/font]



    Well, in my case it's simple math for modern books.


    1) Of my previously 100+ submitted moderns, at least 85% came back above my expected grade (I was very confident in my grading skills, but no longer, unless it's my packaging skills that have eroded and led to in transit damage...);


    2) I'm in Canada. It costs an arm and a leg to ship books to and from CGC. Paying an additional X$ USD for the pre-screen if too many of them don't make the cut is cost-prohibitive for the type of books I usually send in; and


    3) I've never accumulated enough books to make the cut. My friend submitted a few with me, but we couldn't wait any longer, because he needed his back in time for a convention (he's a dealer).

  3. Wow.


    I just got the results of my latest, and first in years, submission, and the results are horrible... All, but 2, which were my lowest grade books, came back lower than expected... One of 2 things has happened. Either I poorly packaged the books or CGC's standards have changed the last 2 years. Or perhaps both.


    My modern submissions used to come back 0.2-0.5 higher on average per book, and now they're 0.2-1.0 lower on average than expected...


    I'm shocked because I expected my first 9.9s in this submission. Instead, 75% of the 30+ books are coming back 9.6 or lower, instead of 75% of them being 9.8 or higher. Heck, a dealer friend thought most of them were the nicest copies he'd ever seen of these issues... :P


    The books I submitted cost as much to grade them as they are now "worth". 9.6s for these puppies barely covers the cost. :tonofbricks:


    My last few comic book decisions have been financial disasters. I'm going to stick to investing in the "blue chip" books like AF#15 and the like. No more banking on high grade moderns.


    Has anyone else experienced a similar shock after a long hiatus from submitting books? I'm really eager to see them in person so I can look for any damage that might have occurred in transit on the way there.


    SIDE NOTE: I've got little run of ASMs in the #285-375 range (mostly McFarlanes and Carnage issues) graded 9.4-9.8 that I don't want if anyone is interested. PM me for details. I'm only going to keep the #300 and a couple of others.

  4. Definitely a movie for comic fanboys, not for general movie fans. I was the one person laughing or cheering during my screening. It's obvious that the references, nuances, and meaning of many scenes are lost on the casual viewer.


    I have to disagree, I spoke to a guy I work with who saw it last night with his daugther, both are not comic book readers or fanboys, they are general movie goers who both loved the movie and would see it again.

    And what kind of movies do they like? Action and explosions I'm guessing.


    I should have been more specific when stating "general movie goers". I'm not talking about kids. I don't know how old she is, but a kid doesn't need much to be entertained. And sadly, neither do adults these days. These types of movies are common denominator turn your brain off distractions. I can enjoy mindless drivel, but I sure as heck won't praise it as the best thing since sliced bread. I will tear it apart! It's part of the pleasure I derive from it. I just don't understand why studios are unwilling or unable to write tighter scripts. But I guess "general movie goers" just want eye candy.


    I'm a big snob when it comes to movies. Does it show? ;)


    I just don't see what people think was so wonderful about this movie.


    To each their own. :foryou:


    I am however really looking forward to GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY. It appears to be a simple and honest fun-filled ride. :wishluck:

  5. So after watching the new X-Men movie I came away with these thoughts..


    1) The Sentinels looked good at the time when they were first created in the movie, but the future one looked too much like and also displayed powers to the The Destroyer in the Thor Movie. (with the opening of the face) Is this the same director in the Thor movies or something? :eek:



    4) Why did they have to make Colossus look like T-1000.



    This person is at a show, but I think his look is more accurate to the comic book and still could be used for the "new generation" appeal.



    5) Kitty Pryde can send people to the past?



    #1 I agree 100%. I though the same thing while watching the movie. In fact, the sentinels looked more like the DESTROYER than the DESTROYER looked like the DESTROYER in the THOR movie (I'm exaggerating, but you get my drift...). There was NO need for the Sentinels face plate to open up. They could clearly project energy from their hands, etc... Another "just because" it's cool moment.


    #4 I always though the original COLOSSUS look in the comics was perfect. I don't mind his movie look, but he and iceman looked alike! Kind of. Just a bit.


    #5 I raised that same point above. Made zero sense to me and set a bad tone for the entire movie.


    I'd rate it about 5/10. Great effects. Fun fanboy moments. Entertaining most of the time. Poor -script. Difficult to follow if not a fanboy. Little character development. Minimal acting/dialogue by many of the characters. Lack of logic and exposition.


    I would not view again.


    The only X-MEN movie I enjoyed was FIRST CLASS, as long as I pretend SEBASTIAN SHAW was not played by KEVIN BACON and did not possess BISHOP's powers.

  6. I just saw it last night. Not impressed.


    Some fun fanboy/geek moments, but overall it wasn't a very good movie. The highlight was QUICKSILVER, especially that one slow-mo scene.


    I loved FASSBENDER as MAGNETO in FIRST CLASS, but he didn't have the same depth and onscreen presence this time. I actually didn't give a damn about any of the characters - I felt nothing emotionally watching this movie. And many of them did nothing but strike a pose and/or fight. And HALLE BERRY? Good grief. Does her contract forbid her from speaking in these X-movies???


    It also wasn't very easy to follow if you're not familiar with the source material. My date had seen the movies, but it wasn't enough to follow without footnotes in the form of me explaining things.


    And 2 things really ruined it for me. I'm all for the suspension of disbelief, but it has its limits:


    1) The whole mise en scene of the premise relies upon someone being sent back in time. I don't understand how KITTY can do that. Was it even it explained or alluded to in the movie? Did I miss something? If not, that's some deus ex machina in the -script. I call it the "just because" effect.


    2) I liked how MAGNETO laced the Sentinels with metal so he could control them. But, this should do nothing more than allow him to manipulate them physically. Perhaps even turn them on, but he manages to activate them, somehow control the programming, and even see through their eyes. How else could he control them from about 50km away and then have them act as sentinels to guard an area he had no line of sight to? More "just because". And also having the bullet track MYSTIQUE makes no sense to me. Seems like he's telepathic or something. Or did he lock into the signature of the iron in her blood? If so, he should have been able to escape his prison much like MCKELLAN did. Whatever. And why in Lord's name would the government even keep such a dangerous enemy of the state alive?


    The movie lost it's credibility because of the above.


    Definitely a movie for comic fanboys, not for general movie fans. I was the one person laughing or cheering during my screening. It's obvious that the references, nuances, and meaning of many scenes are lost on the casual viewer.

  7. I just read issue #2. This book is absolutely fantastic. That makes 2 for 2 and I'll be coming back for the foreseeable future. I actually give a damn what happens to and with Earl. He is a throwback to a different time and though it is not completely original, it is done as well as this type of book can be done. I love, love, love this story and I can't wait to read #3. Earl reminds me of my dad, my granddads, and all of those old truly tough guys. They used to not be so rare. These guys are nailing it. :applause:

    Well put. I haven't read #2 yet, but I thought #1 was predictable and terribly original, but it was wonderfully executed and engrossing.

  8. Just saw it!


    My review...



    From the very start, I was entertained. The way Blink, Bishop, Iceman, Colossus, Warpath, Kitty, and Storm fought as a team quickly reminded me of the kind of X-Men teamwork from the early UXM comics. The story was so well done, and makes the original DOFP story look incredibly underdeveloped. The movie was capable of bouncing back and forth from past to future seamlessly (which can be hard to do with time travel films). Every character had their moment to shine, and Quicksilver was ridiculously likeable! What I possibly loved most was that it tied EVERYTHING together, and cleverly cleaned up the mess that the Last Stand left behind. Overall, the film is all about superior story telling (probably the best story ever told in a superhero movie). My only complaint is that I wish there was just a little more action, and that Quicksilver had more screen time. Aside from that, this is easily one of the better X films, and I will definitely be buying it on bluray!



    My List...


    1. X2

    2. DOFP

    3. First Class

    4. X1

    5. The Wolverine

    6. Origins

    7. Last Stand :facepalm:

    I actually watched the second half of LAST STAND in FAST FORWARD. It was THAT BAD.

  9. I might be in the minority, but I didn't like the film at all.


    Actually wasn't a fan of any of the movies in the series, but did (for the most part) enjoy both First Class and the last Wolverine movie.


    (I did love that Claremont made a cameo in it, Len Wein too, but I've never seen what he looks like to have caught that).


    (I just saw Spider-Man 2 on Monday too, which was completely atrocious).


    I told my friend in the theater that the end scene should have been something for Spider-Man since they had something for them in his movie.


    Either way, Marvel - I want my $20 from this week.

    I don't think MARVEL is involved with either movie.


    Regardless, neither was worth the money or time I spent.

    That's fair, but don't blame MARVEL for those! We give MARVEL enough flack as it is, but let's only discredit them where it's due! :insane:

  10. I might be in the minority, but I didn't like the film at all.


    Actually wasn't a fan of any of the movies in the series, but did (for the most part) enjoy both First Class and the last Wolverine movie.


    (I did love that Claremont made a cameo in it, Len Wein too, but I've never seen what he looks like to have caught that).


    (I just saw Spider-Man 2 on Monday too, which was completely atrocious).


    I told my friend in the theater that the end scene should have been something for Spider-Man since they had something for them in his movie.


    Either way, Marvel - I want my $20 from this week.

    I don't think MARVEL is involved with either movie.

  11. And we are talking about what, less than 100 people in the world who dress up as one of these characters. Trust me, they don't impact the back issue market... But pumping the book on these boards does seem to have an impact on the prices.


    I think you're vastly underestimating the number of cosplayers, especially women and the characters they portray. With that said though I do agree that I don't think they have a heavy impact on the backissue prices.

    I agree. Heck, I only attend the Montreal and Ottawa cons and I've already seen more than 50 different DEADPOOLs and HARLEY QUINNs during just 1 season...

  12. Wow. Still sooooo long? Am I safe to assume that a regular modern submission should take up to 4 months from A-Z?


    Id say under 2 months.

    Wonderful. That's better.


    I think my previous submission took 4+ months about 2 years ago.

  13. This is a complete shock to me...honestly. I never realized people felt this way about Rob Liefeld's art.


    In his defense, his art was very distinct and it stood out from the rest. He didn't copy anybody else's style. Liefeld was unique...one of a kind.


    NM 98, NM 100, and X-Force 1 are some of the best covers.

    Do some searching in the forum archives and you'll find plenty of Liefeld-bashing!

  14. Nothing. I never liked him or any of the first generation IMAGE artists. Not even McFarlane or Lee. They just don't do it for me.


    Many of those guys were plain clueless. All they could do is draw geometric shapes resembling asymmetrical human anatomy without any ability or even concept of what layout or even background is. Look behind the characters drawn by many of those Image artists and all you'll see is almost blank backgrounds or random geometric shapes with a myriad of colour. That's NOT a background. That's laziness and/or an inability to properly draw a scene.



  15. Wow - amazing!!!!!!!! But, it's SyFy. Not so amazing...


    I LOVED the concept of PAX ROMANA, but I felt the series itself was disappointing, but that's because the epic scope of the premise was choked by the limited page count. A well-done TV series could do it justice, as could a novel...

  16. Found 2 Preacher 51's at the comic store for cover price, both are 9.8 candidates. That comic store has been a goldmine, found multiple copies of Sandman 1's, 8's, Preacher 1, Batman 1, Misc Batman 52's under #12 with variant covers, ASM 361, Other New 52's 1's. ect..I said where did you get all these? He had the entire run of New 52's since they came out!! "Oh, I had them in the back and never put them out in the boxes till now" Owner is super lazy.


    'lazy' is being way too kind.

    No kidding. Can anyone say "going out of business soon"?